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From good reading we can get pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction. A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity. Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad. Whatever may be our main purpose in reading, our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.
With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely. Whether the characters in it are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble (相像) human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances(熟人). Our human friends sometimes may bore us, but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company. By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings. While human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragement.
Of all the gifts from reading books, the most valuable one is experience. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books. Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of daily routines or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can. To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter the land of our heart's desire. Through books we may get the thrill of hazardous adventure without danger.   We can climb high mountains, brave the perils (危险) of an Antarctic winter, or cross the scorching sands of the desert, all without hardship. In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may mix with the merry crowds of the Paris boulevards; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island. Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking. The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited. The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of architecture, the marvels of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.
【小题1】Why do we sometimes forget our surroundings and even our identity while reading?
A.No one is trying to disturb you there.
B.All is so quiet and calm around you.
C.The book you read is so fascinating.
D.Our life is just far from satisfactory.
【小题2】What makes people like their acquaintances in books even more?
A.They are just like our human friends.
B.They are unfamiliar types we like.
C.They will never ever abandon us.
D.They will never hurt our feelings.
【小题3】The word “hazardous” means ______.
【小题4】What is the most suitable title for this passage?
A.Reading and travelingB.Experiencing the world
C.Traveling with booksD.Gifts from reading
【小题1】细节题。在第一自然段的第二句,根据A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity.可知:当我们阅读一本非常吸引人的书籍的时候,我们就会忘记身边的事物甚至我们自己。故选C。
【小题2】细节题。在第二段第五、六两行,由Our human friends sometimes may bore us, but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company.可知现实生活中,我们的朋友可能会厌烦我们,但是书中的朋友永远会不厌其烦的陪伴我们,正式这个原因,人们更喜欢在书中结识的朋友。故选C。
【小题3】推断题。在第三自然段中,文字主要讲述书带给人们最有价值的礼物是体验。根据Through books we may get the thrill of hazardous adventure without danger.可知通过书我们可以获得体验危险的冒险活动的刺激和兴奋,而没有真的危险。故选B。
【小题4】推断题。文章主要介绍了阅读给人们带来的礼物,包括可以获得阅读的乐趣,可以享受有朋友的陪伴,可以体验通过阅读旅行,可以获取新的知识等。故选 D。