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1. 完形填空(共20小题, 每小题1分, 满分20分)
Bethany Hamilton, born on February 8, 1990, learned to surf at 7 and began her career as a surfer when she entered her first competition at age 11. ____ age 13, she was an excellent surfer and well-respected in the ____ world. Her lifelong ____ of becoming a professional surfer was ____ on October 31, 2003, as she was ____ by a 14-foot tiger shark while surfing off Kauai’s North Shore. She lost her left arm ____ that did not destroy her ____. And it just made her stronger.
“I know I have ____ important to say. Something that people need to hear—but sometimes they get ____ caught up in the story part, that they miss the meaning,” says Bethany Hamilton.
Bethany has chosen to use her ____ to become an inspiration and help others to overcome adversity(厄运), no matter how ____. She says, “People I don’t even know ____ me. I guess they ____ me as a symbol of courage and inspiration. One thing hasn’t changed—and that’s how I feel when I’m ____ a wave. It’s like, here I am. I’m ____ here. It’s still me and my board—in God's ocean!”
Bethany was presented with a special courage ____at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards and Best Comeback Awards in 2004 ESPY(卓越体育表现奖). Bethany ____ to compete in the most challenging waves in the world and amaze everyone by achieving the ____. She dominated(支配) the 2005 National Scholastic Surfing Association Nationals Championships, taking first ____ in the Explorer Women’s division.
Her story continues to be told, with Bethany continuingly ____ to be the best at whatever God calls her to do.
A.come up withB.live up toC.put up withD.come up to
1. The Hunan Satellite TV(HNTV) show “Where are we going, Dad?” is a big hit. Many famous stars brought their children to a strange village alone, and they had to spend 72 hours with their children there. The program fully showed us a modern version of the “how to be a good father”. As the young parents today are too busy to take care of their children, this new form of “Lost on the way” played by nanny Daddy and cute kids triggered(触发)a lot of people’s emotional resonance(共鸣). Both the kids and their parents will find that their hearts are being drawn closer. But this kind of feeling has just proved that there is a big spiritual barrier between the modern parents and children.
The TV shows like “Children are hard to support!”, “Where are we going, Dad?”, “hot mom” and “cute kids” are becoming more and more popular. All of these show the new parents’ confusion in children’s education and the appeal for the balance between career and family.
In real life, on the one hand the young parents feel helpless because they are too busy to accompany their children under the pressures of work and life; on the other hand they continue to do so. The data collected by HNTV shows that nearly two-thirds of their audience are female, among whom 36% are aged from 25 to 34.We can imagine such a scene that one evening a young mother is watching the show with her young children, while her husband is still at work or trapped in socializing, or maybe is just playing computer games in the bedroom. The story of a child without the company of father is still going on. In fact, it is sometimes the same to mothers. In a modern family, it is often the old who take the responsibility of raising a child. Theparticipationof mother in the children’s education is also very low.
It is just this kind of confusion where the parents have gone in the modern family education, and where the parents will guide their children to go that “Where are we going, Dad?” shows us. If a child wants to grow up healthily and safely into a modern citizen with independent personality and free spirit, it is very important for him or her to follow the parents who serve as their first teacher. Maybe this is the real reason why such kind of TV programs could get hot. The truth is that children will go where their parents go; and society will go where the children go.
【小题1】In raising a child in modern society, parents should ________.
A.play computer games with their children
B.keep their children at home to avoid socializing
C.balance well between family and career
D.break down the barrier between children and teachers
【小题2】Which of the following can be inferred in the passage?
A.Parents shouldn’t entirely leave the education of children to the old.
B.36% of the audience of the program are female aged from 25-34.
C.The program shows us the confusion where the parents and children will go to play.
D.In a modern family it is often mothers who are responsible for raising a child.
【小题3】Which one is the best title of the passage?
A.Confusion Behind “Where are we going, dad?”
B.Modern Education is Important
C.Nanny Daddy and Cute Kids
D.New problems in Modern Children’s Education
【小题4】What attitude towards modern family education does the author express in the second paragraph?
