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John and Bobby joined the same company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted (提拔) Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary worker. John couldn’ttakeit anymore, gave his resignation (辞呈) to the boss and complained that the boss only promoted those who only said good words to him.
The boss knew John worked very hard for the years. He thought for a moment and said, “I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave.”
John agreed.  The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found a man selling water melons. The boss asked how much they per kilo. John shook his head and went back to the seller to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kilo.
The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to come to his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market.  Bobby went, returned and said, "Boss, only one person is selling watermelons.  $1.2 per kg, and $10 for 10 kg. He has 340 melons in all, 58 of which are on the table. Every melon weighs about 2 kg. Brought from the South two days ago, they are fresh and red. "
John was impressed and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.
【小题1】According to Paragraph 1, John thought that ____________.
A.Bobby wasn’t fit to be a manager.
B.Bobby was lazy though he was clever.
C.the boss was expecting to hear good words.
D.it was unfair that the boss only promoted Bobby.
【小题2】The underlined word “take” in Paragraph 1 means “_________”.
【小题3】Why did the boss tell John and Bobby to find anyone selling watermelon in the market?
A.To show watermelons are in great need.
B.To test their abilities to make market research.
C.To make John realize Bobby’s ability to do business.
D.To help John learn the difference between Bobby and him.
【小题4】What does the passage mostly want to tell us?
A.Learning is the key to great success.
B.A person fails usually because of carelessness.
C.A more successful person sees more and further.
D.One’s success is not related to his working hard.
【小题1】D推理判断题,从文中第一段最后一句話complained that the boss only promoted those who only said good words to him.抱怨老板只会提升那些说好话的人,因此他覺得不公平,故选D。
【小题3】D 细节理解题,从文章最后一段John was impressed and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. 老板的目的正是需要John所意识到的。故选D。
【小题4】C 主旨大意题,本文主要告诉了我們不仅要做事努力认真,還要善于动脑。成功的人要眼光长远。故选C。