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I like playing football, but I am not very good at it. I do not usually play on my school football team. I am areserveplayer. This means that I play only if another player on the team can’t play or is hurt during a game. I have only played in one of the games this year. That was the game we played yesterday. In the middle of the game, one of the players hurt his knee. “Take his place,” the coach said. I ran onto the field. Soon a player on the other team ran towards me with the ball. We were both near my team’s goal. I ran towards him. I got the ball away from him. “ I can’t kick hard, “ I thought. “ I’ll kick the ball to my goal-keeper. He can pick it up and kick it to the other end of the field. “ I did this, but I kicked the ball too hard. The goal-keeper couldn’t get it. The ball went into the goal. I had scored on our own goal! I don’t think the coach will ask me to play for the team again.
【小题1】Why won’t they ask him to play on the team again?
A.He doesn’t know the rules.B.He got hurt.
C.He made a big mistake.D.He plays too well.
【小题2】 How often did he play on the team before this game this year?
A.Never.B.A few times.
C.Quite often.D. All the time.
【小题3】How did he probably feel after he scored the goal?
C.SadD.Very happy
【小题4】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “reseave”?
【小题2】细节理解。根据短文,I have only played in one of the games this year.可知故事主人公只有今年才参加过一次足球比赛。,故选A。