【小题5】What does the underlined word “participation” probably mean?
A.taking responsibility
B.taking apart
C.taking part
D.keeping company
Art Calendar
Walking Tours of the Museum’s collections (fee with admission contribution) are offered daily and on weekends by Museum-trained volunteers. No tours on November 29-December 1 and December 17-31
Tuesday through Friday subject to Gallery hours
Tuesday & Thursday
Highlights of the Museum
Highlights of the Museum
Highlights of the Museum
Japanese Art
Ancient Mexico and Peru
Ancient Mexico and Peru
American Paintings
European Rooms
European Rooms
Chinese and Japanese Art
Impressionists and Their Times
Chinese and Japanese Art
Egyptian Galleries
Ancient Greece and Rome
Ancient Greece and Rome
American Rooms
Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
American Rooms
Chinese Art
Islamic Art
Chinese Art
20th Century Paintings
20th Century Paintings
20th Century Paintings
Old Master Paintings
Old Master Paintings
Old Master Paintings
Highlights of the Museum
Highlights of the Museum
Highlights of the Museum
Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
Chinese Art
Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
Islamic Art
Chinese Art
Islamic Art
Ancient Greece and Rome
Egyptian Galleries
Egyptian Galleries
Ancient Mexico and Peru
Japanese Art
Japanese Art
European Rooms
American Paintings
American Paintings
Impressionists and Their Times
Chinese and Japanese Art
Impressionists and Their Times
Highlights of the Museum
Highlights of the Museum
Highlights of the Museum
Egyptian Galleries
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday tours are chosen from the following topics. Consult Walking Tour Board at Kiosk in the Great Hall for time.
American Paintings                Impressionists and Their Times
American Rooms                   Islamic Art
Chinese Art                       Japanese Art
Egyptian Galleries                 Old Paintings
European Rooms                  Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
Highlights of the Museum           20th Century Paintings
【小题1】Walking tours of the Museum’s collections are offered on __________.
A.November 29.B.December 20
C.December 31D.December 10
【小题2】What time is the latest Chinese Art Class?
【小题3】 When is the last Old Master Paintings?
A.Friday 7:00B.Tuesday 9:00
C.Friday 1:00D.Thursday 1:00
【小题4】Which one starts the earliest?
A.Highlights of the Museum
B.Egyptian Galleries
C.Chinese Art
D.Ancient Mexico and Peru.
3. Many phrases like “ no pains, no gains” give the impression that we ought to be suffering while we study. It’s almost as though the only way to know if we’re putting in enough work is the sense of hardship we bear.
When we haven’t taken the time to come up with another idea, all we know how to do is shut ourselves in a room with a book. It’s no surprise that we find revision boring and difficult. Just as children learn from playing, we can learn from doing, or at least from study techniques that interest us, rather than make us switch off.
Shutting yourself away can make you learn to hate studying. This leads to a situation where instead of being able to concentrate on your work, you are troubled by how unfair it is that you must study.
When you hate your work it’s very difficult to make yourself star, or approach it with any kind of structure or enthusiasm. This can be part of a vicious cycle(恶性循环) that traps you into ineffective revision, your poor progress fuelling further annoyance.
Just being around other people really helps fight against feelings of loneliness and, thankfully, it’s perfectly possible to work in the company of other people. We just need to learn how to deal with distractions(使人分心的事物).
It’s not necessary to avoid all company, just idle(懒散的) company. Studying in the same room as someone who is ironing or working out is perfectly possible. People who are bored and looking to be distracted, however, are terrible to work around. They constantly try to keep others in conversation.
It’s also a good idea to avoid the company of people involved in activities that you would rather be doing than studying.What would it be like working while sitting next to someone playing video games?
If being around others means working in a noisy environment, a pair of headphones and some background music can block out even noisy children. They also act as a psychological barrier, so that people think twice before interrupting you.
When you’re studying for a big exam, it seems like your whole life is taken up with study. Friends and family can lessen feelings of isolation(孤立). And connecting with other people makes us happy, so it’s important not to give that up and to make sure that we take the time to socialize.
