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| 月考试卷
| 浙江
1. The other night, I had to go to a meeting, which lasted past my daughter’s bedtime. I          home and was brushing my teeth when I          , and there on the bathroom mirror was a note in the       of a heart. It said, “Hi, Mom! I Love You. Laurel.” Immediately, I cut a heart out of a piece of paper, and taped a         next to hers, saying, “I Love You, too, Laurel. Love, Mom,” which she read the next morning.
Our family has              that by integrating (交互式的) writing into our         activities, we become more thoughtful of each other. Meanwhile, our daughter is learning to enjoy writing and becoming a(n)         writer.
While teaching in a primary school, I             how influential parents can be as children learn to write.             when our daughter first began to scribble (涂鸦), I became            by her work.I offered praise for her efforts, for I found that scribbling is far more complex and important than I had realized. It was obvious that her scribbles,           being lovely art objects, showed a lot about her        of the world of writing.
Gradually, our family began writing a great deal. I sensed that writing helped Laurel learn                to read. As a matter of fact, by observing my own child and her friends and by reading professional books, I became more and more        about how writing develops and how        can help children become eager writers.
A.turned upB.turned downC.looked upD.looked on
A.apart fromB.because ofC.instead ofD.rather than
1. I made a pledge (誓言) to myself on the way down to the vacation seaside cottage(别墅). For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.
The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical(圣经的)passage about husbands being thoughtful of their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.
And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.”
“Oh, Tom, you noticed.” she said, surprised and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled.
After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk along the seaside. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked along the seaside while the children flew their kites.
So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that's how the whole vacation passed. I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love.
There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our seaside cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.
“What’s the matter?” I asked her.
“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with sadness, “do you know something I don’t?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…that checkup(体检)I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me?Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?”
It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing.
“No, honey,” I said, hugging her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”
【小题1】 In the first paragraph, “No ifs, ands or buts” probably means “_________.”
A.unconditionallyB.by chance
C.unfortunatelyD.in advance
【小题2】 During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because __________.
A.she looked lovely in her new clothes
B.he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm
C.he was determined to be a good husband
D.she was seriously ill
【小题3】 The author says, “There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.” What was the one thing that went wrong?
A.He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.
B.She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated.
C.He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her.
D.He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying.
【小题4】 By saying “I’m just starting to live,” Tom means that __________.
A.he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life.
B.he is just beginning to enjoy life as a loving husband.
C.he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change.
D.he is beginning to feel regret for what he did to his wife before
2. The meaning of the word “volunteer” may be a little different in different countries, but it usually means “one who offers his or her services”.Volunteers don’t expect any kind of pay.
Tracy, a good friend of mine, however, recently came back from India with a new idea of what being a volunteer means.She worked for two and a half weeks in one of Mother Teresa’s homes in Calcutta.The following is her story.
“I watched a video(视频) about her.I was so moved by her spirit to help others and her endless love for every human being that, after I graduated from a high school, I wanted to try her kind of work.So with two friends I flew to Calcutta for a few weeks.”
“I was asked to work in a home for sick people.I helped wash clothes and sheets, and passed our lunch.I also fed the people who were too weak to feed themselves and tried to cheer them up.I felt it was better to share with them than to think that I have helped them.To be honest, I don’t think I was helping very much.It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help, but to learn about and experience another culture that helped improve my own understanding of life and the world.”
【小题1】Why did Tracy choose to be a volunteer?
A.She liked to work with Mother Teresa.
B.She had already had some experience.
C.She was asked to do so by Teresa.
D.She wanted to follow Mother Teresa’s example.
【小题2】Tracy started her work as a volunteer _______.
A.after she met Mother Teresa
B.after she finished high school
C.when she was touring Calcutta
D.when she was working in a hospital
【小题3】What is Tracy’s “new idea” of being a volunteer?
A.Going abroad to help the sick.
B.Working in Mother Teresa’s home.
C.Doing simple things to help the poor.
D.Improving oneself through helping others.
3. When Ann, a grade two student at a well-known school, was pestered (纠缠) by her classmates to join their group to steal from shops, she was shocked. She was a quiet, well-behaved girl and she did not understand why the girls had approached her.
They showed her some of the things they had stolen and said that shop theft was great fun and very exciting. Then they threatened to beat Ann if she did not join them.
Ann was deeply troubled. She did her best to avoid the group of the girls after class­es, but they often waited for her outside the school and tried to persuade her to come with them.
This problem is one which many school students in Hong Kong face. We asked the chairman(主席) of the local-fight-crime committee(委员会) what Ann should do in these cases.
“First of all, she could try totalk the other girls out of the whole thing. Being caught stealing from shops could ruin their futures and it is simply not worth the risk,” he said.
“Young people may think that it is easy to get away with stealing from shops, but more and more stores now have plain clothes detectives who are dressed like customers. I would say shop thieves have a more than ninety percent possibility of being caught.
“If they won’t listen to her, Ann should turn to someone in charge in school, who can then decide if the matter can be dealt with by her.”
【小题1】 From the first three paragraphs we can learn that ________.
A.Ann didn’t know what to do with the case
B.Ann faced the group bravely
C.the group stole a lot of valuable things
D.the group were short of money
【小题2】 The underlined part “talk the other girls out of the whole thing” in the fifth paragraph most probably means ________.
A.discuss the possible result with them
B.tell them about their futures
C.persuade them to stop theft
D.warn them not to disturb her
【小题3】 One of the suggestions to Ann is to ________.
A.report the situation to the police
B.ask the local-fight-crime committee for advice
C.hire a detective to catch them
D.turn to her teacher for help
1. 【小题1】 Ms Robson’s students are studying French and German. She would like them to speak both the languages at some point while they’re away.
【小题2】Hilary’s students are fourteen years old. Some of them learn French, so she wants to find a holiday course which can offer personal language lessons for those who would like to improve their French.
【小题3】Rose has a small group of students. They all want to sail but unfortunately some of them are unable to swim, although they’re eager to learn.
【小题4】 Mr. Pearson’s class have just started to learn German and he wants a holiday which mixes studying the language with plenty of free time to explore the foreign country.
【小题5】 John has a class of eleven-year-olds who are crazy about sports. He’d like a course which organizes a complete program including all kinds of sports, meals and entertainments.
Summer Schools in the Czech Republic
Spend a week in a sports center 15 minutes south of Prague. Each day’s program is organized by our professional trainers for children aged 10-14. Prices include breakfast, lunch and dinners as well as sightseeing tours.
Summer in France
All our courses take place at the university in Marsellie. Morning classes are held in German, evening lectures on France history are in French. We offer an exciting program of evening activities including music, dance and theatre.
Greek Sailing Holidays
Arrive by air and then hire one of our new boats with all the latest equipment to sail around the Greek islands. These boats sleep up to twenty students and two teachers. Trained sailing staff are available but you must be able to swim.
Summer Courses in Finland
If you love water sports you’ll love our one-week sports holiday on the Finnish lakes. There are opportunities to swim, sail and water-ski. Lessons are available if you need them. There is also a chance to learn Finnish at no extra cost! Everyone is welcome!
Holiday Programs in Germany
We offer morning classes in the German language at all levels from beginners upwards. In the afternoon you are free to join in our mountain walks or to go shopping in the nearby town. In the evening we organize a full program of entertainments. All ages are welcome!
Summer Schools in France
Opportunities to speak French. We offer summer schools for students between the ages of 12 and 16. Live with a French family and choose from a range of different activities including horse-riding, indoor hockey, football, swimming and dry skiing. Private language lessons are planed if requested.