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1. 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。(每小题1分)
Anna and I are good friends since we were children. When she was young, her family was very    . So she often helped me. But two years ago, her family got into         because of a terrible accident. They had no money. Anna was very           .To cheer her up, I always try my best to          her. One day she said she was inviting me to have lunch. On the way, I began to worry: she had no money,     if I offered to pay, I would hurt      .
When we arrived at a small     , Anna told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went into the     .After about 30 minutes, she came out and     with me. She just paid for one meal and we started to       the delicious food together. She told me that the restaurant let people      for a meal if they had no money. To my surprise, Anna had work in the kitchen as a volunteer.
I still     the beautiful afternoon I shared with Anna. I’m still thinking that life can’t be     to us. But we can still do    for our friends and neighbors. The world will be nicer if everybody would like to share happiness with    . It will never be dark if there is a little light in everyone’s heart.
2. Beethoven, a famous musician in the world, was born in Germany in 1770.
In his childhood(童年) Beethoven didn’t have a happy life. His father was a singer. When he was only four, his father began to make him practice hour after hour on different musical instruments. If he did not put his heart into it, his father would beat him or make it hard on him.
Beethoven loved music and he learned so fast that he was able to go around to give concerts, when he was only a boy of eleven. At the age of seventeen, he won high praise from Mozart, the great musician at that time.
Beethoven was often poor and ill during his life. After one illness, he suddenly found himself deaf(聋). At that time he was only thirty-one. It was a real blow(打击)to him.
But he still went on working and writing music pieces. To people’s surprise, some of his best pieces were written after he lost his hearing.
In 1827, leaving more than 300 pieces, the great musician died. But his name is still remembered to this day.

【小题1】Why didn’t Beethoven have a happy life in his childhood?
A.Because his family was poor
B.Because his father was strict with him
C.Because he had to practice a lot of musical instruments
D.Both B and C
【小题2】How long did the great musician live in the world?
A.43 years.B.70 years.
C.57 years.D.60 years.
【小题3】What did Beethoven do after he lost his hearing?
A.Beethoven never gave up
B.Beethoven stopped writing music pieces
C.Beethoven lost his heart
D.Beethoven went to see a doctor
【小题4】From the passage, what can we mainly know about?
A.Beethoven’s music.
B.Beautiful Music.
C.Beethoven’s childhood.
D.Beethoven and his life.
3. Have you ever felt tired or had too much stress?
Do you know how to deal with them? Here is some advice about these.
Learn to relax. Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired and stressed. Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day so that you can only concentrate on the most important things. Leaving time for activities that are relaxing and fun. This might mean reading a good book, listening to the music, going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath.
Get a good night’s sleep. Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best form. If you stay up late and need to get up early for school the next day, you may not be able to concentrate on the things you need to do.
Exercise regularly and eat well. Don’t rush through your meals. Eat less junk food or fast food. Eat healthy food instead.
Get to know pleasant people. Some people areoptimistic, while others not. Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them and you’ll be as happy as them.
Learn to be calm(镇定的)when you face any problem. Find out the best option(选项) from those that are in your mind. Knowing that you are able to solve problems is a good way to build up your self-confidence.
Have a happy attitude(态度). Your attitude decides the way you see things. Is your cup half full or half empty? Learn to think more positively(积极地) about the difficulties you face. Don’t look at the half empty cup in your life.
【小题1】What is the meaning of the “optimistic” word in Paragraph 4?
【小题2】To be away from worries, which point is NOT mentioned in the article?
A.Having an active attitude towards life.
B.Finding time to do the favorite things.
C.Making sure which people can make us relaxed and happy.
D.Going to a psychologist for help.
【小题3】According to the writer, how much should one regard his “cup”?
A.half emptyB.half full
C.emptyD.a cup
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the article?
A.How to feel relaxed and happy under the stress of study and work.
B.Some kinds of relaxing activities.
C.Getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating healthily are very important.
D.Don’t work or study too hard.
4. At Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix, Arizona in the United States, four poor Mexican boys worked together on a strange electric machine. They were encouraged by their teacher Allan Cameron to build the machine. It only cost them $800 to build it. They used pipes(管子), cameras, computer parts, and whatever they could find. All the other students wondered what it was. The machine was like a very small submarine(潜艇). It could move around in a swimming pool. The boys could control(控制) its movement from outside the pool.
Carl Hayden High School had been invited to a competition of high schools and universities. The schools were from the United States and Canada. The school that could build the best machine would be the winner. Many students came from schools that gave them lots of money and support. The Carl Hayden boys had hardly any support and very little money.
Students from eleven schools traveled with their machines to the University of California, including students from the famous university, MIT. When students saw the machine made by the Carl Hayden boys, some of them laughed. Its name was “Stinky” because it had a very strong smell. But when the competition started,theysaw that “stinky” was no joke. It did better than all the other machines, including the ones from MIT, and it took first place in the competition.
Since then, the boys from Carl Hayden High School have become famous. People have even offered them money for college, and a movie producer has asked them if it is OK to make a movie to tell their story.
【小题1】According to the passage, the four Carl Hayden boys__________.
A.were from rich families
B.got a lot of money from their school
C.did better than other competition teams
D.were helped by their teacher to build the machine
【小题2】Which of the following about the competition is TRUE?
A.It was held by MIT.
B.11 high schools took part in it.
C.The winner of it must build the best machine.
D.Competing schools were from the United States.
【小题3】What’s the underlined word “they” refers to in Paragraph 3?
A.The other machine
B.The Carl Hayden boys
C.The students from MIT
D.The students who laugh at “stinky”
【小题4】What would be the best title(标题) of the passage?
A.A special machine
B.A high school beat MIT
C.A competition for teens
D.Smart students in the US
1. 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并将答案写在答题卷上。(每小题2分)
There are many differences between American students and Chinese students, especially high schoolkids. For example, in USA, high school usually ends at 4:00 p.m. But in China, school usually ends at five, but they’ll study until 9:00 p.m. at night. 【小题1】_____________
Why may few go to bed before nine o’clock? 【小题2】_____________ So they are swimming in the homework pool. They only do this for a good college. They usually talk about their good grades. But for American students there is little homework. Most of the time they will send e-mail their friends and talk to them. 【小题3】_____________ On Friday nights they like to go to movies instead of staying home for homework.
Don’t American students care about whether they can go to college or not? Of course they do! For good students, just like Chinese students, but they have different ways. The colleges don’t only look their exam grades. They also look at their extra-curriculum(课外的) activities like soccer team and others. So most of the students who are good at sports mostly will join sports team that they are interested. 【小题4】_____________ Joining teams is both fun and a good look on college resume(简历).
Although American student don’t have much homework, they are busy on their way to go to college. Though college don’t only look at the grade. 【小题5】_____________ They have to take and pass before they graduate. Students have to do lot of extra-curriculum activities, too.
A. That is what they do on their free time.
B. Sometimes they study even later!
C. Many students have to join all kinds of club.
D. They need meet all kinds of exam.
E. They also have some tests.
F. None of them study on weekends.
G. They don’t often talk about grades.