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【小题1】曾经有一段时间我对流行音乐非常地疯狂。( be crazy…)
【小题4】正是在这可怕的15秒内,这座古老的寺庙成为了废墟。(强调句,in ruins)
【小题5】当电话响的时候我碰巧要出去。(happen to)
答案:【小题1】There was a time when I was crazy about pop music.
【小题2】Believe it or not, I find it important to make full use of vocabulary.
【小题3】Once the teenager has made up his mind, nothing can change it.
【小题4】It was in the terrible fifteen seconds that the old/ancient temple was in ruins.
【小题5】I happened to go outdoors when the telephone rang.
【小题1】考查固定搭配。be crazy about 对┈疯狂  there was a time when 曾经有一段时间
【小题2】考查固定句型。find it important to do sth. (it为形式宾语)  believe it or not信不信由你
【小题3】考查时态。Once 引导的句子用完成时态    made up ┈mind下定决心
【小题4】考查强调句和固定短语。It is/was ┈that是强调句基本句型,that不能省略。这里强调的是时间状语。
【小题5】考查固定句型。happen to do 碰巧做某事