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1. Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the USA or Australia. They also want their children to take extra courses or activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life.【小题1】
So parents will spend unreasonable a mount of money on education. 【小题2】.
However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give to their children is usually very cheap.
Parents can see that their children’s skills vary.  Some children are skilled in some areas while poor in others. 【小题3】  .
The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but not teaching them the most important skills; they need to be confident, happy and clever.
Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.
Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life.   【小题4】. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully. The result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.
Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to play with will make him curious and arouse his interest. He will spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up.【小题5】 . And that is more important.
A.The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is
B.These activities are teaching a child not only to read a book but also to think, to use his mind
C.What most parents fail to realize, though, is that today’s children lack self-respect and self-confidence
D.Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter
E.The more cost in education, the better the result will be
F.Cooking demands patience and time
G.They made a lot of money by doing busine
1. I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13.My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to El Capitan, a       rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew        I wanted to climb it. That has been my life’s passion (钟爱) ever since—       the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I’ve long made Yosemite my       .
About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of       ,like toilet paper, beer cans, and empty boxes, around the area. It’s         me why visitors started respecting the place       and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.
I tried       trash (垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would       an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so         it that I decided something had to change.
As a rock-climbing guide, I knew        about organizing any big event. But in 2004,together with some climbers, I set a date for a      .On that day, more than 300 people       .Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to       .I couldn’t believe the         we made—the park looked clean!
Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone,2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and         132 miles of roadway.
I often hear people      about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the only way to change things is by         rather than complaining. We need to teach by       .You can’t blame others         you start with yourself.
A.throwing awayB.picking upC.breaking downD.digging out
A.satisfied withB.delighted inC.tired ofD.used to
A.dropped outB.showed upC.looked aroundD.called back
1. Some years ago, writing in my diary used to be a usual activity. I would return from school and spend the expected half hour recording the day’s events, feelings, and impressions in my little blue diary. I did not really need to express my emotions by way of words, but I gained a certain satisfaction from seeing my experiences forever recorded on paper. After all, isn’t accumulating memories a way of preserving the past?
When I was thirteen years old, I went on a long journey on foot in a great valley, well-equipped with pens, a diary, and a camera. During the trip, I was busy recording every incident, name and place I came across. I felt proud to be spending my time productively, dutifully preserving for future generations a detailed description of my travels. On my last night there, I wandered out of my tent, diary in hand. The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows. I automatically took out my pen...
At that point, I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds I allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley. All I remembered of the previous few days were the dull characterizations I had set down in my diary.
Now, I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling. I still love to record ideas and quotations that strike me in books, or observations that are particularly meaningful. I take pictures, but not very often—only of objects I find really beautiful. I’m no longer blindly satisfied with having something to remember when I grow old. I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera, busy preserving the present so as to live it in the future.
I don’t want to wake up one day and have nothing but a pile of pictures and notes. Maybe I won’t have as many exact representations of people and places; maybe I’ll forget certain facts, but at least the experiences will always remain inside me. I don’t live to make memories—I just live, and the memories form themselves.
【小题1】Before the age of thirteen, the author regarded keeping a diary as a way of   .
A.observing her school routine
B.expressing her satisfaction
C.impressing her classmates
D.preserving her history
【小题2】What caused a change in the author’s understanding of keeping a diary? ______
A.A dull night on the journey.
B.The beauty of the great valley.
C.A striking quotation from a book.
D.Her concerns for future generations.
【小题3】What does the author put in her diary now? _______
A.Notes and beautiful pictures.
B.Special thoughts and feelings.
C.Detailed accounts of daily activities.
D.Descriptions of unforgettable events.
【小题4】The author comes to realize that to live a meaningful life is   .
A.to experience it
B.to live the present in the future
C.to make memories
D.to give accurate representations of it
2. When Frida Kahlo’s paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actuallya much bigger nametoday than she was during her time.
Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City, Kahlo suffered from polio (小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)became bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.
In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influence on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.
Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.
【小题1】What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in Paragraph 1 most nearly mean? _______
A.a far better artist
B.a far more gifted artist
C.a much stronger person
D.a much more famous person
【小题2】The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by   .
A.polioB.her bent spine
C.back injuriesD.the operations she had
【小题3】Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the   .
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward Kahlo? ________
3. New Zealand
【What can you see?  Mountains, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, forests, beaches. Both islands are mountainous. In fact, only 30% of New Zealand is flat.】
The Maoris
When the Maoris first arrived in New Zealand, they lived in villages and were excellent fishermen, hunters and farmers. About 50 years ago many Maoris started to live and work in the large cities and took jobs in government, industries, medicine and education. They are proud of their culture and are determined to keep many of the customs which are part of their way of life.
Who can you meet?  Most people live on North Island. Eighty-five percent of New Zealanders are “pakeha” (“white men”), which means their “great grandfathers” came from Europe. Ten percent are Maoris. The Maoris came to New Zealand from the Polynesian islands probably around the tenth century. The “pakeha” started to arrive in New Zealand from Europe about 200 years ago as farmers and traders.
Fact box: New Zealand
Position: South of the Equator ;
Nearest neighbor: Australia, 1600 km away.
Size: Two main islands — North Island and South Island: together they are 268.680 sq. km.
Population: 4 million
Capital: Wellington
Languages: English and Maori
【小题1】Which of the following is a fact about New Zealand?
A.20% of the population being Maoris.
B.Four million white people.
C.About 1600 km south of the Equator.
D.Nearly 1/3 of the country being plains.
【小题2】When did the white people begin to live in New Zealand?
A.1000 years ago.B.200 years ago.
C.85 years ago.D.50 years ago.
【小题3】What do the Maoris value most in life?
A.Living in small villages.B.Developing farming skills.
C.Keeping their own culture.D.Taking up government jobs.
4. Indeed, many failures are experienced in our lives and the effect could be extremely unpleasant. I do have a share of my experience and you might have yours too. As the sayings goes, “Experience is the best teacher.” Many people believe it’s the other way around. Experience, in fact, can be the worst teacher since it takes the first before you learn the lesson.
Often, when people around us try to comfort us that we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves, we say “sure”, yet we are doing otherwise. We are becoming too hard on ourselves because failure is something that wouldn’t leave your mind quickly. Failure is something that can make you regret spending money, time, and effort but all go down the drain. But it is common everywhere and it usually leads us to success.
“There were once two prison men sitting behind the bars. One saw mud while the other saw stars.” In this story, those two prison men were paying the costs of their actions. However, as they faced their situation, one prisoner was completely defeated by his depression. But the other prisoner held his head up with his hopes and dreams. As you may well notice, failure happens, but people deal with it quite differently.
However, true failure comes in when you react negatively to the situation. True failure is about giving up completely. It is about being unable to recognize that if you look at the midnight skies, the stars are still shinning. See, no matter how disheartening and discouraging your fall was true failure is about not getting up and not moving on. You must accept failure as a great opportunity for you to learn. You will also be able to learn from the failures of other people. But it’s your own failure that will help you meaningfully.
【小题1】The saying “Experience is the best teacher.” in Paragraph 1 means_____.
A.experience is really good at teaching
B.the best teacher usually experiences a lot
C.something valuable can be learned from failure
D.the worst teacher can teach you how to be successful
【小题2】The writer tells us people’s attitudes toward failure by_____.
A.listing some true facts
B.mentioning a story
C.showing some figures
D.blaming the two prison men
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about the failure according to the text?
A.We can’t live without failure
B.It is easy to get rid of failure
C.People should try to avoid failure
D.People should treat failure properly
【小题4】Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A.Failure opens the door to learning
B.Experience is interesting and pleasant
C.Success is not easy for us to achieve
D.Everything comes from failure