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单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示, 在横线上写出对应单词的正确形式, 每空只写一词。
【小题1】We are sending you some money in return for your ______( 宝贵的) help.
【小题2】The bomb was _______(爆炸) by remote control.
【小题3】She takes ______(主管) of the day_to_day running of the business..
【小题4】He was _____(录取) into a key university last year.
【小题5】Chest pain can be a _____(信号) of heart problems.
【小题6】She had never been greatly concerned about her _____( 外貌)
【小题7】He took the poor children under his ____(保护).
【小题8】We all admire her for her speaking English ___________( 流利 ) .
【小题9】I hear the concret will be ______(广播) live on TV tomrrow evening.
【小题10】He gave a _______(幽默的) account of their trip to Spain .
【小题1】valuable   考查形容词。句意:我们用钱做为你帮助的回报;
【小题2】exploded   考查动词。句意:炸弹由远程控制引爆;
【小题3】charge    考查名词。Take charge of 由。。主管;
【小题4】admitted   考查动词。Be admitted into被录取;
【小题5】signal      考查名词。句意:胸部疼痛是心脏病的信号;
【小题6】appearance  考查名词。句意:她从来不关注自己的外貌;
【小题7】protection    考查名词。句意:他保护这些穷孩子;
【小题8】fluently      考查副词。句意:我们非常佩服他流利的英语;
【小题9】broadcast     考查动词。句意:我听说这次音乐会明晚进行电视直播;
【小题10】humorous  考查形容词。句意:他幽默地描述他们的西班牙之旅。