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| 竞赛测试
| 九年级
| 山东
1. 任务型阅读(每小题2分,满分10分)
If you spend some time in an English-speaking country,you might hear the term “etiquette”. It means normal and polite social behavior. This may seem like a difficult word at first,but it can be very useful to understand.
Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation. For example,standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However,if you do this in Europe,some people might feel uncomfortable. Even in China,we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine,but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed. For example,most people would agree that talking loudly in a library,a museum or a movie theater is impolite. Even if you are with your friends,it is better to keep your voice down in public places.
If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette,we may politely give them some suggestions. One of the most polite ways is to ask someone,Would you mind doing this or Would you mind not doing that. People don’t usually like to be criticized,so we have to be careful how we do this.
Although rules of etiquette can often be different,some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world!For example,dropping litter is almost never allowed. If you see someone you know doing this,you can ask him,“Would you mind picking it up?”
【小题1】 What does the word “etiquette” mean?
【小题2】 Find out the key sentence of Paragraph 2. (找出第二段的中心句)
【小题3】 If your friend talks loudly in the library, what would you say to him/her?(根据你对短文的理解,写出一个委婉的建议)
【小题4】 请将最后一段中的画线句子译成汉语。
1. 完形填空(10分)
Every child has his own dream. Every child hopes to be an adult.      , is it really like what they imagine? As a boy      lives in modern times and in a modern city, I feel greater pressure(压力)on me with the city’s development. Although we       worry about money, we still have       problems, such as competition among classmates and expectations from parents. These experiences are very           to our future. But in fact, they really give me a lot of pressure. I still clearly      the happiness of my childhood.       , we had to face the fact with time passing by. We began to feel this invisible(无形的)pressure come upon us. We           before sunrise and come back after sunset. We work and study like an adult, even harder. What we do is in order to      an excellent mark. Oh, growing up is boring, but we      try to find happiness while growing up. I think the friendship among our friends, the support from our parents and the encouragement from our teachers can help us. Why not enjoy the pleasure of growing up and its delicious taste?

A.otherB.anotherC.othersD.the others
A.get upB.put upC.set upD.give up
1. “Homestay” is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local (当地的) family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability, ” said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won’t be disappointed (失望的). ”
After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.
As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.
The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sight-seeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.
The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave “home” for Hong Kong.
【小题1】 In the “homestay” program, a visitor can       .
A.learn more about holidays
B.understand his culture better
C.improve the language ability
D.take part in foreign meetings
【小题2】The writer had wanted to visit London since       .
A.last monthB.years ago
C.the special meetingD.her stay abroad
【小题3】 The group leader should        .
A.make plans for the family
B.take care of the students
C.stay with different families
D.rent rooms to the students
【小题4】The writer’s host family       .
A.was very kind to her
B.went sight-seeing with her
C.had two white daughters
D.was interested in her activities
【小题5】 From the passage, we know that the writer        in London.
A.wished to stay a little longer
B.spent three weeks in her home
C.had classes in many interesting places
D.helped the teacher take the students in a car
2. We have to accept (接受) the truth: sometimes, we just want to shout out loud.
For example, we all have days like this: our dog has made a mess on the floor we just cleaned, or our friend called to tell us he or she couldn't come at the last minute when we had cooked dinner for him or her. We may be really angry but we tried to bear things like those. According to ancient Chinese wisdom (智慧).We should shout in a loud voice instead of keeping silent. In fact, it's good for our health.
“Chinese people have passed on the practice from ancient times to now as a part of traditional medicine.” said Mrs. Li, a 60­-year­-old woman from Hangzhou.“My parents taught me to do this. It's a part of our folk (民间的) culture.”
Mrs. Li is member of a group of people who love shouting. Each morning, she and some of her friends climb to top of the hill, and let out loud shouts before starting their daily exercise. They believe that shouting is good exercise for their lungs (肺) and it brings them a lot of fun.
“Sometimes I shout out and other shout back,” said Mrs. Gu , another shouting lover.“It makes you happy. You laugh and then you feel very comfortable.” X Kb1. Com
Dr. Peter Calafiura , an American doctor, agrees that shouting can have a positive influence on people's health.
So, next time you start your morning run, why not try to shout out first? It will make you healthier.
【小题1】The underline word “bear” in Paragraph 2 means “________” in Chinese.
【小题2】Mrs.Li learnt to shout to make herself feel better from ________.
A.her parents B.her teacher
C.Mrs. GuD.Dr. Peter Calafiura
【小题3】Where does Mrs. Li shout every day?
A.In a park.B.At a square.
C.In her house.D.On a hill.
【小题4】What does Dr. Caliafiura think of shouting?
A.It's great fun.
B.It's good for people's health.
C.It's easy to learn.
D.It's good exercise especially for kids.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about________.
A.a shouting loverB.a shouting club
C.the advantages of shoutingD.the history of shouting
3. If you want to do a school project on children’s rights(权利), you can look on the Internet for some information. A United Nations website can show you plenty of useful information for the project.
The United Nations lists the rights of children. Most countries agree all of them, but some countries do not. The following are some of the most important rights of children:
◆Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered (庇护) by their family. If their family can’t do so, the government should takeresponsibility.
◆Children have the right to an education and medical care, which should be provided by the government.
◆Children must not be cruelly punished (惩罚)by their parents or any others.
◆Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse (虐待) and neglect(忽略).
◆No child under fifteen should be made to fight in an army.
Children have the right to be protected from being made to work too hard to make money for other people.
In some countries children do not have these rights. Many young children are made to work long hours in factories and on farms. In some countries there are so few schools that only rich children get an education. There are not enough doctors or nurses to help many children when they are sick.
The rights of children are, therefore, the rights people think children should have. They are not always the rights children really have.
【小题1】       agree with the United Nations’ list of children’s rights.
A.All countriesB.A few countries
C.No countries D.Most countries
【小题2】 The underlined word “responsibility” in the passage means        .
A.something people have to do
B.something people want to do
C.something people know how to do
D.something people love to do
【小题3】Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Parents should punish their children.
B.Children should make money for other people.
C.Governments should protect children from neglect.
D.Children under sixteen should not fight in an army.
【小题4】Some children can’t get an education because    .
A.there aren’t enough schools
B.there are no schools
C.they come from rich families
D.they want to work in factories
【小题5】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Children are made to work long hours on farms.
B.The United Nations website is useful for the school project.
C.Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered.
D.The United Nations has listed the rights it thinks children should have.
1. 综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
call, teach, name, information, success, way, job, how, I, want
When I was growing up, I was interested in science and math and computers. I loved finding out【小题1】things worked.
At fifteen, I bought myself a computer. Playing with it【小题2】me that one could learn almost everything by doing so. 【小题3】early curiosity(好奇心)about computers helped lead me to the job I have today, which I love. It’s good to be curious.
I also think it’s good to look for opportunities and to try new【小题4】of doing things. At one of my first【小题5】, I learned this lesson through experience. When I was sixteen, I got a job with the Houston Post, selling newspapers over the telephone. I would【小题6】people and say, “Hey, would you like to buy the Houston Post? ”
During my first few weeks, I found out that most people who【小题7】to buy the newspaper were either moving or getting married. So I thought, “Well, how can I get the【小题8】of all those people who are moving or getting married? ”
I did some research and found out that a lot of【小题9】is legally available(合法可用的)to anyone. Once I learned how to get those names and addresses, I sent out offers to those people to buy the newspaper. It was a 【小题10】! Within my first month on the job, I became the top salesperson.