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4. If we agree that the function of education is to prepare us for life, then there is very little time to waste. So, while we can, we ought to concentrate on teaching children something really useful. Here is what our schools should teach.
Politeness is a mark of civilization. The sooner children learn this, the better. In any case, a lot can be accomplished by a smile and good manners.
Like it or not, our adult lives will be consumed by the struggle for money, but we don’t make an effort to teach children how to manage it. So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.
We’re likely not to accept something we are told, but that’s not what educated people do. Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts. If our schools teach nothing else, they should at least teach critical(批判性的)thinking.
Children should learn to take care of their health. They should know that if they eat junk food(垃圾食品), they will become fat and unhealthy. They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.
All of us are part of society. We have rights and responsibilities. We ought to understand what they are. We have to know a little bit of history and geography, because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us.
How will we test students on these? We can’t. But that’s not a reason to avoid teaching what is important. Our schools should spend every moment they have telling this to our children: “This is life, this is what you are going to face, and this is how you deal with it.”
Very Useful Schooling
Education should be a 【小题2】      for life.
Important things should be taught in 【小题3】      .
●How to 【小题5】       properly
●The basic skill of【小题6】     money
●How to【小题7】     in a critical way
●How to keep 【小题8】     
●The rights and responsibilities one has in 【小题9】     
Children should be taught what【小题10】     is and how to deal with it.
1. When I was in the 8th grade in Ohio, a girl named Helen in my class had a terrible accident. As she was     to the bus in order not to miss it, she slipped on the ice and fell under the back wheels of the bus. She     the accident but was paralyzed from the waist down. I went to see her, in my 13-year-old     thinking that she wouldn’t live     from then on.
Over the years, I    and didn’t think much about Helen after that. Three years ago, in Florida, my oldest son was hit by a car while riding his bike,        a terrible brain injury. While I was looking after my son, a lady who said she was the hospital’s social worker called. It was a (an)     trying day. I burst into tears for no reason and rang    .
A short time 1ater, a beautiful woman, in a wheelchair,     into my son’s room with a box of    . After 16 years, I still    Helen. She smiled, handed me the tissues and hugged me. I told her who I was, and after we both went through the shock of that, she began to tell me about     since we last saw each other. She married, had children and got her degree so that she     the path for those people who were less     than her. She told me that if there was anything she could give me, it would be    .
Looking at this wonderful, giving person, I felt    . But I also felt the first hope I had since learning that my son was    . From this person that I thought would have no     of life, I learned that where there is life, there is hope. My son miraculously     and we moved north, but I owe Helen     that I can never repay.
A.her lifeB.her sonC.her familyD.her work
A.some moneyB.some tissuesC.a debtD.a hope
1. That “Monday morning feeling” could be a crushing pain in the chest which leaves you sweating and gasping for breath. Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings and doctors blame the stress of returning to work after the weekend break.
The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-year study helped by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more than 2,600 Germans showed that the average person had a 20 per cent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.
Working Germans are particularly not protected against attack, with a 33 per cent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other day.
A study of 11,000 Italians proved 8 am on a Monday morning as the most stressful time for the heart, and both studies showed that Sunday is the least stressful day, with fewer heart attacks in both countries.
The findings could lead to a better understanding of what is the immediate cause of heart attacks, according to Dr Stefan Willich of the Free University. “We know a lot about long-term risk factors such as smoking and cholesterol(胆固醇)but we don’t know what actually causes heart attacks, so we can’t give clear advice on how to prevent them,” he said.
Monday mornings have a double helping of stress for the working body as it makes a rapid change from sleep to activity, and from the relaxing weekend to the pressures of work.
“When people get up, their blood pressure and heart rate go up and there are hormonal(内分泌)changes in their bodies,” Willich explained. “All these things can have an unfavourable effect in the blood system and increase the risk of a clot(血凝块)in the arteries(动脉)which will cause a heart attack.”
“When people return to work after a weekend off, the pace of their life changes. They have a higher workload, more stress, more anger and more physical activity,” said Willich.
【小题1】Monday morning feeling, as this passage shows,        .
A.is not so serious as people thought
B.is harmful to working people in developed countries.
C.is the first killer in Germany and Italy.
D.is created by researchers in Germany and Italy
【小题2】To protect people from suffering from heart attack, doctors have paid much attention to    .
A.people’s working time
B.people’s living place
C.people’s diet and lifestyle
D.people’s nationalities
【小题3】It can be learned from this passage that heart attack has nothing to do with     .
A.blood pressureB.heart rate
C.hormonal changesD.blood group
【小题4】If the researchers give us some advice to avoid Monday morning feeling, what might it be?
A.Stop working on Monday
B.Create a pleasant working environment
C.Get up late on Monday morning
D.Go to work with a doctor
2. The huge Florida wetland known as the Everglades is a slow-moving river 80 kilometres wide but only a few centimeters deep. People call the Everglades a “river of grass” because sawgrass covers most of it. Sawgrass is not really grass. It is a plant that has leaves edged with tiny sharp teeth that can easily cut through clothes—and skin!
Travel in the Everglades is difficult. You cannot walk through shallow water because the sawgrass will cut you. The water is too shallow for regular boats. So, we use an airboat. An airboat is a flat, open boat. Like an airplane, it has a big propeller to move it. The propeller is fixed on the rear of the boat. It makes a tremendous noise, but it does the job. The boat skims along the water’s surface. Although we can still get lost in an airboat, at least we are above the alligators(短吻鳄).
While hundreds of different kinds of animals live in the Everglades, the most famous is surely the alligator. Once endangered, alligators are now protected within Everglades National Park. Visitors are likely to see them both on land and in water.
