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| 月考试卷
| 九年级
| 江苏
1. 完形填空 (共15分)
One Sunday afternoon, my younger brother and I were left alone at home. I was doing my homework  ___my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. My brother thought it was our parents, so he opened the    quickly.
A tall man stood outside and    politely if our parents were at home.
Without thinking, my brother said, "No. " When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly       the door very hard and came into our house. He took out a __         and ordered me to tie up my brother's     with a rope(绳索). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie(松开) himself      . The man then tied my hands up and locked    of us in the kitchen.
Soon, he went upstairs. I taught my brother to    his rope with his hands. He then untied    . I rushed to the telephone to call the police,     the line was cut off. The doors were all locked from outside. It was lucky that the man forgot to   the kitchen door. We got out of the house through the window and went to the nearest pay phone to call the police.
Soon the police came and   was caught. By the time, my parents had come home. We told them the___story. My parents were glad that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from  _ the door for the stranger. I learned a lesson on safety.
A.my fatherB.my motherC.my brotherD.the man
1. Enjoy wonderful programmes on Hello TV
7.00 a.m.-8.00 a.m.
Follow Billy
As Billy grows up, his tail is becoming longer and longer. He is worried about it very much and wants to ask someone for help. It is said there is an old man in the forest. He has magic power to do everything. Billy decided to visit him. You can have an adventure (冒险) in the forest with Billy and learn some useful English vocabulary from it.
10.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m.
Best Friends
It is about two kids ----Jane and Alice. They are good friends and always trust and support each other. After watching this drama series, you will know the magic of friendship.
5.00 p.m-6.30 p.m.
World Sport
This is a sports round-up for kids. It covers the recent important sporting events. There are also interviews with some young sports stars. They are hard-working and full of dreams. By answering questions on the phone, you can get some sports posters.
【小题1】What kind of TV programme is Best Friends?
A.A documentary.B.A chat show.
C.A drama series.D.A cartoon.
【小题2】If someone wants to learn English, which programme is the best?
A.World sportB.Best Friends
C.Hello TVD.Follow Billy.
【小题3】What might be the main character in Follow Billy?
A.A boyB.A girl
C.A monkeyD.An old man
【小题4】What does Best Friends want to tell us?
A.Jane and Alice are twin sisters.
B.Jane and Alice have no other friends.
C.Jane and Alice have magic power.
D.The importance of having a close friend.
【小题5】According to the TV guide, which of the following sentences is true?
A.Best Friends is shown at night.
B.Billy is worried about the old man so he goes to visit him.
C.We can see some players in World Sport.
D.You can get sports posters by answering Billy's questions.
2. The English Fashion recently asked people about their wonderful ideas and plans about things they could do. The magazine asked people the following question: "If you had all the money you wanted, what would you like to do?" About 500 people answered the survey question.
Almost half (49%) of the people in the survey said they would buy material things such as a bigger house or a better car. One fifth (20%) of the people said they would travel to the interesting or famous places. 17% answered that they would give money to someone else. They would donate money to a charity or to help poor people. More than half of the rest of the people(about 10%) said they would give money to help medical research. All the other people in the English Fashion survey said they would save money in the bank. They said they didn't know what they would like to do right now, but perhaps in a few years they would find a good use for the money.
"Lots of people think that if they buy bigger and better things, they will feel happier," said Dr. Mary Wilson, a sociologist at City University. "However," she said, “this feelingwill not last long. After a while, they won't be satisfied with them any longer. " Dr. Wilson thinks the happiest people are those who make a change in people's lives that will last into the future. She thinks those people who give money to someone else or to medical research are thinking beyond themselves and their own needs at the moment. If they had all the money they wanted, they would make a difference in the world.
【小题1】What is the English Fashion?
A.A sociology book.B.A magazine.
C.A newspaper.D.A TV program.
【小题2】Which of the following is a material thing?
A.A big car.B.A holiday to Europe.
C.Medical research.D.Terrible disease.
【小题3】How many ways would people like to do with the money in Paragraph 2?
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase "this feeling" refer to?
A.The feeling of travelling.
B.The feeling of donating.
C.The feeling of shopping.
D.The feeling of saving money.
【小题5】Who did Dr Wilson think were the unhappiest people?
A.The people who would save the money for the future.
B.The people who would give the money to a charity.
C.The people who would give the money to medical research.
D.The people who would spend the money on material things.
3. I try to be a good son, but no matter how hard I try, my parents never seem to be satisfied. They think I should eat healthier food, should wear cleaner clothes, and I should get better grades. And according to them, my hair should be shorter, my room should be neater, and my friends should be more polite when they come to visit. You know it isn't easy to be a teenager.
We try to be good parents, but no matter how hard we try, our children never seem to be satisfied. They think we should wear more fashionable clothes, we should buy a faster car, and we should listen to more beautiful music. And according to them, we should be more patient when they talk about their problems, we should be more friendly when their friends come to visit, and we should be more understanding when they come home late on Saturday night. You know it isn't easy to be parents, either. Do you and your parents also have such problems?
Well, why don't you take a walk and have a talk on Saturday? May 15th is the International Day of Families.  On that day, people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems.
