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| 期末考试
| 九年级
| 天津
1. 完形填空(本大题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
Tonight I am more than happy to      the winnersof the photo competition.We were very pleased with our competition thin year.       with other years,we received many more photos.Even though all off the photos are excellent,we are sorry to say that we cannot give prizes to everyone.
The person      won the prize for the subject Nature is fifteen-year-old LiWei .Li took a photo of the trees in Xiangshan Park.His photo shows the different colours on the hill.
The photo which we liked best in the City and People group was taken by ZhaoMin.ZhaoMin is only twelve years old.Her photo shows a person       across a street on na windy evening.It is  beautiful girl who is wearing a blouse and skirt,and who is        her books       the showers.
The best photo in the Music group was taken by HeZhong.His photo of the group Crazy Feet shows the singer,Becky Wang,and the band playing at a concert.HeZhong        show how this great new band moves and sounds,and the good time which their fans are having.
A group of photos which show Beijing and Cambridge in England has won the prize       the subject Home and Away.They show some of the experiences of a young visitor to our country,and some memories of his home.The winner is Tony Smith!
Congratulations to our winners and     everyone who entered the competition.Now let’s welcome our headmaster to      the prizes to the winners!
A.read outB.find outC.look outD.try out
A.manages to B.wants toC.tries toD.has to
A.think ofB.think outC.thanks forD.thanks to
1. Not all inventions are made by scientists. Kids can also make history with their inventions.
The state flag of Alaska was designed by 13-year-old Bennie Benson in 1926. His design was chosen from a flag-designing competition. It became the official flag in 1959. Bennie won a $1,000 scholarship(奖学金)and a watch.
Frank Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was only 11 years old. It was called the Epsicle at that time. Frank left his drink outside the door overnight with a stick(木棒)in it. That night the temperature dropped and everything was frozen including Frank’s drink. That didn’t stop him from tasting it, so today we have Popsicles to eat.
In 1642 Blaise Pascal designed the first counting machine when he was 18.The machine was for his father, a tax collector, to make his job easier. Blaise named it “the Pasealine”. He made about 50 of them, but nobody was interested in it. People thought it would take jobs away from them. 300 years went by, and the calculator(计算器)finally became a success. In 1968, the programmɩng language(程序设计语言), PASCAL, was named after him.
【小题1】 How old was Bennie Benson when he  designed the flag?
【小题2】 What does the underlined word “Popsicle” mean in Chinese?
【小题3】 Why did Blaise Pascal invent the calculator?
A.Because he wanted to use it in a test.
B.Because he wanted to make his father’s job easier.
C.Because he wanted to sell it for money.
D.Because he wanted to know how much money he should give to sellers.
【小题4】Why were people not interested in “the Pasealine” at first?
A.Because people thought it could make them lose jobs.
B.Because they thought it was useless.
C.Because it cost a lot.
D.Because there was no programming language then.
【小题5】This passage mainly tells us about_______.
A.several useful inventions
B.several inventions by kids
C.how to make history
D.how to become a successful inventor
2. What’s the most important thing for athletes (运动员) to win? Training hard? Having an excellent coach? Never giving up? Probably these are all very important, but according to a new book, the most important thing is getting enough sleep.
This book is Sleep to Win! by Dr. James Maas and Haley Davis. In this book, you can find out how getting more sleep helped  fifteen-year-old Sarah Hughes win an Olympic gold medal. She said the biggest change she mad e in her training for the Olympics was getting more sleep. Sleep to Win! also gives examples of other professional athletes as well as student athletes becoming faster runners because of getting more sleep. For example, after Amber Way, a high school student in Michigan, changed her sleeping time from seven to over nine hours each night, her running speed increased a lot. She finally became the state champion (州冠军) after breaking five school records.
Dr. Haley Davis explained, “Why is sleeping so helpful? The reason is that teenagers whose bodies are still growing need to get about 9.25 hours of sleep each night. That’s about two hours more than most American teenagers are getting. Enough sleep helps the brain work properly. While teenagers are sleeping, their brains are preparing for the next day. A good night’s sleep can help them pay attention, make decisions and be creative.”
【小题1】Who is an Olympic champion?
A.Dr. James Maas.
B.Dr. Haley Davis.
C.Sarah Hughes.
D.Amber Way.
【小题2】We can read many stories of ______ in Sleep to Win!
A.young athletes
B.the authors
C.hard-working students
D.great coaches
【小题3】In America, most teenagers are getting about ______ hours’ sleep each night.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “properly” mean in Chinese?
【小题5】 What do the authors of Sleep to Win! probably think is the most important thing for young athletes to win?
A.Training hard.
B.Having a good coach.
C.Never giving up.
D.Getting enough sleep.
3. Thursday, April 24th
We got to the clean, lovely city of Yangzhou early in the morning. This is our first trip to China. All the different smells attract our attention to the local food. We are going to try something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is not expensive but very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to the Great Wall in the north.
Sunday, April 27th
We visited the famous Slender West Lake (瘦西湖) which was crowded with visit ors from all over the world, and bought a lot of toys for our friends outside the gate of the park. Everything is so colourful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will do the famous foot massage (按摩) and then leave for the Great Wall. We will take the night train north, stay in Beijing for two days, and then catch a bus to the Great Wall.
Wednesday, April 30th
Our trip to the Great Wall was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. People in the village love the quiet life. They are the kindest people I had ever met. They always smile and say “Hello”. Ralph and I can speak only a few words in Ch inese, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness.
【小题1】 From the passage we can see that the writer had a stay in Yangzhou.
【小题2】 The writer didn’t    in Yangzhou.
A.taste delicious food
B.visit places of interest
C.do foot massage
D.climb mountains
【小题3】The writer left Beijing for the Great Wall   .
A.by trainB.by car
C.by busD.on foot
【小题4】 Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer left Yangzhou for Beijing by train at night.
B.It took them a long time to get to the Great Wall from Beijing.
C.People in the village live a quiet but happy life.
D.The writer was travelling alone but happily.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.My First Visit to Yangzhou
B.My Travelling in China
C.Delicious Food and Beautiful Places
D.A Trip to the Great Wall
4. 任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
A few days ago, I ran into (撞上) a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry to him, and he said, “Excuse me too, I wasn’t even watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went on our way after saying goodbye.
Later in the kitchen at home, as I cooked our meal, my daughter Betty walked up to me, very quietly. When I turned around (转身), I nearly knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted angrily. She ran away, crying.
That night, when I lay in bed, my husband said to me, “You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and you’ll find some flowers there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them herself ¾ pink, yellow, and your favourite blue.”
When I heard this, I thought deeply: “While meeting with a stranger, I was calm and polite; but with my daughter, I was not patient (耐心的). I felt sad and tears began to fall.
I quietly went to Betty’s bed, “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “t found them by the tree. I knew you’d like them, especially the blue.” I said, “I am so sorry that I treated (对待) you that way today.” And she whispered (悄声说), “Mommy, that’s okay ¾ I still love you anyway.” I kissed her and said, “I love you too and I do love the flowers.”
That day Betty gave me a lesson on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didn’t realize how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.
【小题1】The writer ___________ to a stranger when she ran into him.
【小题2】When the writer nearly knocked Betty down, she _________ at her.
【小题3】The writer’s ______ told her Betty had picked those flowers for her.
【小题4】The writer felt sad and began to cry because ___________.
【小题5】The writer decided to ___________.
1. 书面表达(共15分)
原因:   赞同者:                   反对者
1.音乐使人们快乐           1.太吵,无法欣赏
2.使大脑得到放松           2.有时上课后还沉浸在刚听的音乐中,不能专心听课
参考词汇:study efficiency学习效率; concentrate on专心……..
Dear Headmaster,
We have had a discussion about  whether to play music during the break.All the students in our class gave the ideas.
Yours sincerely,