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Lina is a Chinese tennis star. She plays tennis well. She plays tennis every day. She has some tennis rackets and tennis balls. She has lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she has eggs and milk. She usually plays tennis for three hours in the morning. Then she has a big lunch-carrots, rice, fish and meat. After that she plays tennis for two hours in the afternoon. For dinner, she has chicken, apples and soup. After dinner, she watches tennis on TV for half hour. She has a busy life.
【小题1】Lina is a     _star.
【小题2】She plays tennis for     _every day.
A.two hoursB.three hours
C.four hoursD.five hours
【小题3】She has     _for lunch.
A.chickenB.ice cream
C.tomatoesD.fish and meat
【小题4】She watches tennis on TV     _.
A.in the morningB.in the evening
C.in the afternoonD.after lunch
【小题5】She is     _
试题分析:李娜是中国网球明星。她打网球。她每天都打网球。她有网球拍和网球。她也吃很多健康的食物。她通常在早上打网球用三个小时。她在下午用两小时打网球。晚饭后, 她用半个小时通过电视看网球节目。她有一个忙碌的生活。
【小题1】细节理解题。问题:李娜是什么明星?联系原文;Lina is a Chinese tennis star. 句意:李娜是中国网球明星。联系选项第二项正确。故选B
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:她每天打多长时间的网球?联系原文:She usually plays tennis for three hours in the morning. she plays tennis for two hours in the afternoon. 句意:她通常在早上打网球用三个小时。她在下午用两小时打网球。明确为五个小时。故选D
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:她午餐吃什么?联系原文:she has a big lunch-carrots, rice, fish and meat. 句意:她有一个很大的午餐,有胡萝卜、米饭、鱼和肉。结合选项,明确第四项正确。故选D
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:她什么时间通过电视看网球?联系原文:After dinner, she watches tennis on TV for half hour. 句意: 晚饭后, 她用半个小时通过电视看网球节目。联系选项,第二项正确。故选B