【小题1】The author might believe that the phrase “no pains, no gains” _______.
A.best describes how to study well
B.makes people treat study as a habit
C.encourages people to learn step by step
D.is not a good inspirational phrase for study
【小题2】Which saying about study might the author prefer?
A.There is no smooth road to learning.
B.It’s better to work behind the closed door.
C.A positive motivation leads to good study results.
D.He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.
【小题3】Which might lead to an effective study based on this text?
A.A correct goal.B.A good teacher.
C.A favorable interest.D.A hard task.
【小题4】The underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 implies that _______.
A.playing video games is helpful for an effective study
B.one shouldn’t let a video player be his / her company
C.one should study from something that interests him/her
D.the more time one spends in playing games, the higher marks he / she will get
【小题5】If you are studying in a noisy environment, you’d better _______.
A.show your not wanting to be interrupted
B.give up others’ company at once
C.think twice before taking any action
D.force yourself to be used to the environment
4. Golden sunlight danced in the treetops, and children’s laughter filled the park. The smell of popcorn played on the breeze, and life seemed good. It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my little daughter, Gigi.
That is, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream. I could barely whisper when the police questioned me. For hours we waited,but there was no word on the whereabouts of the car. Tears would start to come. Then nothing. I was numb with fear.
“Go home, Ma’am,” the police officer said. “I’ll have someone drive you. We’ll also want to monitor your telephone. The kidnappers might call, and we’ll want to keep track. Trust me, these guys can’t get far. ” After what had just happened, it was hard for me to trust anything.
My friend Gloria came over that afternoon. “I heard about Gigi on the radio,” she said. “Everyone is looking for the car. The interstates are all blocked.” She took my hand.
“Look here,” Gloria said. “ I want you to have this picture, and I want you to pray with me.”
It was a picture of a little girl sound asleep in her bed. Standing by the bed was a tall, blond angel. His hand was touching the girl’s shoulder as he smiled down at her.
My nerves were frazzled. “You know I don’t believe in that kind of thing!” I snapped. “I’m too exhausted for any hocus-pocus right now, Gloria!I want my daughter home!” I started to shake, and then I began sobbing.
Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me. “Just pray with me,” she said, holding my hand.
I had no strength left, so we prayed and waited what seemed an eternity. Together, we waited by the phone until sunset. The phone never rang.
Suddenly, the front door swung open. I looked up and screamed.
There stood Gigi. “Gigi! Thank God!” I cried, throwing my arms around her, “Where did those men take you? How did you get home? Did the police find you?”
“No Mommy!” said Gigi. “I was really scared because those men said they were taking me far away. We were going really fast on an old rock road never seen before. But then a tall man walked out in front of the car, and they ran off the road and hit a tree.”
Then the tall man ran up and opened the car door and pulled me out. He was really nice, and said I would be okay now, and that those men couldn't hurt me. I must have gone to sleep, because then I woke up here in front of our house. He must have brought me home,”
“But who... how did he know... where to bring you?” My voice broke and trailed to a whisper.
“I don’t know, Mommy,” Gigi said. “But he was really friendly, and I wasn’t scared of him at all.”
Just then Gigi noticed Gloria’s picture on the mantle. “That's him!” She gave a loud cry, pointing at the picture. “Mommy, the tail blond man dressed like an angel. That’s the man that pulled me out of the car!”
I felt chill-bumps across my neck and arms. Gloria turned pale. “Are you sure that's the man?” Gloria asked.
“Yeah, that's him. Except he didn’t have wings, and he was wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt. But that's him exactly. I’d remember him anywhere!”
Later that night, the police found the injured kidnappers in their damaged car fifty miles from our home. When questioned-the driver remembered making a sharp turn to avoid hitting a tall blond man and the backseat door that Gigi sat by had been completely torn off its hinges.
Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from anyone claiming to have rescued Gigi and there have been no logical explanations for Gigi’s miraculous escape and return home from a wreck so far away.
There have always been things that people can't explain. But, from that day forward, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.
