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We were on tour a few summers ago, driving through Chicago, when right outside of the city, we got pulled over. A middle-aged policeman came up to the car and was really being troublesome at first. Lecturing us, he said, "You were speeding. Where are you going in such a hurry?" Our guitarist, Tim, told him that we were on our way to Wisconsin to play a show. His way towards us totally changed. He asked, "Oh, so you boys are in a band (乐队)?" We told him that we were. He then asked all the usual broad questions about the type of music we played, and how long we had been at it. Suddenly, he stopped and said, "Tim, you want to get out of this ticket, don't you?" Tim said, "Yes." So the officer asked him to step out of the car. The rest of us, inside the car, didn't know what to think as we watched the policeman talk to Tim. Next thing we knew, the policeman was putting Tim in the back of the police car he had parked in front of us. With that, he threw the car into reverse(倒车), stopping a few feet in back of our car. Now we suddenly felt frightened. We didn't know if we were all going to prison, or if the policeman was going to sell Tim on the black market or something. All of a sudden, the pollen's voice came over in a loudspeaker. He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, we have Tim here singing on Route 90.” Turns out, the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car. Seconds later, Tim started screaming into the receiver. The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket.
【小题1】The policeman stopped the boys to ______.
A.put them into prison
B.give them a ticket
C.enjoy their performance
D.ask some band questions
【小题2】The policeman became friendly to the boys when he knew they ____
A.had long been at the band
B.played the music he loved
C.were driving for a show
D.promised into a performance
【小题3】The boys probably felt ______ when they drove off.
A, joyful       B. calm
C. nervous      D. frightened
【小题1】B细节题。根据文章最后部分the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car.说明他原来想要开罚单,如果他唱了歌就算了。
【小题2】C细节题。由Tim told him that we were on our way to Wisconsin to play a show. His way towards us totally changed.(Tim告诉他我们是去演出的路上时,他对我们的态度就完全变了)可以看出。
【小题3】A推断题。通读全文可知,这个乐队最后拿着警官的扩音器唱了首歌,不但没罚款,而且还受到路人的喜爱,心情肯定是愉快的。由最后一句“The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket。”可以看出由于这个警察没开罚单就让我们走了,所以我们应当很高兴。故A选项正确