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Buenos Aires in Argentina is the second biggest city in South America, with about 13 million people. To        the city at night requires over 125,000 streetlamps. As you can imagine, that uses a lot of        and costs a lot of money. But the city has decided to deal with this problem in a way that can save energy and reduce pollution and make the city        at night.
After a public bidding(竞标)       , Philips has been selected to replace the majority of the city’s streetlamps with new LED ones. These LED streetlamps are expected to       energy use by 50% for the city, which means a significant reduction in CO2 emissions (排放), and they offer a        that is 5 times longer than traditional lighting.
That’s just one city. It’s        that if cities around the world made a switch to LED streetlamps like Buenos Aires,       would add up to $180 billion in reduced energy costs each year.
A.put upB.light upC.cheer upD.take up
【小题1】考查动词短语辨析。A提供,提高,提名;B点亮;C欢呼;D拿起,开始从事,占据。To        the city at night requires over 125,000 streetlamps.这个城市夜晚需要12.5万支路灯照明,故选B。
【小题2】考查名词辨析。A金钱;B设备;C能量;D空间。As you can imagine, that uses a lot of        and costs a lot of money.可以想象,大量的路灯消耗大量能源和金钱,故选C。
【小题3】考查形容词辨析。A安静;B漂亮;C干净;D安全。But the city has decided to deal with this problem in a way that can save energy and reduce pollution and make the city        at night.这个城市已经决定解决这个问题,用一种节约能源、降低污染、保障夜晚城市更安全的方式。故选D。
【小题4】考查名词辨析。A程序;B任务;C时刻;D建议。After a public bidding(竞标)       , Philips has been selected to replace the majority of the city’s streetlamps with new LED ones.经过公开竞标程序,飞利浦取代了该市原来最大的路灯供应商,为该市提供LED路灯,故选A。
【小题5】考查动词辨析。A生产;B减少;C乘,使增加;D增强。These LED streetlamps are expected to        energy use by 50% for the city, which means a significant reduction in CO2 emissions (排放).LED路灯预计会减少50%的能耗,同时也能显著地减少二氧化碳的排放。更换路灯的目的就是节能减排,故选B。
【小题6】考查名词辨析。A方式,方法;B长度;C计划;D使用寿命,有效期。they offer a        that is 5 times longer than traditional lighting.LED路灯的使用寿命是传统路灯的五倍,故选D。
【小题7】考查动词辨析。A说;B报道;C估计,估算;D知道。It’s        that if cities around the world made a switch to LED streetlamps like Buenos Aires,        would add up to $180 billion in reduced energy costs each year. 据估算,如果全球都像布宜诺斯艾利斯一样换用LED路灯,每年因降耗而节约的费用将增加到1.8亿美元,故选C。
【小题8】考查名词辨析。A节省,节约;B价格;C花费;D用户,使用者。       would add up to $180 billion in reduced energy costs each year. 每年因降耗而节约的费用将增加到1.8亿美元,故选A。