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| 月考试卷
| 八年级
| 江苏
1. 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)
A teenage girl couldn’t stand(忍受) her family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and     years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still     her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she    a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you …Come back home!”
One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that she couldn’t believe her     . “Is that me?” She moved      and read the words, “I still love you…” She cried. She couldn’t wait         back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She    her mother up, “It’s me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and daughter looked at each other with excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “     is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly, “The door has never locked      you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that you’ll come back some day.”
As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents.       this way, both parents and children can be happy.
A.a littleB.a fewC.muchD.more
A.looking forB.looking afterC.looking atD.looking up
A.sets onB.puts upC.cuts upD.makes up
A.goingB.goC.to goneD.to go
1. Once upon a time there was a man in a small town. He had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was good-looking but the girl was not.
One day they found a mirror(镜子)for the first time and they saw what they looked like. The boy was very happy and he said to his sister, “How handsome I am! I look much nicer than you!”
The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push(推). “Go away!” she said.
Their father saw what was happening. He went up to them and said to the boy, “You must always BE good as well as LOOK good.”
Then to the girl he said, “my dear, if you help everyone and do your best to make him happy, everyone will love you. It does not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother.”
【小题1】 Once upon a time a man had __________.
A.a good-looking boyB.a good-looking girl
C.two good-looking childrenD.a boy and a girl
【小题2】 The boy was happy because he __________.
A.found a mirror
B.knew he looked as nice as his sister
C.was handsome
D.she was not happy with her brother
【小题3】 The girl gave the boy a hard push because __________.
A.she was stronger
B.what her brother said was wrong
C.her father loved her
D.she was not happy with her brother
【小题4】 Father told the girl that __________.
A.it was important to be good-looking
B.it was a good thing not to be good-looking
C.if she did her best to help people, she would enjoy people’s love
D.she was as good-looking as her brother
【小题5】 What can we learn from this story?
A.To be good to people is more important than to be good-looking.
B.To be good-looking is very important.
C.If you want to make yourself good-looking, you must be good to people.
D.If you often help people, you will become more and more beautiful.
2. Jerry Baldwin was 63 years old. He was manager of a pizza restaurant in America. He lived in an apartment about one mile north of the restaurant. He walked to and from the work. When it was rainy, he took the bus.
Jerry loved gangster(强盗) movies. When a new one came out, he would go to the theatre and watch the new movie three or four times. Jerry would also buy videos at Barney’s Video Store. Jerry had a home collection of over 1,000 gangster videos. Old ones, new ones, color, black and white, English, Spanish, Japanese – he loved them all. He could tell you the names, the directors, the stars and all the details of the movies. And then he would invite you to his place to watch a gangster film some time. He was a nice man.
Jerry finally decided that he would like to own a gun, just like the gangster. So he saved money for some months. Then he went to a gun store and bought a used revolver(左轮手枪) for
$ 300. While there, he also bought a lot of bullets(子弹). The following Saturday morning, he went to the gun club for only ten minutes when the accident happened. The gun went off, and the bullet went into Jerry’s right knee.
【小题1】Who was Jerry?
A.He was manager of a video shop.
B.He was gangster film lover.
C.He was a gangster.
D.He was a director.
【小题2】How many kinds of videos did Jerry buy?
A.Only one.B.TwoC.Three.D.Four.
【小题3】 Some of the videos came from __________.
C.South KoreaD.Germany
【小题4】Why did Jerry want to buy a gun?
A.Because he was a gangster.
B.Because he wanted to kill someone.
C.Because he wanted to be a person like a gangster.
D.Because he wanted to protect himself.
【小题5】Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?
A.At first, Jerry was a bad man.
B.Jerry hurt himself at last.
C.Jerry sold all his videos out to save money.
D.At the end, Jerry didn’t like gangster films any more.
3. 阅读并回答问题(每题2分,共10分)
TV news programs report the weather . Radio stations tell us the weather , too. Newspapers show us weather forecasts(预报) on maps.
Why do people want to know about the weather ? People want to make plans . Some people want to have a good time with friends . Other people want safety while doing their jobs.
Airport managers need to know about the weather . In bad weather ,their planes cannot fly . Farmers need to know about the weather . In bad weather , they must protect their crops . Fishermen need to know about the weather . In bad weather , they cannot go out to fish.
Computers help us know about the weather . They get new weather information quickly. They can use this to predict(预测) how the weather might change . Unfortunately, we can still only guess. We all hope that weather will be easier to predict in the future.
【小题1】Where can you get information about the weather?
【小题2】Why do people need weather forecasts?
【小题3】Why do farmers need to know about the weather?
【小题4】Do fishermen need weather forecasts? Why or why not?
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?