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1. Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials to make the light bulb. When none worked successfully, his assistant    , “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.”
Thomas Edison replied very    , “Oh, we have come a long way and we have     a lot. We now know that there are two thousand materials which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.”
If you learn from your mistakes, then you are    . If you learn from someone else’s mistakes, then you are a talent. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines     daily and failure is nothing more than a few small     repeated daily.
How     the above lines are! Success takes time. We’ll make mistakes if we do things in too much of a hurry. When we do not practice disciplines in life, we don’t build enough confidence to     new and challenging tasks which are important and matter in life. Our confidence     what we think of ourselves and whether we believe in ourselves. We are all born with exceptional qualities, but only a few really     their true potentials and make efforts in life, and the others just lead a(n)     life. Do you want to be exceptional?
Success is a fruit which everyone wants to eat, but it is not found everywhere and no one can     it without serious efforts.
Those who want to succeed will find a way; those who don’t will find a(n)    !
Success depends on    , and without it we will end in failure.
When you are    , please enjoy it and give your hand to others who want to accomplish something.
A.celebrated B.complainedC.explainedD.answered
A.remembered B.refusedC.learnedD.ordered
A.shown B.preventedC.recordedD.practiced
A.depends on B.sets asideC.turns downD.sets up
A.preparation B.influenceC.lifeD.generation
1. I am a 21-year-old boy, and this is my story.
One month after I graduated from high school in 2009, I was coming home from swim practice and was involved in a car accident. I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma(昏迷)for over two months at Prince Georges Hospital.
I died eight times during my coma and I couldn’t talk or communicate when I woke up. Walking was never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries. Just like my body, my dreams were almostshattered. But I was not going to let my injuries prevent me from living my dreams.
After 14 operations and blood transfusions, I had to learn how to talk, eat, walk, shower and live independently again. When I was out of hospital, I still had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, Maryland. After spending a few months in a wheelchair, I took baby steps to walk on my own. It was a miracle that I could walk again, but I wanted to prove that I could not only walk, but run. When it came true, I wanted to get back in the pool again. After a few lung tests, I was able to go in the pool a little bit each week. After a few months of swim training, I began my freshman year at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and became a proud member of the swim team.
By telling my story, I want to make a positive influence on the world. I am just trying to live each day to the fullest and inspire other people never to give up their dreams no matter how bad a situation is. I remember when I was still in my hospital bed, I would have my mom and dad push me around in my wheelchair to the other rooms to see the other patients and talk to them and their families. I wanted to let them know that everything was going to be okay. Somehow, things would work out for the best.
【小题1】When the car accident happened, the author ________.
A.was a high school student
B.had finished his high school education
C.was a college student
D.was returning home from a swim competition
【小题2】What does the underlined word “shattered” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】It can be inferred that the author ________ after he woke up from his coma.
A.was out of hospital
B.was in surprise
C.faced physical and mental challenges
D.was worried about his lung
【小题4】What does the author mainly want to show in the last paragraph?
A.His purpose of sharing his story.
B.His painful experiences.
C.His influence on students.
D.His great achievements.
【小题5】The best title for this passage would be ______.
A.Attitude Is Everything.
B.Actions Speak Louder than Words.
C.Everything Happens for a Reason
D.A Good Beginning Is Half Done.
2. Whether you admit it or not, music improves our daily life and makes us feel easy, especially the music of Beethoven and Mozart. But can you believe that a school in England is using classical music to cut down students’ bad behavior?
The head teacher Brian Walker at the West Park School in Derby asks some students to stay behind after school on Fridays. He forces his students to listen to Mozart and other classical music. He also makes them copy his favorite poems and they have to watch educational videos.
Mr. Walker says his main aim is to stop noisy pupils causing trouble in class for students who want to study. He said the students staying behind were “not the smokers or drinkers, the truants (逃学生) or the people who are late for school…It’s those who have slowed the learning and teaching in class for everyone”. Mr. Walker said this was unacceptable, because it was making the rest of the students fail to focus their attention on their study.
Mr. Walker believes what he does reminds students that education is something to value. “It helps them see they are part of something bigger that will improve their life chances,” he said. The head teacher thinks students in fact learn from being kept behind after school. “Hopefully, I open their ears to an experience they don’t normally have and don’t want to have again, so it’s both educational and acts as a warning.”
Music has had success elsewhere in reducing bad behavior. In 2004, it reduced crime on London’s subway by 25 percent. Researchers from a Belfast university found it helped stop elephants’ bad behavior.
However, one West Park student called Kieran said, “An hour of Mr. Walker’s music is a real killer.”
【小题1】Mr. Walker asks his students to listen to music to _______________.
A.make them rest after a day’s study
B.punish them for their bad behavior
C.get them to love arts gradually
D.reduce their bad behavior
【小题2】A student who _____ may be left behind to listen to Mozart after class.
A.plays truant
B.smokes in class
C.bothers others in class
D.comes late for class
【小题3】Why does Mr. Walker say some students’ bad behavior is unacceptable?
A.Because the rest of the students hate them.
B.Because they are wasting their life.
C.Because they are disturbing teachers.
D.Because they have a bad influence on the other students.
【小题4】In the eyes of Mr. Walker, _____.
A.some students don’t realize education is valuable
B.all students can learn from music
C.music must be taught after class
D.students ought to love music
【小题5】It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that _____.
A.the action Mr. Walker takes sometimes doesn’t really work as planned
B.Mr. Walker aims to tell students study is important
C.once music helped animals behave well
D.animals also like to listen to music
3. I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something, but I didn’t understand. So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra pen. She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.
Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students left. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized(强调)the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves. She made me promise that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave. I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.
Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as if I was copying answers from the girl’s test paper. I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very strange to her that I hadn’t talked of anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test. Even if I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.
【小题1】The story took place exactly ________.
A.in the teacher’s officeB.in an exam room
C.in the libraryD.in the language lab
【小题2】The girl wanted to borrow a pen, because ________.
A.she had not brought a pen with her
B.she had lost her own on her way to school
C.there was something wrong with her pen
D.her own had been taken away by someone
【小题3】The teacher saw all this, so she asked the boy _________.
A.to go on writing his paper
B.to stop whispering
C.to leave the room immediately
D.to stay behind after the exam
【小题4】The thing(s) emphasized in the teacher’s talk was (were) ________.
A.honesty B.sense of duty
C.seriousness D.carefulness
【小题5】The boy knew everything ________.
A.the moment he was asked to stay behind
B.when the teacher started talking about honesty
C.only some time later
D.when he was walking out of the room
4. We like people who look like us, because they tend to have personalities similar to our own. And, a new study suggests, the longer we are with someone, the more similarities in appearance grow.
Researchers set out to study why couples often tend to look like one another. They asked 11 male and 11 female participants to judge the age, attractiveness and personality of 160 real-life married couples. Photographs of husbands and wives were viewed separately, so the participants didn't know who was married to whom.
The test participants rated men and women who were actual couples as looking alike and having similar personalities. Also, the longer the couples had been together, the greater the similarities. The researchers guess that the sharing of experiences might affect how couples look.
The idea that there is a connection between appearance and personality might seem strange at first, but there could be biological reasons for a link, said study member Tony Little from the University of Liverpool in England.
“The face displays our emotions and over time, emotional expressions may become written in the face,” Little told Live Science. For example, someone who smiles a lot may develop lines and muscles that are suggestive of someone who is happy.
Other studies have shown that partners who are genetically similar to each other tend to have happier marriages.
The new study indicates that people have different features when using facial appearance to make decisions about someone’s personality, and that the particular cues(暗示) focused on change from face to face. Vital to the decision, however, are eyes and smiles.
“Smiles are important social cues that may tell us whether or not someone is friendly, and eyes are also a traditional focus of attention,” Little said.
Overall face shape can be important too. For example, the combination of large chins and strong brow ridges(脊)can create an impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling to cooperate, Little said.
【小题1】Why do we like those who look like us?
A.Because they tend to like us.
B.Because opposites usually attract each other.
C.Because their personalities are similar to ours.
D.Because we often marry those who look like us.
【小题2】Why do some old lovers look alike according to the researchers?
A.Because they live in the same place for a long time.
B.Because their similar experiences might affect their appearance.
C.Because they learn from each other in their daily life.
D.Because they’re closely connected with each other biologically.
【小题3】Which part of a person’s face can help you judge whether he/she is paying attention to you?
【小题4】At least ______ people were involved in the research mentioned in the second paragraph.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about ______.
A.how to tell who have similar personalities
B.why some old lovers look like each other
C.how to tell whether someone is friendly or not
D.why lovers who look alike have happier marriages
1. 首先请阅读下列警方通报查找人员的信息:
Name: Ziggy Nizott
Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 35

