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How can Omar’s class help?
Omar’s class at school learned about taking care of our planet. Children in his class worked hard at collecting newspapers, cans, and bottles. Their teacher took what they collected to a company where the things would be recycled(回收) and used again. Omar hoped that doing this would make progress toward cleaning up our Earth. Omar wished that they could do more. Then Omar’s teacher gave the class this form.
Children from all the schools in our city
Saturday, November 16 Buses will leave from the parking lot at City Park at 8:00 A.M. They will return at 3:00 P.M.
Padre Island on the Texas coast
What should you bring?
Lunch and something to drink; Work gloves (We will have gloves to give to children who do not have a pair.)
What should teachers bring?
Empty bags and small shovels(铲子)
When to sign up?
By Wednesday, November 13
Where to sign up?
Have a parent sign at the back of this form to show that your family will permit you to go. Return this form to your teacher.
【小题1】After the cleanup, the children will ________.
A.report to Mr. Smith
B.join the Clean Earth Club
C.go to the Pizza Palace
D.return the form to their teachers
【小题2】“I made a difference” in the passage probably means “________”.
A.I was different from others
B.I became more interested than before
C.I did something for a friend
D.I made something better than it was
【小题3】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Schools organized a general cleaning.
B.Children can help clean up our Earth.
C.More bottles are thrown away than cans.
D.Parents should go to clean up with children
【小题1】细节理解题。从计划表中最后一段Children will also be treated to a pizza party at the Pizza Palace on the way back to City Park.儿童可以在回去城市公园的路上到披萨店吃一份披萨。故选C