A study last year showed that many Nanjing families had the same problem like this. The children, 12 to 15 years old, didn't like talking with their parents much. They weren't happy at home. Of course, lots of kids have the same feeling like that. But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends. Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you're their child. And they would do anything for you.
【小题1】What problem are the boy and his parents facing?
A.They have no house to live in.
B.The boy can't go to school because of money.
C.They have difficulty in communicating and understanding each other.
D.The parents worry about their son's friends.
【小题2】Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?
A.The boy thinks it hard to be a teenager.
B.The boy thinks it easy to get better grades as what their parents hope.
C.The parents think it's easy to be parents.
D.The parents think they should be strict with their son.
【小题3】What does the boy want his parents to do?
A.To listen to his excuses when he comes back late.
B.To be more patient when he talks about his problems.
C.To wear more fashionable clothes when his friends come to visit.
D.To listen to more beautiful music with his friends.
【小题4】Why do people usually take a walk and have a talk on May 15th?
A.Because it is Saturday that day.
B.Because on that day, people around the world will come back home for a meeting.
C.Because both parents and children are very happy on that day.
D.Because it's the International Day of Families and people work on family problems on that day.
【小题5】Which is a good way for children to get closer to their parents according to the passage?
A.To eat healthier food and wear cleaner clothes.
B.To get high grades and cut hair shorter.
C.To stay and chat with their parents as often as possible.
D.To make more friends and come home early.
4. 任务型阅读   阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)(计10分)
Do you want to travel the countries in Asia? You don't have to travel very far. Follow us, you can find these Asian adventures(探险活动)
Cycling in Guilin, China
Get around the city by cycling through Guilin, in the Guangxi province of China. Mountains rise straight up,creating the only beauty. Bike paths take you past the villages and farms. Enjoy this beautiful views from your bike, or stop and talk with one of the villagers working in his field.
Adventure advice: When your feet are tired, take a boat trip along the beautiful and famous Li River.
White-water rafting in Nepal
In Nepal, you can experience thrilling rapids(湍流)and the beauty of the Himalayas at the same time. Take a white-water rafting trip down the Sun KoKi River, world -wide known for its powerful rapids. At night you'll camp beside the river on white water, enjoy the quiet, lonely Nepalese countryside.
Adventure advice: Don't go rafting in summer.  High water levels make it dangerous.
Scuba diving in Malaysia
Go diving in the clear waters around Spaded, an island in Malaysia, and discover an underwater world. You'll see large sea animals swimming along. The colorful coral(珊瑚) along the reefs hides tiny fish. The wide kind of tropical(热带的)life found around Spaded makes it well known worldwide for diving.
Adventure advice: You can dive at Spaded, but you can't sleep there. The island is a protected park, but you can stay on one of the nearby islands.
Three 【小题1】    adventures
You can_【小题4】    a bike to travel around Guilin and enjoy the beautiful natural views.
When your feet are 【小题5】    , take a boat trip.
You can experience thrilling rapids and the 【小题6】    _of the Himalayas at the same time.
Take a white –water rafting trip down the Sun Koki River.
At night you can go _【小题7】    beside the river.
You’d better not go rafting in 【小题8】     .
Go scuba diving in the clear water around Spaded, a famous Island is well known for 【小题9】   
You can dive but can’t 【小题10】   
5. 阅读表达 阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。(不超过6个词) (计10分)
“Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao?" says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.
Taobao, China's largest online shopping site (网站), has become an important part of Wang Lin's life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home-use products are the most popular on line.
It was reported that more than 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao.
Taobao means “looking or treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.
You may question the security(安全) of online shopping, Wang Lin said, “It's very safe and convenient. Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products. "
【小题1】What is Taobao?
【小题2】Who are the most online shoppers?
【小题3】Why does Wang Lin like online shopping ?
【小题4】What can you do if you want to return the products?
【小题5】How much did people spend on line shopping through Taobao last year?
1. 词汇运用 (计15分)
【小题1】Her teacher is full of      (赞扬) for her work.
【小题2】My cousin has bought an ___________(最新的) mobile phone, iphone 6 plus.
【小题3】We have _______(取消) the sports meeting because of the heavy rain.
【小题4】Nora is good at English, Maths and _________(化学).
【小题5】A lot of __________(音乐家) and pop stars will attend this year’s Beijing Music Awards.
【小题6】It’s kind of you to offer me so much_______________(value) advice.
【小题7】He will not go with us unless he _____________(invite) to the party tomorrow.
【小题8】Wealth and success alone don’t bring____________(last) happiness.
【小题9】—Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping.
—There is no need. He ________________(wake) up.
【小题10】The panda looks quite healthy although he is in his _____________ (90).
【小题11】At last, Spud __________( success) in getting a chance to play for NBA.
【小题12】They had no choice but ________ (stay) up late to complete their work last night.
【小题13】—I called you yesterday evening, but there was no reply.
—Oh, I’m sorry. I ______________ (shop) in the shopping mall.
【小题14】What he said drove her even ______________ (mad).
【小题15】I’m sorry to hear that Air Asia QZ8501 went __________ (miss) on 28th Dec. 2014.