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【小题1】The college entrance examination ________ (接近), we should be ready for it.
【小题2】All the people should save _______ (燃料) such as oil and coal.
【小题3】The new student ________ (积极地) participates in the discussion.
【小题4】He ________(问候) me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.
【小题5】He doesn’t like to be ________(暴力的), instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace.
【小题6】Many _______(奖) will be given to the winners in the coming music ceremony.
【小题7】John is the _______(第二十) student to be chosen as a volunteer.
【小题8】Is it true that Cao Chong _______ (称…的重量) an elephant in ancient times?
【小题9】As is known to all, smoking is _______(有害的) to our health.
【小题10】She ________(主修) in physics in college, and she thought it is more useful than other subjects.
【小题11】They agreed to accept my_________ (申请) for joining their team.
【小题12】You know, Dorothy, you and I have one thing in _______(共同).
【小题13】He _______(成功地) achieved his aim to go to Beijing University.
【小题14】Compared with a (n) _______ (十年) ago, our life is much better than before.
【小题15】I have always _______ (遗憾) giving up my piano lessons.
【小题16】Many people may die from cold and _______ (饥饿) this winter as the war continues.
【小题17】The teachers are giving complete _______ (自由) in their choice of teaching methods.
【小题18】The old lady offered to take in the poor _______ (无家可归的) boy.
【小题19】Jimmy _______ (克服) his difficulties in learning and graduated with a first-class degree.
【小题20】The book is a series of interviews with _______ (杰出的) artists.
【小题21】In hot sunny climates, wide­edged hats provide        (荫凉) from the sun.
【小题22】They captured more than ten thousand prisoners and large quantities of arms in that ______(战役) .
【小题23】Mind your ________(举止)! It’s bad manners to do like that.
【小题24】It’s ________(体贴周到)of you to include me.
【小题25】The light moved across the sky and ________ (聚焦) on the plane.
【小题26】The Water Cube is a fully ________ (配备) gym.
【小题27】She spoke in a ________(低语) , so I couldn't hear what she said.
【小题28】This ________(手势) means the closing of the mouth. Hold the fingers straight and then close them against the thumb.
【小题29】Have you seen any films ________(执导)by Feng Xiaogang?
【小题30】I live in Sichuan which is a ________(多山的)province.
【小题9】考查固定搭配。句意:众所周知,吸烟有害健康。be harmful to sth对......有害,相当于do harm to sth,故填harmful。
【小题10】考查动词和时态。句意:她在大学主修物理,她认为物理比其它学科更有用。major in主修......,根据“thought”可知,应该使用一般过去时,故填majored。
【小题11】考查名词。句意:他们同意接受我加入他们队的申请。apply for申请,形容词性物主代词my后跟名词,故填application。
【小题12】考查固定搭配。have...in common有共同之处,have nothing in common没有共同之处,故填common。
【小题15】考查动词。句意:我一直为放弃钢琴课而感到遗憾。regret doing sth遗憾/后悔做了某事,regret to do sth遗憾做某事,不定式表示的动作还未发生,这里是现在完成时,regret的过去分词需要双写字母“t”,故填regretted。
【小题16】考查名词。句意:随着战争的继续,许多人在这个冬天可能会死于寒冷和饥饿。die from死于......,后跟名词,hunger饥饿,故填hunger。
【小题19】考查时态。根据“and graduated”可知,应该使用一般过去时,overcome克服,故填overcame。
【小题22】考查名词。句意:他们在那次战役中俘获了一万多俘虏和大量的武器装备。campaign/battle战役,战斗,故填campaign/ battle。
【小题25】考查时态。and表并列,根据moved可知,这里需要填过去式,focus on聚焦在......上,故填focused。
【小题26】考查过去分词作定语。句意:水立方是一个配备完善的体育馆。the Water Cube和equip是动宾关系,即水立方被配备......,应该用过去分词作定语,故填equipped。
【小题27】考查名词。句意:她说话的声音很小,因此我听不清她说的什么。in a whisper低语,低声说话,故填whisper。