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主要内容包括: 1)丢失的物品;   2)物品失而复得的经过;   3) 你的感想。
答案:In our daily life, almost anybody may lose something, which is quite common. What we lost sometimes can be returned in different ways and if so,the feeling is rather impressive . Among the things that I lost and regained, I will never forget the event about my good friend, a dog called Xiaohei. It was five years ago when I was in a junior middle school that Xiaohei and I went out by bus. When I got to the destination, Xiaohei was not in my sight. Perhaps he got down the bus at a stop by mistake. Immediately looking for him was the whole thing I did but it was a pity.That afternoon I cried a lot and I thought I would never see him again. Then a week passing, when I got up to school. I hear a familiar sound. Outside the door stood my dog, mud all over his body. I could not help sobbing at that moment. Only from that moment on have I understood the deep feeling of sympathy .