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1. Music is often divided into several categories, or groups. Some of the categories are: classical music, traditional music, rock music, and jazz.
The first     ,classical music,      orchestra music(管弦乐)that originated(起源)in Europe a few hundred years ago. Most of the original     music was composed, or written, in Italy, Germany, Austria, or Russia. Beethoven and Bach were two famous        of classical music. Classical music is usually       by a variety of string      such as the violin and by a variety of wind instruments such as the flute.
The second type of music is traditional music. Traditional music is      that came from a particular      .Every culture has its own special       of traditional music and its own       instruments for playing its traditional music.
     _kind of music is rock music. Rock is generally a kind of      music, played with a strong      .Rock musicians often use        instruments, such as electric guitars and electric pianos. Rock music probably       in Europe about 30 or 40 years ago. Rock became very        especially among young people.
The        kind of music is jazz. Jazz probably        from Africa originally.
These are the four      types of music. Certainly there are        categories of music. In addition, many kinds of music are combinations of classical and traditional music, or classical music and jazz, or rock music and jazz, and so on.

A.deals withB.refers toC.does withD.dates from
1. The trip to the United Stated opened my eyes to the fact that there are a lot of similarities as well as differences between American youth and French youth.
The first difference is in appearance. Going around in the U.S., I found that American youth do not really care about their appearance. In the morning, they choose something in their closet and wear it with another thing, often of different colors and styles, without wondering whether their choices make them look strange. The reason behind this is that they don’t care what people look like, but are just interested in their ideas. I think it’s great, but it also causes problems. Since they don’t care about their appearance, they don’t really care about their weight. Often they get fat without realizing it.
There are differences in relationships too. When the American youth fall in love, they don’t really think of the future. Also, there are differences in the rules concerning behavior that is allowed. In some respects, the French are more accepting. For example, in America it is generally unacceptable to make physical display of love. Lovers, in theory, can’t kiss or hold each other everywhere they want. People think that not showing love in public places is a way to respect others. On the contrary, the French youth can do almost everything they want.
With regard to other types of relationships, there are also big differences. Americans act differently from French people in front of unknown people. When an American girl, for example, arrives in front of people she has never met before, she will talk with them, trying to create a kind of bond(联系)between her and this new circle of people. The French girls will just think about rather than really do this kind of thing because they are too shy and lacking in self-confidence.
To finish, I noticed that in American classes, when pupils want to say or ask something, they just do it. In general, they don’t really care how the others will judge them. In France, it’s not the same case. If somebody wants to ask something, he/she will think about it before speaking up. I appreciate the freedom in Americans’ behavior, ideas, and ways of expressing themselves.
【小题1】American young people _______.
A.are just interested in people’s clothes
B.show more interest in people’s ideas
C.care more about their weight
D.are more concerned about appearance
【小题2】When American youth fall in love with each other, they _________.
A.will not hold each other
B.will always think about their future
C.will rarely display their love in public
D.will kiss wherever they like
【小题3】When meeting with strangers, American girls will not _______.
A.try to establish a type of relationship with them
B.have faith in themselves
C.start to create a conversation
D.behave in a way similar to French girls
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that French youth may think more about ______.
A.their relationship’s future
B.their public images
C.their physical displays
D.their lover’s ideas
【小题5】The passage is mainly about the______ between American youth and French youth.
C.differencesD.differences and the similarities
2. Most of us know about the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything about the man who set them up. His name was Alfred Nobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself. Besides, he had a big business. His business may surprise you. He made and sold explosives. His companies even made and sold weapons. Isn’t this something that surprises you? The man who made money from weapons should set up the Peace Prize?
Though Alfred Nobel had a lot of money from weapons, he hated war. He hoped that there would be no war in the world. He was one of the richest in Europe. When he died in 1896, he left behind him a lot of money and his famous will. According to his will, most of his money was placed in a fund. He wanted the interest(利息) from the fund(资金) to be used as prizes every year. We know them as the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prizes are international(国际的). Alfred Nobel wanted the winners to be chosen for their work, not the country they came from.
Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work and to the benefits of mankind. He made money all by his own efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions and wealth stay with the world for ever.
【小题1】Alfred’s business was _____.
A.making and selling explosives
B.not making and selling weapons
C.making explosives and selling weapons
D.making weapons and selling explosives
【小题2】Nobel wanted to set up the Nobel Peace Prize because _____.
A.he made enough money
B.he hated war
C.he wanted to get more interest from the fund
D.he liked to live in a peaceful world
【小题3】Nobel Prizes come from _____.
A.all Nobel’s money in the fund
B.all Nobel’s money in his company
C.all the interest from the fund
D.some of the interest in the fund
【小题4】Nobel was a (an) _____ person in the world.
C.kind-hearted D.richest
【小题5】Which statement of the following is Right according to the passage?
A.Nobel set up his company to sell clothes.
B.Most of Nobel’s money was used for the world Wars.
C.Nobel Prizes are only for some people from some special countries.
D.Nobel worked hard in his life and saved lots of money for the world to share.
3. Animal moms are great moms. You might be surprised at some of these moms.
The octopus mother lays about 50,000 eggs. For about 300 days, she stays with the eggs, cleans them and protects them. She does not leave to feed. However, this animal mom dies as soon as the eggs are hatched (孵化).
A crocodile mother puts a lot of time and effort into raising her babies. She starts by building a nest(巢),which she guards for over two months! When the eggs are ready to hatch, the young crocodiles call out to their mother, who digs them out and helps them hatch. She then carries them in her mouth down to the water, where she will guard them for several weeks or months until they learn to hunt on their own.
Bats become moms by hanging head up in a cave, giving birth. Catching the youngster before it can fall to the ground below, she puts it in a pouch(育儿袋).Bat moms may carry babies with them when feeding for the first few days. As the little bats get bigger and heavier, moms help them hang on the wall of their caves and return often to feed them. It continues for about three weeks, until the babies are grown up and able to fly on their own.
This animal mom gives birth after a pregnancy(怀孕期) of only 35 days. The hairless baby climbs into its mother’s pouch and lives there for another five months. When the little koala is between five and eight months old, it leaves the pouch for short periods of time but returns for safety. Once it is too big to return to the pouch,it will climb onto its mother’s back and ride there until it is about 12 months old.
【小题1】How many animal moms are mentioned in the passage.
【小题2】Which animal mom dies when their babies are born?
【小题3】A crocodile mother usually carries her babies to the water   .
A.in her mouthB.on her back
C.in her pouchD.by her tail
【小题4】A bat mom   .
A.gives birth by lying in the nest
B.gives birth by hanging in a cave
C.leaves its babies in the pouch for months
D.lets its babies live on their own after birth
【小题5】How long does a young koala usually stay in its mother’s pouch at least?
A.35 days.B.5 months.
C.8 months.D.12 months.
1. Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? 【小题1】 The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.
Make a plan for attaining(实现)goals that you believe will make you happy.Your moods will be likely to increase if you are going after something you value.
Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.【小题2】
When something goes wrong,try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self-pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
【小题3】 These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.
【小题4】Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously (下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.
Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.
Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.【小题5】
A.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.
B.On the contrary,if you are around people who are happy,their emotional state will be infectious(感染的).
C.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.
D.These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.
E.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.
F.There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.
G.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.