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【小题1】The man got ________ (厌烦)of the work he did for 10 years, ,so he went to abroad to have a journey.
【小题2】As there were a _______ (一系列) of robberies in this district , the policemen worked day and night to protect the people.
【小题3】There are some ________(拼写) mistakes in your composition , you’d better find them out and correct them.
【小题4】The orphan was shy at first , but _______ (逐渐地) he got used to living with other kids.
【小题5】The manager _______ (频繁地) flew between London and Washington on business.
【小题6】What’s the chairman’s _______(态度) towards the schedule ?
【小题7】Why do you think he is _______(可靠的) ?Just because he is your friend ?
【小题8】The trees on both sides of the street make a _______(避身处)for the people in summer.
【小题9】I ________(真诚地) express my thanks to you for your kindness.
【小题10】Seeing the _____________( 令人恐惧的) snake, the girl let out a scream.
【小题10】scaring \ frightening
【小题1】tired     考查固定短语。be tired of因……感到厌倦,如:The boy was tired of writing the same words for so many times那男孩对多次反复写同样的单词感到厌烦。
【小题2】series    考查固定短语。a series of一系列,如:A series of unexpected accidents happened一系列的意想不到的事故发生了。
【小题3】spelling 考查非谓语动词。spelling拼写,修饰名词mistakes,意为“拼写错误”。
【小题4】gradually 考查副词。gradually,逐渐地,修饰动词got,如:They gradually believe that they are wrong他们逐渐地相信他们错了。
【小题5】frequently 考查副词。frequently频繁地,修饰动词flew。
【小题6】attitude  考查名词。the attitude towards……对待……的态度,如:What is your attitude towards the teacher’s teaching method?你对这位老师的教学方法是什么态度啊?
【小题7】reliable  考查形容词。reliable可依靠的、可信赖的,如:Man Cang is a reliable person满仓是可以信赖的人。
【小题8】shelter  考查名词。make a shelter for为某人遮荫。如:The umbrella can make a shelter for you on such a hot day这把雨伞能让你在这样炎热的天气里遮荫。
【小题9】sincerely 考查副词。sincerely真诚地,此处修饰express。如:I sincerely hope you will win the match我真诚地希望你赢得比赛。
【小题10】scaring \ frightening 考查形容词。scaring \ frightening令人恐惧的、害怕的。如:He was frightened at the frightening sounds他对令人害怕的声音感到害怕。