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翻译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分)
【小题1】Greenwood Park is the best place to go to on weekends. I always finish my breakfast fast on Saturdays because I want to get to Greenwood Park before 10:00 a .m. to meet my friends. 【小题2】The park is a crowded place because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers. 【小题3】有些人认为他们没趣,but I think they are creative people. However, 【小题4】you can enjoy your time quietly at one of the small coffee shops near the park.【小题5】你可以在那儿读书或放松。There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park.
【小题3】Some people think they are boring,
【小题5】 You can read or relax there.
【小题1】考英译汉。Greenwood绿森林公园, is是, the定冠词,best 最好的,place 地方,to go 去, weekends周末,在周末 onweekdays。故答案是:绿森林 公园是周末最好的去处。
【小题2】考查英译汉。The park公园,,is是,a crowded place一个拥挤的地方,because因为, almost 几乎,everyone 每个人,goes there 去那儿,to see the street performers.看街头表演者。故答案是:公园是个拥挤的地方,因为大家都去那里看街头表演者。
【小题3】考查汉译英。有些some,人people,认为think,他们they,很very,无聊boring,主系表结构加系动词are,故答案为:Some people think they are boring,
【小题4】考查英译汉。you你,can能,可以,enjoy 享受,your time 你的时光,quietly 安静地,at one of the small coffee shops一家小咖啡店,near the park在公园附近. 因此答案是:你可以在公园附近的一家小咖啡店安静地享受(时光)。
【小题5】 考查汉译英。你you,可以can,在那儿there,读书或放松read or relax 。因此答案是:You can read or relax there.