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Have you ever considered what it would be like if you are not able to smile? I hadn't ____ that, up until a few months ago, when I found that I ____ couldn't. Well, I'm exaggerating (夸张) a little bit ... I ____ smile, but only with one side of my face!
I went to the___, and was diagnosed(诊断) with Bell's Palsy—a disease of the muscles on one side of the face. As you could ____, this was quite a shock to me,and made me very ____.Although this was a major bomb that was dropped on my life, my story is not about how ___ life is, but about how I face the sudden ____ falling on me.
Anyway, ____ is a part of everyday life for me. “Losing” half my face temporarily caused me to think “What is a smile?”According to the dictionary,a smile is a ____ expression for pleasure, characterized(特征是) by the turning up of the corners of the mouth,____ what about the cause? What is ____ the smile that causes us to show this expression?
After ____ about this for a while, I came up with the ____ that a smile is not only characterized by the upturning of the corners of the mouth, but also by what a person does, says and thinks. This gave me hope, as I ____ that smiling is not just an outward expression, but an inward ____.
With this in mind, I set about ____ how to smile with my life through my ____, not just with my face.____,sometimes I send my friends Smile Cards with a chocolate bar or bookmark, letting them ____ a true smile.
A.thought aboutB.stuck toC.fought forD.dreamed of
A.doctorB.nursery houseC.governmentD.Bookstore
A.In factB.For exampleC.As a resultD.By the way
【小题1】考查动词词组辨析。A考虑B遵守,保留C为…斗争 D 梦想,根据句意,表示“我从未想过这个”,故选A。
【小题2】考查副词辨析。A肯定地;B事实上;C几乎不;D 明显地。根据上文句意表示“我从未想过这个”,此句应表示“但事实上,我不能笑了。”故选B。
【小题3】考察情态动词辨析。A需要 B将要 C应该 D 能够。句意是我能够微笑,只能用半张脸,故选D。
【小题4】考查名词辨析辨析。A医生B护士房C政府D 书店。这里根据上下文推断。上文说我意识到有半张脸不能笑,意味着下文我去的地方就是看医生,故选A。
【小题5】考查动词辨析。A 询问,B 行为,表现C 计划,打算D 想象。由上下文推测,这里as you could_______应该填imagine 你能想象得到。故选D。
【小题6】考查形容词辨析。A 兴奋的,激动的B 使迷惑,使难解C 使心烦意乱,搅乱D 羞愧,ashamed of 为…感到羞愧。根据上下文,这个诊断是我震惊,而且使我心烦意乱,made me very___upset____,故选C。
【小题7】考查形容词辨析。A 困难的,艰难的B 无聊的C 短促的,短的D 有趣的,感兴趣的。根据上下文,句意是尽管这对我的生活来说这是个炸弹,但是我并不是想说生活有多么的艰难,my story is not about how ______ life is ,其他选项不符合文章意思。故选A。
【小题8】考查名词辨析。A 幸运B 挑战,机遇C 责任,义务,职责,税收D 工作,职责,作业。But about how I face the sudden ______ falling on me .根据上文,我得病了,这对我来说是个挑战,而不是其他选项的意思,所以这里应表示为“关于我如何面对突如其来的挑战。”故选B。
【小题9】考查名词辨析。A 睡眠B 工作C 笑容D 吃。根据文章主旨,主要讲smile笑,故选C。
【小题10】考查形容词辨析,A 面部的B 身体上的,形体的C 内心的,精神的,思想的D 快乐的。根据常识,a smile is a _______ expression for pleasure .可以推断出“笑容是一个面部的表达欢乐的方式。”故选A。
【小题11】考查连词辨析。A 因为B所以C 但是D 或者。根据上下文,这里_______ what about the cause 表示“但是笑是什么原因呢”,故选C。
【小题12】考查介词辨析。A 在…后面B 反对C 在…之前D 朝,向,对于,接近,为了。What is ______ the smile that causes us to show this expression .根据上下文,表示“笑容的背后是什么引导我们去展示这个表情呢、”故选A。
【小题13】考查动词辨析。A 工作B 思考,考虑C 阅读D 讲话。文章上句提出了一个问题,下文About      this for a while应表示“我思考了这个问题一会儿”。故选B。
【小题14】考查名词辨析。A 协议B 结论,结果C 宣言,宣告D 情况,状态,环境。句子I came up with the _______.其中come up with 想出,提出;所以这里表示“我想出来一个结论,”故选B。
【小题15】考查动词辨析。A 怀疑,疑惑,不确定B 希望,盼望,期望C 坚持,认为D 意识到。As I _______ that smiling is not just an outward expression ,因为作者以前并没有意识到笑容不只是一个外在的表达方式,所以这里应表示“我意识到笑容不只是一个外在的表达方式。”故选D。
【小题16】考查名词辨析。A 装饰,装潢,装饰品B 态度,看法,姿势C 模式,图案,典范D 引人注意的东西,有趣的东西。根据上句,outward expression ,所以这里应填与上文对照,故选B。
【小题17】考查动词辨析。这里set about 后接动词ing形式。A学习 B建议 C 商议,商量 D 预言,预测。根据上文,作者明白了什么才是真正的笑,所以下文应表达“我开始学习怎样去笑。”故选B。
【小题18】考查词语辨析。A 演讲B 许诺C 动作D 想法。上文but also by what a person does表示“而且通过一个人的行为。”推断出Through my ______,not just with my face .表示为“通过我的动作,不只是我的脸,”故选C。
【小题19】考查词组辨析。A 事实上B 举例来说C 结果,作为…的结果D 顺便说。______,sometimes I send my friends Smile Cards with a chocolate bar 意为,“举例来说,我经常送朋友巧克力条来作为笑容。”故选B。
【小题20】考察动词辨析。A 发现B 搬动,移动C 传达D 经历,经验。Letting them ____a true smile 根据上文,我通过送巧克力等方式,这里表达为“让朋友们感受到真正的笑容。”故选D。