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never finished  with  that  anybody   when
secrets  believe  invited  find  college  became
The first day of school, our teacher introduced an old lady Rose to us.
“Why are you in college at such an old age?” I asked her. She replied, “I always dreamed of having a  【小题1】_______ education and now I’m getting one!” We 【小题2】________ friends quickly.
At the end of the term I 【小题3】_________ Rose to make a speech to our football team. I’ll 【小题4】_________ forget what she taught us. She said, “There are some 【小题5】_________ of staying young and being happy. You have to laugh and 【小题6】_________ humor every day. You must have a dream. 【小题7】_________ you lose your dreams, you will die. There is a huge difference between growing old and growing up. 【小题8】_________ can grow older. That doesn’t need any talent or ability. To grow up, you must always find the opportunity(机会) in change. Have no regrets. The people who are afraid of death are those 【小题9】_________ regrets.”
At the end of the year, Rose 【小题10】_________ her college. One week after graduation, Rose died  peacefully in her sleep. We would always remember the great woman.
【小题2】句意:我们很快成为了好朋友。became 是become 的过去式,变成,成为。由文意知,我和她成为了好朋友。
【小题4】句意:我永远不会忘记她交给我们的。never 永不。由文意可知,我对这次演讲记忆深刻,我永远不会忘记露丝给我们做的这个演讲。
【小题5】句意:她说:“保持年轻和快乐是有一些秘诀的。”secrets 秘密,秘诀。由下文内容可知,露丝在给我们传授保持年轻和快乐的秘诀。
【小题6】句意:你要大笑,并且每天能发现幽默。find 寻找,发现。由文意可知,这里应该是要寻找发现生活中的幽默。
【小题7】句意:当你失去梦想时,你就死了。When 当……时候。由文意可知,露丝说人要怀有梦想,当失去梦想时,你就死了。
【小题8】句意:每个人都可以变老,那不需要天分和能力。Anybody 由上下文可知,变老和成长是两码事,每个人都可以变老,但是成长需要天分和能力。
【小题9】句意:那些惧怕死亡的人,是带着遗憾的人。with 和,带着。由文意可知只有带着遗憾的人才会惧怕死亡。
【小题10】句意:在这一年年末,露丝完成了大学学业。finished 完成。由文意可知,在年末,露丝大学毕业,完成了她的梦想。