Details: Long history of violent crime including robbery, assault and car theft.
Name: Dennis Tsokas
Height: 1.95 m
Weight: 70 kg
Age: 28

Details: Well known to local police having been arrested several times for pick-pocketing.
Name: Michael Clarke
Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 65 kg
Age: 20

Details: Arrested as a youth for car theft and                   the selling of stolen goods.
Name: Mark Hughes
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 60kg
Age: 29

Details: Is wanted by police for several armed robbery of grocery stores, banks and post offices.
Name: Herb Elliot
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 22

Details: Recently released from prison where he served 2 years for selling stolen goods.
Name: William Daniels
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 32

Details: Arrested 4 times for the selling of drugs and car theft.
【小题1】A valuable dog was taken while being walked by its owner in City Park yesterday afternoon. Police wish to talk to a man seen nearby at the time, described by witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses.
【小题2】Yesterday morning at 9:30a.m. a man armed with a gun entered the National Bank and demanded money from the staff, before fleeing when confronted by bank security staff. Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair.
【小题3】A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black mustache and wearing dark glasses knocked a woman to the ground and stole her purse on Main Street last Saturday afternoon. If you see this man, do not approach as he is considered extremely dangerous.
【小题4】At the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, several people had their wallets stolen while waiting in line to buy food. The victims did not see or notice the thief but bystanders describe him as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair.
【小题5】A car was stolen from the supermarket car park on Friday, June 23 this year by a man described as very young, 1.7 meters tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack. A reward of $500 is offered for the car’s recovery.
2. 第二节 读写任务(共l小题, 满分25分)
Latest statistics from the Ministry of Health showed that the incidence rate of kidney cancer increased on average by 2.5 percent annually, with men aged 55 to 65 at particular risk. “It has now become the 10th most common cancer type among men and will be on the rise in the future,”said Ma Jianhui, a leading doctor at the Department of Urological Surgical Oncology of the Cancer Institute and Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
Chinese senior cancer specialists warned the public that rising kidney cancer, one of the major health problems in China in recent years, is largely due to an unhealthy lifestyle associated with obesity, smoking and drinking. Lack of healthy diet is also one of the major causes.
Though many people already know their unhealthy ways, they keep on doing it. “I smoke because I work in sales and it helps me cope with the stress of meeting targets,” said Wu, after she smoked inside a public restaurant. “I know it is bad for me and I’m trying to quit, but I’m still very healthy now, and I’m optimistic about my future.”
1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;
2. 以约120个词就“生活方式与健康”谈谈你的看法,并包含以下内容:
1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。