Gigi now takes her little girl to the park on Saturdays. They enjoy the sunlight as it dances in the treetops, the smell of popcorn, and the laughter of children. She keeps Gloria's picture on her mantle, and she remembers her angelic friend. And, like my daughter, I have a faith that has carried me through many trials since that day many years ago.
【小题1】The writer describes a happy scene at the beginning of the passage to___________.
A.introduce a topic
B.attract readers’attention
C.make a sharp contrast
D.show the beauty of nature
【小题2】What is the writer’s attitude towards the pray together with Gloria?
【小题3】The main reason why the kidnappers could be arrested was that__________.
A.the police followed and caught them
B.Gloria’s best friend helped the police to find them
C.an angel spotted them and took them to the police station
D.they had an accident when a tall man tried to stop their car
【小题4】What is conveyed in this passage?
A.the police are not reliable sometimes.
B.any bad man will be punished one day.
C.we should believe in God and pray every day.
D.we should always stay positive whatever happens.
【小题5】We can learn from the passage that__________.
A.the story was told from Gigi’s point of view
B.the man who rescued Gigi had known her before
C.Gigi was sure that the angel in the picture rescued her
D.the writer believed what Gigi said at the very beginning
【小题6】What can be best title for the passage?
A.picture of an angleB.power of God
C.Gigi’s escapeD.Mommy’s anxiety.
1. 下面文章节选自一本英语畅销书,具体描述了5个令人愉快的场景(第1-5题)。请从选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出与各场景相匹配的简要场景说明,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. When you arrive at your destination just as a great song ends on the radio
B. Finally remembering a word that’s been on the tip of your tongue for so long
C. When you’re watching one of your favorite movies and you realize you don’t remember how it ends
D. The moment at a concert after the lights go out and before the band comes on stage
E. Catching somebody singing in their car and sharing a laugh with them
F. Remembering what movie that guy is from
You go early, grab a drink, you buy a T-shirt, you find your seat or you edge up to the stage, you listen to the opening act, you people watch, you talk to your friends, you guess what songs they might play, and then the moment finally arrives: The background music fades (逐渐变弱) down, all the lights suddenly go out, and there’s total blackness.
You feel a massive wave of expectation sweep across the crowd, people stand up, raise their arms and scream, and everyone clamors for that first view of the band walking on stage.
There’s really nothing like pulling up in the driveway and shutting off the engine just as that final drum beats or that sad guitar solo (独奏) slowly fades into perfect silence. If you time it just right, you’ll miss the start of the commercials, and you’ll be rewarded with the song replaying itself in your head all day.
You know the feeling.
Your favorite characters are introduced, the story kicks off, a couple plot twists and turns seem a bit unfamiliar, and it suddenly dawns on you: You can’t remember who the killer is, who dies, or if the cats ever get married. You can’t remember the story at all, and you’re loving every minute of it.
So you dim the lights, settle yourself under the blankets, and stay glued to the screen.
Because it’s like, hey, guaranteed blockbuster.
Exactly in the middle of the movie’s big scene it always happens.
Everything gets tense for the courtroom finale or championship football game, and then all of a sudden the lawyer or opposing coach turns out to be that guy from some other movie and you just can’t stop thinking about where he’s from.
Wait, was he the prison guard in The Silent Lamb? The lawyer from Miracle on 34th Street? Or, no, no, no, I got it. He’s the knife guy from Once Upon a Time in Mexico.
It’s late, quiet, and you’re stuck at a red light.
And there’s just something worth smiling about when you observe that passionate display of pure private pleasure only a few feet away. Suddenly you’re the producer in the booth watching your struggling artist hit the high notes in their tight sound room on wheels. Yes, they’ve tried for years to get clean and make it off the streets, but now you’re finally smelling a hit …
So maybe you dance along for a few beats, catch the same on your radio, or lock eyes with them for a second and share a warm and heartfelt laugh. Maybe you feel a tiny stir in your heart as you connect with a total stranger for a few seconds. And maybe it makes you a tiny bit happier and maybe you smile a tiny bit more.