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It was a bright spring afternoon when Freda told me she wouldn’t need me any more. I had just finished my four-hour work        up and down the stairs of her three-storey home, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. She was        jeans and a sweater, sitting at the table I had just      . A pile of papers spread around her. Her husband’s     was going to be reduced by thirty percent. And they were trying to live as if it had      happened. I felt sorry for her, but I also felt a sense of      .
I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had        an unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just        I had become an expert at scraping(刮掉) dirt stuck to their wooden floor,           that I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’ beds. It was        than that, for I felt I had become a part of their      .
Freda stayed at home with the kids,     I would often see her in the morning     them to school. And I’d be there when they      home at lunch for sandwiches and piano practice. I had      them grow up. Now I was fired, but the        thing was that I still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family.
I left Freda’s house that day, wondering about the        of my relationship with my clients(主顾). Who am I        them? As a matter of fact, I’m        an employee—the lowest kind of employee. But I’m also a trusted    of the family. I can’t help worrying about what happens around me.
【小题1】考查动词和语境理解。A. stepping迈步 B. coming 来临C. jumping跳跃 D. moving移动。根据原文,“我”每天会擦地板,洗碗等,得知“我”在三层楼的房子里上下走动。而其他三项不符合本句语意,所以D.正确
【小题2】考查动词和语境理解。 A. hanging 悬挂B. making制作 C. wearing 穿着D. changing改变。根据空后宾语jeans and a sweater.牛仔裤和毛衣,当然是雇主穿着,所以C正确。
【小题3】考查动词和语境理解。A. cleaned打扫 B. washed清洗 C. swept横扫 D. brushed刷。根据空后宾语a pile of papers spread around her.散放在她周围的一堆文件,得知雇主在我刚打扫的桌子旁坐着。A正确。
【小题4】考查名词和语境理解。. A. duty 值班B. money金钱 C. work 工作D. pay工资。根据空后was going to be reduced by thirty percent她丈夫的工资将被减少百分之三十,所以D正确。
【小题5】考查副词和语境理解。 A. already 已经B. seldom 很少C. never从未 D. yet然而;尚未。他们尽力生活得好像收入减少已经发生一样。根据前句was going to be reduced by thirty percent,将被减少而实际上还没有减,所以是好像已经发生,所以A正确。
【小题6】考查名词和语境理解。. A. regret 遗憾;后悔B. surprise 惊讶C. fear 恐惧D. loss损失。我为他们感到遗憾,但也有一种失落感。根据上文Freda told me she wouldn’t need me any more他告诉我讲不再需要我,即我要离开他家,所以是失落感。所以D.正确。
【小题7】考查动词和语境理解。. A. started 开始 B. developed 培养;发展 C. improved 提高D. broken打破。句意:我在他家做保洁做了五年而且和他们全家人建立了没想到的融洽的关系。根据宾语relationship,所以B正确。
【小题8】考查关系词和语境理解。 A. why为什么  B. what 引导名词性从句;什么C. that 关系词D. which引导定语从句;哪一个。句意:不仅仅是我做保洁做得好,而且我已经学会了怎样在女孩的床上摆好玩具,根据句意本句不少词义不少成分,所以C正确。
【小题9】考查连词和语境理解。. A. but 但是B. and并且 C. or 或者;否则D. for因为;为了。句意:不仅仅是我做保洁做得好,而且我已经学会怎样在女孩的床上摆好玩具,根据前面not just 不仅确定固定短语not only/just…but (also)…,所以A.正确。
【小题10】考查形容词和语境理解。.A. less 更少 B. least最少  C. more 更多 D. most最多。根据后句for I felt I had become a part of their     ,得知本句句意:这超出了清洁工和雇主之间的关系,因为我感到我已经成了他们生活中的一部分,more than + 句子,超出;不仅仅…,所以C正确。
【小题11】考查名词和语境理解。. A. life 生活B. story故事 C. activity活动 D. experience经历。小题11:B 考查名词和语境理解。句意:这超出了清洁工和雇主之间的关系,因为我感到我已经成了他们生活中的一部分,所以. A.正确。
【小题12】考查连词和语境理解。. A. as随着;因为;按照;尽管 B. so 因此C. since 自从;因为D. however然而。根据前句Freda stayed at home with the kids,她呆在家里和孩子们在一起,后句I would often see her in the morning我总是在早晨看见她,前后句之间是因果关系,所以B正确。
【小题13】考查动词和语境理解。. A. taking 带走B. bringing带来 C. meeting见面 D. calling打电话。在早晨我总是看见她带孩子们去学校。take sb to + 地点名词,带某人去某地,所以A正确。
【小题14】考查动词和语境理解。 A. left 离开;落下B. returned 返回C. went 走开 D. marched行进。当她们回来的时候我总是在家等着她们。根据宾语home和前句送孩子去上学,当然是回到家,所以B正确。
【小题15】考查动词和语境理解。. A. found 发现 B. noticed注意到 C. watched观看  D. realized意识到。我看着她们长大。根据前文I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years,,所以C正确。
【小题16】考查形容词和语境理解。. A. possible 可能的B. great 伟大的 C. proper 合适的D. strange奇怪的。现在我被解雇了,但奇怪的是我仍然不想离开她家。根据空前空后之间的关系,所以D正确。
【小题17】考查名词和语境理解。. A. meaning意思 B. nature自然 C. result结果 D. importance重要。我离开了她家,就不再是自然的雇主和雇工之间的关系,所以B正确。
【小题18】考查词和语境理解。. A. for为了B. to 到达;对于C. with 和 D. at在某地。对她们来说,我是谁呢?所以B.正确。
【小题19】考查副词和语境理解。. A. hardly几乎不  B. certainly当然 C. probably 也许D. merely不仅仅。实际上,我不仅仅是一名底层的雇工。但是我也是. . . .,所以D.正确。
【小题20】考查名词和语境理解。. A. member 成员B. person个人 C. relative亲戚 D. companion伙伴。根据后句for I felt I had become a part of their     ,得知本句:这超出了清洁工和雇主之间的关系,因为我感到我已经成了他们生活中的一部分,我也是她们全家信任的一分子,所以A正确。