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【小题1】Who will take  r______for the accident?
【小题2】I know I needn’t worry about my English learning anymore if I can use these learning s______( 策略).
【小题3】A dictionary will tell you a lot about the word, the p_____, the part of speech, the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word.
【小题4】But how to learn a new English word e______(有效)? Here is the basic process and some suggestions.
【小题5】We smelt something _____(烧焦 )
【小题6】Generally speaking, language learners can be d______into four types.
【小题7】Our class teacher is hard-working and d_______most of her time to education.
【小题8】That car accident d______all his life and after that he had to stay in the wheel chair all the time.
【小题9】My father_______(结合) his scientific knowledge with business skills to start a company.
【小题10】With the help of his friends,he has made great_______(进步)。
【小题1】试题分析:考查固定短语搭配。Who will take  r______for the accident?句意:谁将为这次事故负责。 take responsibility for,对…负责。故填 responsibility。
【小题2】试题分析:考查名词拼写。 I know I needn’t worry about my English learning anymore if I can use these learning s______( 策略).句意:我知道,如果我能够运用这些学习策略,我再也不用担心英语学习。由注释可知填strategy,these做定语,确定用复数形式,故填strategies。
【小题3】试题分析:考查名词拼写。A dictionary will tell you a lot about the word, the p_____, the part of speech, the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word。句意:字典能够告诉我们关于单词的很多东西,包括发音、词性、中文解释和用法。Pronunciation,发音。故填Pronunciation。
【小题4】试题分析:考查副词拼写。But how to learn a new English word e______(有效)? Here is the basic process and some suggestions.句意:但是怎样有效地学习新的英语单词?这是基本的步骤和建议。effectively(副词)修饰learn(动词),故填effectively。
【小题5】试题分析:考查感官动词的用法。We smelt something _____(烧焦 ).句意:我们闻到了东西烧焦的味道。smell something+ v-ed/v-ing,v-ed/v-ing充当形容词。“燃烧”应为主动的,用v-ing。故填burning。
【小题6】试题分析:考查动词固定短语搭配。Generally speaking, language learners can be d______into four types.句意:概括地说,语言学习者可以分为4种类型。Be divided into…,被划分为…。故填divided。
【小题7】试题分析:考查动词固定短语搭配。Our class teacher is hard-working and d_______most of her time to education.句意:我们的任课老师工作努力,将大部分时间奉献给了教育工作。devote…to…,将…奉献给…。这里用一般现在时,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填devotes。
【小题8】试题分析:考查动词固定短语搭配。That car accident d______all his life and after that he had to stay in the wheel chair all the time.句意:那场交通事故毁了他的一生。自那以后,他只能一直坐在轮椅上。destroy one’s life,毁了某人的人生。这里用一般过去时,故填destroyed。
【小题9】试题分析:考查动词固定短语搭配。My father_______(结合) his scientific knowledge with business skills to start a company.句意:我父亲将他的科技知识和业务技能结合起来,开了一家公司。combine…with …,将 … 和… 结合。这里用一般过去时或者一般现在时,故填combined或者combines。
【小题10】试题分析:考查动词固定短语搭配。With the help of his friends,he has made great_______(进步)。句意:在朋友的帮助下,他已经取得了很大进步。 make great progress取得很大进步。故填progress。