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书面表达( 满分30 分)
1. 十二月二十日是你校的“英语活动日”,此项活动的目的是为了丰富校园生活,提高英语学习兴趣和英语口语水平。
2. 你班正在排演一个英语短剧,准备参加“英语活动日”活动;
3. 希望请外教Peter在口语方面进行指导;
4. 具体时间:2014年12月5日(星期四)下午4时
5. 地点:教学楼三楼307教室。
Dear Peter,
I’m Li Hua…
答案:Dear Peter,
I’m Li Hua. I’m Monitor of Class one, Senior Three from Guangming Middle school. We’re going to have an “English Day” in our school on December 20. The purpose of the “English Day” is to enrich our school life. Above all, it will help arouse students’ interest in learning English and improve our oral English.
In order to take part in this activity, we are preparing an English short play. We’ll be appreciated if you can come and give us some help, especially in our oral English.
Would you come to Room 307 on the third floor in the teaching building at 4 pm on December 5? We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Thank you very much!
Best wishes!
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua