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Sometimes successful health campaigns can have quite unexpected reactions. The years of warnings about skin cancer mean that Britons are happy to cover themselves in sunscreen or stay out of the sun altogether, but it also means that most of us are not getting enough vitamin D.
Scientists announced yesterday that Britons need to increase to three times the amount of vitamin D they get per day. They called on food producers to fortify(强化)their products with more of the vitamin and suggested people should consider taking supplements(补充物) to keep levels up. They also suggested getting out in the sun for short periods more often, but they warned against “sun bingeing”.
The government does not publish official advice on the amount of vitamin D people should take due to a lack of research, says Dr Birgit Teucher of the Institute for Food Research. But in the US, the government recommends 5 micrograms a day. By that count, Dr Birgit Teucher said that around 90% of Britons between 19 and 64 would be lacking in the vitamin because they only took around 3 micrograms a day.
Vitamin D is important for absorption of calcium(钙)by the body, which is needed for healthy teeth and bones. A lack of it can lead to serious diseases in both children and adults. The vitamin can be found in some foods but it can also be obtained from chemicals in the skin reacting to sunlight. Dr Barbara Boucher said adults should get 5 to 25 micrograms a day. Shortage of vitamin D may be linked to diseases such as muscle weakness, high blood pressure and rickets(佝偻病).
Dr Birgit Teucher gave several reasons for the lack among Britons. Increasing numbers of office-based jobs mean a lack of exposure to the sun; and the rise of becoming overweight means that vitamin D—which is fat soluble(可溶解的)一is increasingly stored in body fat, where it cannot be accessed readily.
Professor Brian Wharton of the Institute of Child Health said that children in particular needed to have enough vitamin D to prevent rickets.
Professor Graham Bentham, an environmental scientist at the University of East Anglia, added that babies who were only breast-fed probably need to take supplements in case their mother was vitamin D lacking. Those drinking milk were likely to be OK, thanks to the fortification of the drink.
The scientists called on food producers to fortify milk, bread and breakfast nutrient to enable people to get their daily amount of the vitamin. Prof Graham Bentham added that 30 minutes of sun exposure to the face and forearms between April and October would besufficient. Outside these months, the sun is not strong enough in Britain for the body to produce its own vitamin D.
But Prof Graham Bentham warned against spending too long in the sun. “Sun bingeing is well known to be dangerous,” he said. “In any case, vitamin D transformation in the skin switches off after a while so short frequent amounts are better for vitamin D formation.”
【小题1】From Paragraphs l&2 we can infer that_________.
A.some health campaigns are very successful
B.people are lacking in various vitamins
C.Britons are advised not to get out in the sun
D.vitamin D can be obtained by staying in the sun
【小题2】The word “sufficient” (Paragraph 8) is the closest in meaning to _________.
【小题3】From the passage, we can conclude_________.
A.the babies who were only breast—fed certainly need to take vitamin D supplements
B.a large quantity of vitamin D stored in body fat is the primary reason for being overweight
C.the sunlight can produce adequate vitamin D that the body needs all year round
D.vitamin D is vital for the body to absorb calcium needed for healthy teeth and bones
【小题4】The government doesn’t give official advice on the amount of vitamin D because_________.
A.they think it is harmful for health
B.they don’t want to be blamed
C.they aren’t confident of its function
D.they haven’t concrete proof
【小题5】Which best describes the writer’s tone in the passage?
【小题1】推理判断题。根据第一段“cover themselves in sunscreen or stay out of the sun altogether,...are not getting enough vitamin D”和第二段“They also suggested getting out in the sun for short periods more often”可知,阳光能够帮助人体合成维他命D,如果长期不见阳光,体内就会缺少维他命D,故选D。
【小题2】猜测词义题。根据后半句“the sun is not strong enough...for the body to produce its own vitamin D”可知,在四月至十月期间,在阳光下晒30分钟就能合成足够的维生素,而其它月份的阳光不够强烈,人体无法通过日照来合成足够的维生素,故选A。
【小题3】推理判断题。根据第四段“Vitamin D is important for absorption of calcium(钙)by the body, which is needed for healthy teeth and bones.”可知,维生素D对于钙的吸收是很重要的,钙有助于牙齿和骨骼的健康,故选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据第三段“The government does not publish official advice on the amount of vitamin D...due to a lack of research”可知,政府没有公布维生素D的每天摄入量是因为还没有足够的研究,尚不确定人体每天需要多少维生素D,故选D。
【小题5】观点态度题。根据第三段“due to a lack of research...around 90% of Britons between 19 and 64 would be lacking in the vitamin”和第四段“Shortage of vitamin D may be linked to diseases such as muscle weakness, high blood pressure and rickets(佝偻病).”及最后一段“But Prof Graham Bentham warned against spending too long in the sun.”可知,作者使用了around, may等词汇和百分比来说明缺乏维生素D的危害,作者的叙述是客观的,作者提倡人们晒太阳,又提醒人们不能晒太久,因此不是片面的,排除D,故选B。