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Jimmy:  Alice, how was your journey to the countryside?
Alice:   Wonderful. We  【小题1】  (enjoy) beautiful sights and food in the country.
Jimmy:  Food? Did you have  【小题2】 big dinner in the countryside? What have you had?
Alice:   It was not a big dinner at all,  【小题3】 there were a lot of foods which only can be eaten in the local place, such 【小题4】  some wild vegetables.
Jimmy:  Oh, I see. Did you do anything  【小题5】 ?
Alice:   Yes. We got  【小题6】  well with the villagers and sent pens and books we carried to the poor students.
Jimmy:  That is really great! I think they must study harder with your help.
Alice:   It is far from enough.  【小题7】 (actual), I felt a little sad as soon as I saw the joy on the children who got the pens and books.
Jimmy:  Why do you have this kind of feeling?
Alice:   As far as I am  【小题8】  (concern), these things are nothing for the children who live in our city.
Jimmy:  You are right. We can do more for the children living in that area.
Alice:   Yes. Many of us who went to the place  【小题9】 (plan) to give more help to the children.
Jimmy:  Can you tell me what you are going to do?
Alice:   We are going to buy a number of books and donate  【小题10】  to the local school.
Jimmy:  It is a good idea. I am entirely willing to join you.
Alice:   It’s very kind of you.
【小题9】are planning
【小题2】考查冠词。一个可数名词不能够以单独的形式出现,其前要么有修饰词要么就应该有限定词,此处的意思是你在乡村吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐吗?故应该在big dinner前加上冠词a.
【小题3】考查关系副词的使用。 “It was not a big dinner at all”不是一顿丰盛的晚餐,后面又谈到他们吃了很多乡村特有的食物,所以表示的应该是一种转折关系,故用but.
【小题4】考查固定搭配。后面接的是列举的具体内容 some wild vegetables.表示列举的固定短语为such as.
【小题5】考查副词的使用。 Did you do anything__?你们还做了别的吗?Else用于疑问句或nothing, something等词后表示“别的,其它的”。
【小题6】考查动词短语的固定搭配。这里讲的是“我们和村民们相处地很好”,英语中表示相处得很好的固定短语为get on/along well with.
【小题1】考查副词的使用。Actual为形容词,但它若要修饰后面整个一句话 I felt a little sad as soon as I saw the joy on the children who got the pens and books.必须得用副词形式,故用actually.
【小题8】考查固定短语。 As far as I am concerned.为固定短语,意为“据我而言,在我看来。
【小题10】考查代词的使用。文中前面已经出现了We are going to buy a number of books其后donate后面的代词应该代替a number of books,故用them.