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A fierce earthquake struck Haiti onJanuary 12, 2010, causing a crowded hospital to fall down and countless houses and buildings were destroyed.
The earthquake, the worst in the region in more than 200 years, with a magnitude estimated at 7.0, struck just before 5 p.m. about 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, leaving the region nearly in ruins. As night fell in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, fires burned near the shoreline downtown, but otherwise the city fell into darkness. The electricity was out, telephones were not working and relief workers struggled to make their way through blocked streets.
In this earthquake, it was not possible for officials to determine how many people had been killed and injured. It was reported that the headquarters of the United Nations mission was seriously damaged and many employees were missing. Part of the national palace had fallen to the ground. A hospital was totally ruined in Pétionville, which is home to many diplomats(外交官) and wealthy Haitians. A New York reporter said that a wall at the front of the Hotel Oloffson had fallen, killing a passer-by. A number of nearby buildings was badly damaged, trapping people. People were screaming, calling for help from every corner.
Haiti sits on a large fault between the much larger North American plate to the north and the Caribbean plate to the south. The earthquake on Tuesday happened when what appears to be part of the southern fault zone broke. With many poor people living in tin-roof shacks(窝棚) and with many of the buildings in Port-au-Prince and elsewhere in the country of questionable quality, it was expected that the quake caused major damage to buildings and great loss of life.
【小题1】What was the damage of the earthquake?
A.The headquarters of the UN mission was totally destroyed.
B.Some of the national palace had fallen to the ground.
C.A hospital was partly ruined in Pétionville.
D.All the walls of the Hotel Oloffson had fallen.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.All the hospitals in Haiti were destroyed in the earthquake.
B.The earthquake was the worst in Haiti in less than two centuries.
C.After dark the city fell into darkness because of the earthquake.
D.Communication, electricity and transportation were all affected.
【小题3】It can be learned from the text that ________.
A.fires broke out in the capital city due to the earthquake
B.Haiti covers the entire geographic plates of the earth
C.the earthquake caused the southern fault zone to break
D.a grand hotel was completely ruined in Pétionville
【小题4】In Haiti, one way to reduce losses in earthquakes is probably to ________.
A.repair the Southern fault zone
B.move to the seaside
C.improve the quality of the buildings
D.live in tin-roof buildings
【小题1】B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段,“the headquarters of the United Nations mission was seriously damaged”与A选项不符;“A hospital was totally ruined in Pétionville”与C选项不符;“a wall at the front of the Hotel Oloffson had fallen”与D选项不符;“Part of the national palace had fallen to the ground”与B选项相符。故选B。
【小题2】D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The electricity was out, telephones were not working and relief workers struggled to make their way through blocked streets”可知地震后,通讯、电力和交通都受到影响。故选D。
【小题3】A 推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容,陈述了地震对海地的影响,因此可以推断出第二段中提到的火灾也是地震引起的。故选A。
【小题4】C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“With many poor people living in tin-roof shacks(窝棚) and with many of the buildings in Port-au-Prince and elsewhere in the country of questionable quality, it was expected that the quake caused major damage to buildings and great loss of life”可知海地建筑安全质量不过关造成了地震中的大量人员伤亡。可以降低地震危害的一个途径就是提高建筑安全质量。故选C。