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1. Many people run after goals that they hope will make them happy, but happiness is not always the final result. So how does one decide which goals will end in personal happiness and which will not?How do the things in life affect personal happiness?
The most important thing is people’s attitude toward life, which can greatly affect their personal levels of happiness and satisfaction with life.
Psychologists have known for some time that optimism is a good way to fight against unhappiness. It’s probably no secret that optimistic people are considered to be much happier people than pessimists. There are specific characteristic features optimists have (pleasant ways of thinking), that bring them more success, greater health, increased life satisfaction, and other good things. If you became an optimist, it can mean that you became a very happy person, despite your circumstances, and it can actually bring more things into your life to be happy about. “If you are optimistic and you think life is going to get better, it will become a self­fulfillment prediction.” says one of the scientists. “Happy people manage to look on the bright side, even if they meet big problems on their way.”
Positive psychologists believe that people can learn how to become happy and that everyone can teach themselves to see a half empty glass as half full. All they have to do is to spend time thinking about all the things that have gone right for them, rather than complaining what has gone badly. But people who are depressed usually think and worry about something that went wrong in the past.
【小题1】What can affect people’s personal levels of happiness according to the passage? (No more than 5 words)
【小题2】Why are some people depressed according to the study? (No more than 14 words)
【小题3】How do happy people deal with the big problems in their life? (No more than 8 words)
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words)
2. Kids are loveable. With them around, our lives are brighter and more fun. Also our kids change the atmosphere of our house. When they’re in the house, it appears that every negative thing seems to disappear, and brighter moments start to appear. If they aren’t around, our life seems dull and boring, which is why we miss them when they’re gone. Yes, kids can change our lives but the question is: what can we offer them in return? As parents, it is our duty and our responsibility to provide our kids with what they need.
Then what are the basic needs of our kids? Firstly, it’s important to give kids the right foods and nutrition they need. Keep in mind that these foods aren’t just those foods found in stores and other fast food restaurants. Instead, our kids need foods that are rich in nutrients.
Secondly, it’s our duty to make sure our kids are safe all the time. We can give our family a good and simple house depending on our money but the important thing is that they feel secure. Our kids will appreciate it very much if we give them their play room or bedroom.
The third basic need is clothing, which protects them from harsh weather conditions. They could die from coldness or heat if we don’t consider proper clothing. Education is also one of the important basic needs of our kids, because there is a need for them to know the things around them.
However, It isn’t enough to spend all your time working to provide whatever your family need and want, because then you’ll lose time for the family. Just remember to give love and attention to your family no matter how busy you are. Every effort is surely appreciated and loved.
It is necessary to【小题1】  the basic needs of kids.
【小题2】  of having kids
at home
●Brightening our lives and bringing more fun
●Preventing negative things 【小题3】  in the house
●Helping us avoid feeling 【小题4】   
Basic needs
of kids
【小题5】   kids need
Making sure kids are always safe
Protecting kids from too cold or 【小题8】   weather
Helping kids know their【小题9】    
● Don’t lose time for the family.
● Don’t forget to show your love for kids and pay attention to them.
1. Timmy sold magazines. One day he walked up to a           that people rarely visited. Timmy         the door and waited for some time. No one answered. As he was ready to      , the door was slowly opened. An old man showed up. It was Mr. Black. He asked him for his purpose. Before he answered, Timmy happened to see a dog figure on the desk in the house. “Do you      dog figures?” Timmy asked. Mr. Black said yes and explained that he had gathered many at home. Timmy felt       for Mr. Black, as it seemed that he was a very lonely person. “Well, I have a magazine about dogs.” While saying this, Timmy       to find it when Mr. Black said       , “I don’t need any magazines!”
Timmy was so sad that he       not to sell anything that day. He went home and then had a(n)      . He had a little dog figure that he got from an aunt. It did not mean much to him for he had a real live dog and a large family. He wanted to       it to Mr. Black.
With the dog figure, Timmy went to Mr. Black’s house. Seeing him, Mr. Black said that he didn’t        magazines.
“I just wanted to bring you a gift.” Timmy handed him the figure and Mr. Black’s face lit up. He       of the past experiences. No one had ever given him such a gift and shown him so much kindness. He was touched. He started coming out of the house and greeting people.
A.houseB.factory C.school D.company
A.closedB.kicked onC.opened D.knocked on
A.comeB.stop C.leave D.shout
A.collectB.sell C.make D.repair
A.happyB.calm C.nervous D.sorry
A.triedB.pretendedC.continued D.seemed
A.weaklyB.angrily C.gladly D.strangely
A.refusedB.learned C.decided D.realized
A.ideaB.messageC.suggestion D.opinion
A.giveB.throw C.mail D.leave
A.haveB.need C.accept D.understand
A.wroteB.thoughtC.spoke D.heard
1. Different countries have different customs. When you travel to another countries, please follow their customs, just as the saying goes, “     .”
Very often people who travel to the United States forget to tip. It is usual to tipporterswho help carry your bags, taxi drivers and waiters. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal. Taxi drivers expect about the same amount.
In England, make sure to stand in line even if there are only two of you. It’s important to respect lines there. It’s a good idea to talk about the weather. It’s a favorite subject of conversation with the British.
In Spain, it’s a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner. People have dinner very late, and restaurants do not generally open until after 9 pm.
In Arab countries, men kiss one another on the cheek. Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is polite for you to do the same.
In Japan, people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time. When a person gives you a card, don’t put it into your pocket right away. The person expects you to read it.
Don’t forget to be careful of your body language to express something in conversation. A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another.
【小题1】When you travel to the USA, you don’t need to tip     .
C.teachersD.taxi drivers
【小题2】The missing sentence in the first paragraph should be“     .”
A.Love me, love my dog
B.He who laughs last laughs best
C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do
D.Where there is a will, there is a way
【小题3】The underline word “porters” in the passage means      .
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.In Spain, People usually have dinner very early.
B.In England, It’s a not polite to talk about the weather.
C.In Arab countries, men kiss one another on the cheek.
D.In Japan you should not read the business card as soon as you get it.
【小题5】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to Tip
B.Body Language
C.When to Have Dinne
D.Advice to International Travelers
2. After graduating from college, I worked in Denver. On 22nd December, I was driving to my parents’ home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station(加油站) about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register(收款台), I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas.
Itook off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my friend’s. We chatted on the way into the city, and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card.
I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays meaningful.
Years later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that I’d left the lights on all day, and the battery(电池) was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership-a shop selling cars-was right next door. I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom.
“Just how friendly is Friendly Ford?” I asked and explained my trouble. They quickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it. They would accept no payment, so when I got home, I wrote them a note to say thanks. I received a letter back from one of the salesmen. No one had ever taken the time to write him and say thank you, and it meant a lot, he said.
“Thank you”--two powerful words. They’re easy to say and mean so much.
【小题1】The author planned to stop at Oklahoma City _______.
A.to visit a friend
B.to see his parents
C.to pay or the cash register
D.to have more gas for his car
【小题2】The words “took off ” underlined in Paragraph 2 mean “________”.
A.turned offB.moved off
C.put upD.set up
【小题3】What happened when the author found smoke coming out of his car?
A.He had it pulled back to the gas station.
B.The couple sent him a business card.
C.The couple offered to help him.
D.He called his friend for help.
【小题4】The battery of the author’s car was dead because _______.
A.something went wrong with the lights
B.the meeting lasted a whole day
C.he forgot to turn off the lights
D.he drove too long a distance
【小题5】By telling his own experiences, the author tries to show _______.
A.how to write a thank-you letter
B.how to deal with car problems
C.the kind-heartedness of older people
D.the importance of expressing thanks
3. Since the beginning of the year, smog(雾霾) has covered parts of North China. In January, Beijing saw only five days without smog. The rising PM2.5 readings terrified many people, and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious, hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory (呼吸系统) and heart diseases.
Later, news of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safe.
So the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhere.
Smog is especially a common concern. As a popular online post said, air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone, despite your income or profession. People with higher incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices, but they breathe the same air as everyone else.
At a meeting on Monday, many representatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality, too. One talked about his experience in Beijing. “After taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel, which took about an hour, I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black. We should ask ourselves this question: Why do we want to develop? It's for living a better life. Dirty air is definitely not a better life,” he said.
China needs to develop its economy and invest (投资) in high­tech. Every Chinese has a dream to make China stronger. But without blue sky, clean water and safe food, the achievements in the economy will become meaningless. Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can move to the red planet becausetheyhave destroyed Earth.
What the public wants is a strong and beautiful China. The great efforts must be made to promote ecological progress and build a beautiful China. The words have shown the central government's determination to address the environment issue.
【小题1】The effect of smog doesn't include ________.
A.the increase of people's income
B.more people suffering diseases
C.the rising of PM2. 5 readings
D.patients increased in hospital
【小题2】Why has smog become a common concern ________?
A.Because people have to pay higher prices.
B.Because a popular online­post discussed it.
C.Because we have to develop industry.
D.Because nobody can avoid it.
【小题3】To make China stronger we have to develop economy, but ________.
A.we have to sacrifice air as the price
B.the smog is the only by product
C.ecological progress can be ignored
D.the dirty air is not what we want
【小题4】The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 6 refers to ______.
A.space technologiesB.other planets
C.human beingsD.industrial development
【小题5】From the last two paragraphs we can infer that ________.
A.high­tech can completely solve the problem of pollution
B.we must protect the environment while developing economy
C.we can move to Mars after the earth has been destroyed
D.space technologies should be developed in a large scale