For a long time, dangers have threatened the Everglades. Around 1900, some people felt this precious wetland should be drained (排干). They said it was just a big swamp and not good for anything. In the 1920s, there was a land boom in Florida. People wanted to build homes everywhere, including in the Everglades. They built canals, levees (防洪堤), and other water systems that stopped the rivers flowing into the Everglades. Factories were built near rivers that flowed into the wetland. These factories dumped poisonous waste that damaged the Everglades ecosystem.
People are now working to preserve the Everglades National Park for the future. Right now, one big problem is the paperbark tree. This tree is aninvaderfrom Australia.
Paperbark trees soak up a lot of water. In the early 1900s, people brought them to Florida because they thought they would help drain the Everglades. However, the invaders adapted too well. Paperbark trees have taken over hundreds of thousands of acres of the Everglades and killed other trees. Scientists are cutting down these invaders or spraying them with herbicides (除草剂) to kill them.
【小题1】Which helps to explain why it is difficult to travel in Everglades?
A.Airboats may make a very big noise.
B.You may get lost when passing through.
C.Paperbark trees soak up too much water there.
D.Many different kinds of animals are to be protected.
【小题2】Why do people use airboats instead of normal boats?
A.They have big propellers to move them faster than alligators.
B.The propeller makes loud noise so as to scare alligators.
C.Their flat bottom can skim along the water surface.
D.They can watch alligators without hurting them.
【小题3】The following measures were taken to drain the Everglades except that people______.
A.built canals and levees to stop the rivers flowing into Everglades
B.built factories near rivers that flowed into the wetland
C.brought Paperbark to soak up water in Everglades
D.are cutting down these Paperbark trees
【小题4】The underlined word "invader" probably means something______.
A.that moves in from another place
B.that enters and takes control
C.that has been brought in
D.that is in danger
3. Like many other nations, China has been busy putting together evacuation (撤侨)plans for its citizens stuck in crisis-torn Libya.The real surprise has been just how many Chinese are living there.The foreign ministry does not know for sure but puts the figure at 30-40,000.
The huge contingent (代表团) in Libya, who work for at least 27 Chinese companies, has brought to light one of the new dilemmas facing China as its economic interests expand.For a mixture of reasons that are partly political, partly business, Chinese workers are now present in many of the most unrest and dangerous parts of the world, including places where anti-Chinese sentiment over jobs and working conditions is on the rise.One of the first wake-up calls was in 2007, when a group of Chinese women were kidnapped in Pakistan, an event which led to the siege of the Red Mosque in Lahore.In the same year, nine Chinese oil workers were killed in Ethiopia.In recent years, Chinese workers have been kidnapped in Cameroon, Congo and Afghanistan.
Publicly, Chinese diplomats admit that the country needs better contingency plans to deal with this sort of situation.Privately, they worry about a different issue: that such incidents will force them to get much more involved in domestic political disputes in far-off lands, pulling the government away from its commitment to a policy of non-interference.The nightmare, a few diplomats and academics admit, would be a large, violent attack on a group of Chinese which then prompted an intense nationalist reaction at home, forcing the government to take the sort of interventionist (干涉主义的) actions it tries toshun
Beijing gave some indication of how it will respond in the future with the decision on Thursday to send the frigate(护卫舰) Xuzhou, currently conducting anti-piracy tasks off the coast of Somalia, to Libya.Its mission will be to help the evacuation effort, but it is also a warning to any in Libya who might attack Chinese interests, as well as the latest indication of the growing global reach of China’s navy.As Andrew Erickson, a China expert at the US Naval War College says: “This latest initiative(方案) is part of a larger ongoing increase in Chinese power, presence, and influence around the world, and should come as no surprise.China has global interests, cannot free ride forever, and requires a presence in critical areas and situations in order to have a voice.”
【小题1】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.There are many Chinese workers in the most unrest and dangerous parts of the world.
B.China should protect workers in the foreign countries.
C.China are taking actions to bring its citizens back from Libya.
D.The international situation is terrible
【小题2】The underlined word “shun” in the third paragraph most probably means?
A.take part inB.avoid
C.carry outD.refuse
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It remains unknown how many Chinese are living in Libya.
B.A large number workers are working abroad, which bring about advantages and disadvantages.
C.In no case will the Chinese government take part in solving the political problems in far-off lands.
D.Our government take immediate action to deal with this sort of situation.
【小题4】What’s Not true about the frigate Xuzhou?
A.It is conducting anti-piracy tasks off the coast of Somalia.
B.It will help the evacuation effort.
C.It is a warning to Libya who might attack Chinese interests.
D.It indicates that China’s navy can reach an increasing number of parts of the global.
4. Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems.While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves.University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient.
“To provide enough power, we need certain methods with high energy density(密度)”,said Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU.“The radioisotope(放射性同位素) battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries.”
Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, presently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro / nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS).Although nuclear batteries can cause concerns, Kwon said they are safe.
“People hear the word ‘nuclear’ and think of something very dangerous,” he said, “However, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pace-makers, space satellites and underwater systems.”
His new idea is not only in the battery’s size, but also in its semiconductor(半导体).Kwon’s battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor.
“The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy, part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶体结构) of the solid semiconductor,” Kwon said, “By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem.”
Together with J.David Robertson, chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor, Kwon is working to build and test the battery.In the future, they hope to increase the battery’s power, shrink its size and try with various other materials.Kwon said that battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.
【小题1】Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4_________.
A.to show chemical batteries are widely applied.
B.to introduce nuclear batteries can be safely used.
C.to describe a nuclear-powered system.
D.to introduce various energy sources.
【小题2】According to Jae Kwon, his nuclear battery _______.
A.uses a solid semiconductor
B.will soon replace the present ones.
C.could be extremely thin
D.has passed the final test.
【小题3】The text is most probably a ________.
A.science news reportB.book review
C.newspaper adD.science fiction