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| 期末考试
| 九年级
| 内蒙古
1. My sister Alli and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette butts(烟蒂) for seven years.
One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. 【小题1】
They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It!”
At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth Is Not Your Ashtray(烟灰缸)” written on them. We put the pictures around our hometown—in parks, by beaches, and along roads.
We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts does harm to the environment. Most smokers don’t think that dropping butts harms the earth.【小题2】
Later, we wrote to companies and asked them for money to help us. We used the money to buy ashtrays to give smokers.
We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didn’t have to drop butts.
At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes.【小题3】
Many people have started to join our group since it began【小题4】And there are even groups in England, Australia and India!
Many newspapers have written about my sister and I over the last seven years. And we have won many prizes for our good work.
【小题5】We just want to make the earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people.
One day it will be.
A. Some companies would like to do it.
B. But we are not interested in prizes.
C. Today there are 45 other “No Butts About It ”groups in America.
D. They made the ground dirty.
E. But it does! All rubbish does.
1. A few weeks ago, a friend from an unknown Smile Groups sent me $120 to do good things. Since then I have used the money in the US. It has helped families and strangers and generally raise a lot of smiles. They have warmed my heart, but none was so much as the gift I was able to give an hour ago.
I was in a charity shop, looking at the second-hand books. It happened that the bookshelves were next to the toy shelf. I noticed a group of poorly dressed women standing behind me. As they looked through the cloth shelf, a little girl about three years old came over to the shelf. Immediately her attention was caught by a toy pram(手推车). She spoke to her mother and she asked the shop assistant how much it cost. $3 was the answer.
The mum looked down at her child, perhaps thinking what she still had to buy and how much money she has left. Then she shook her head. The child did not behave (表现)as badly as some might. Being told “no” was not new for her but she could not keep the disappointment (失望的)from her face.
I had a total of $ 5 in my pocket. I touched the mother on the shoulder, put the money in her hand and said, “Buy her a doll, too”.
I did not wait to see the end. After all, it was not about being thanked. I walked out of the shop and into the sunshine.
The money the friend gave me was to help me find happiness of the world. Was there any better way, I wondered, to get so much happiness for so little money than to buy a little girl a toy and a doll to sit in it?
【小题1】What did the Writer’s friend send him some money to do?
A.To help others who need help.
B.To buy something to eat.
C.To do bad things.
D.To buy a boy pram for a child.
【小题2】According to the passage, the writers used the money given by his friend ______.
A.to thank his friend for his help
B.to do some shopping
C.to donate(捐助) to a charity organization
D.to make a donation in happiness
【小题3】When her mum refused to buy her the toy, the girl did not behave badly _________.
A.because she did not want to behave badly in public
B.because she knew her mother did not have enough money
C.because she was afraid her mother would be angry
D.because she had got used to being refused
【小题4】The reason why the writer did not wait to see the end was that ________.
A.he had no money then
B.he had already finished his task
C.he was afraid the other women might ask him for help
D.he was in a hurry
【小题5】What does the writer think of his helping the little girl?
A.It is the cheapest gift he has given so far.
B.It is the most heart-warming experience.
C.It is the first time that he has helped others.
D.The little girl is the youngest person he had helped.
2. Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping! The Interent is part of our life today. It’s easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem(调制解调器) which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web(that’s the “WWW” you always hear about). The Internet has a large number of websites(网站). They are the places where you go to get information and do things.
Where do these websites come from? They are made by web designers. What happens when you click on a word or a picture? You are sent to another page. It’s all because of the web designers. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming(程序编制) language.
Is web design all about computer programming? No, it’s about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.
【小题1】More and more people are using the Internet because _____.
A.it’s easy and useful
B.it’s changing and growing
C.websites are designed quite well
D.people can design a computer
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.“WWW” means “World Wide Web”.
B.There’re a few websites on the web.
C.The Internet has changed people’s lives.
D.We can do things like shopping on the Internet.
【小题3】Web designers must _____.
A.write all the articles on the website by themselves
B.follow the managers’ ideas
C.be creative
D.share computer with the website manager
【小题4】It’s possible for us to change websites just by a click because of _____.
A.the modem’s help
B.the telephone line’s help
C.the web designers’ work
D.the website manager’s work
【小题5】The last paragraph is mainly about _____.
A.computer programming language
B.the web designers’ work
C.how to make a website
D.how to use the Internet
3. When you wave to a friend, you are using body language. When you smile at someone you mean to be friendly. When you put one finger in front of your mouth, you mean “be quiet.”
Yet, people in different countries may use different body languages.
Once an Englishman was in Italy. He could speak little Italian. One day while he was walking in the street, he felt hungry and went into a restaurant. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again and moved his lips. In this way, he meant to say, “ Bring me something to eat.” But the waiter brought him a lot of things to drink,
first tea, then coffee then milk, but no food.
The Englishman was sorry that he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry. He was ready to leave the restaurant when another man came in. The man put his hands on his stomach, and this body language was good enough for the waiter. In a few minutes, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat.
Finally the Englishman had his meal in the same way.
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。
【小题1】How many persons were mentioned in this story?
【小题2】What do you mean if you put one finger in front of your mouth?
【小题3】Why did the Englishman feel sorry at first?
【小题4】Did the Englishman have the meal finally?
【小题5】What body language can you use if you want to show you’re friendly ?