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Fay:   I can’t decide whether to ask my son to attend a university here,【小题1】_____allow him to move to another city to go to school.
Mark: what does he want to do?
Fay:  he’s not sure. There is an excellent pre-law program (法律预科课程) at a university in Troy, but that’s three hours away. Well, he likes 【小题2】_____idea of studying there, but he has friends 【小题3】______ will stay here, and his girlfriend may stay here too.
Mark: Ha, ha. I forgot 【小题4】_____ complicated these decisions can be!  When I went to college, the only thing my parents and I took into 【小题5】________(consider ) was the program.
Fay: I know! These days young people have such involved social lives!
Maybe【小题6】______ would be good for him to go to the school at Troy. He really wants to study law, and his grades are excellent. I’m sure he【小题7】______(accept)there.
Mark: That sounds like a good plan. He’ll grow up a lot 【小题8】______(fast) if he moves away, you know! And I know your son will always stay 【小题9】_______ touch with his parents. He’s a fine young man !
Fay:  Thanks, Mark. I always appreciate 【小题10】________(talk) to you.
【小题7】will be accepted
【小题1】or考查用法。or ,conj.或,或者; 还是; 不然,否则。I can’t decide whether to ask my son to attend a university here, _____allow him to move to another city to go to school.意思是:我不能决定是否让我的儿子在这里上大学,或者,允许他去另一个城市上大大学吧。
【小题2】the考查固定短语用法。like the idea of 喜欢…。he likes _____idea of studying there,句子译为他喜欢呆在那儿。
【小题4】how考查how作疑问词引导宾语从句的用法。how adv.怎样; 健康状况如何; 到何种地步; 以任何方式。I forgot _____ complicated these decisions can be意思是:我忘记了这些决定是多么复杂。
【小题5】consideration 考查固定短语搭配。take… into consideration考虑到…,顾及; 着想。the only thing my parents and I took into ________(consider ) was the program.意思是:我和我的父母唯一考虑的问题就是学习课程。
【小题6】it考查it作形式主语的用法。It’s+adj+(for sb)+to do sth 对…来说做…是…Maybe______ would be good for him to go to the school at Troy.或许去特洛伊上学对他来说将是好的。
【小题7】will be accepted;考查将来被动时态的用法。他现在还没有去,因此是将来时态,而他应该是被接受。He really wants to study law, and his grades are excellent. I’m sure he 67______(accept)there.句子译为:他很想学法律,而且他的成绩也很优秀,我相信他将会被接受的。
【小题8】faster考查fast比较级用法。前面讲到我的儿子想去特洛伊的一所大学学习法律预科课程,但是离家又三个小时的路程,我有点担心,这里Mark 在劝他,让孩子自由地成长。He’ll grow up a lot ______(fast) if he moves away, you know!意思是:你知道,如果他离开的话,他会更快地成长。
【小题9】in考查固定搭配用法。Stay in touch with…与…保持联系。And I know your son will always stay _______ touch with his parents.意思是:我想你儿子会跟他的父母保持联系的。
【小题10】talking;考查appreciate用法。Appreciate sth/doing sth…欣赏…/喜欢做…。I always appreciate _______(talk) to you.意思是:我总是喜欢和你聊天。