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   During the winter of 2002, I had the opportunity to teach tennis in Nevis in the Caribbean Sea.    My experience teaching and staying on the island was wonderful,   it was also hard work!
After several weeks of teaching, I was    for a vacation! I had planned a surfing outing at a surf camp in Panama with my friend Clayton. I     to Panama City with my tennis bag and off we went to the remote Bay of Chiriqui.
To get to the camp, we had to load Clayton’s surfboards and my   gear (装备)on and off several buses and boats. After eight hours of travel we finally    .
The camp was perfect. The rooms were ideal. I rented a board and we had an unbelievable week     good waves.
On our    trip, we learned that our bus back to Panama City had been delayed. The sun was     down on us , and the only     was under a canvas canopy(帆布罩蓬), next to the bus terminal attendant’s     .
As I walked over to the shade area, a couple of kids started throwing           at me. Thinking quickly, I reached into my          and opened a can of tennis balls. I     the youngsters and gave them the tennis balls. I got them to throw the balls onto the racket   throwing rocks at me. They seemed to    that.
Then an old boy got interested. He joined the game.      he seemed a bit more coordinated (协调的)than the youngsters, I gave him a racket and got him to try to hit the ball onto the catching racket.
Soon, his bus arrived, and he was on his       . But the clinic(临场教学) had just   . Families from across the streets came over and wanted their tennis lesson, too. The bus terminal attendant  __her post and came out for a lesson, too.
In what seemed like no     , my bus arrived. Clayton and I made it back to Panama City in time for our connecting flights.
A.hikingB.tennis C.boardingD.swimming
A.except forB.instead ofC.by means ofD.in case of
【小题1】考查连词辨析. A“除非,如果不”B“但是; 而是”C“因为”D“(表示因果关系)因此; (表示目的)为了”。My experience teaching and staying on the island was wonderful,   it was also hard work!意思是:在那教学和生活的经历很美好,但是工作也非常辛苦。But表示转折,故选B。
【小题2】考查形容词辨析. A“内疚的; 有罪的”B“神圣的; 有福的”C“已知的; 知名的”D“准备好的,现成的; 即时的”。 After several weeks of teaching, I was   for a vacation!意思是:在教了几个星期之后,我准备去度假。故选D。
【小题3】考查动词辨析. A“乘,骑,驾”B“驾驶”C“走,步行,散步”D“飞, 飞行, (旗)飘荡”。 I   to Panama City with my tennis bag and off we went to the remote Bay of Chiriqui.意思是:我带着网球包,乘飞机飞往巴拿马,去遥远的奇里基湾。故选D。
【小题4】考查名词辨析. A“徒步旅行”B“网球”C“木板,寄膳(宿), 上船(或火车、飞机等)”D“游泳”。 we had to load Clayton’s surfboards and my   gear (装备)on and off several buses and boats.意思是:我们必须装载好Clayton的冲浪板,和我的网球装备,要上下计量车和船。故选B。
【小题5】考查动词辨析. A“休息,缓和,减轻”B“停止网球”C“到达”D“团结; (为某事)联合”。 After eight hours of travel we finally   .意思是:经过八个小时的旅途之后,我们终于达到了。故选C。
【小题6】考查动词辨析. A“赞赏, 称赞; 欣赏”B“望; 预料; 要求”C“注视,注意; 看守,监视”D“冲浪; (互联网上)冲浪”。 I rented a board and we had an unbelievable week   good waves.意思是:我们租了一个夹板,我们度过一个难以相信的冲浪周末。故选D。
【小题7】考查名词辨析. A“购物,买东西”B“田, (学习或研究的)领域; 运动场”C“归来,返乡; 来回”D“商业,交易; 生意; 事务”。 On our   trip, we learned that our bus back to Panama City had been delayed..意思是:在我们返回的途中,发现回巴拿马城的汽车延迟了。故选C。
【小题8】考查词组辨析. cut down裁短; 减少; 把…砍倒。break down失败; 划分(以便分析); 损坏; 衰弱下来。beat down(太阳)直射; 烤晒; 击败; 摧毁。 calm down(使)平静,镇静,安静。The sun was    down on us意思是:太阳直射在我们身上。故选C。
【小题9】考查名词辨析. A“车站; 所,局”B“遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物”C“席位,座位”D“入口,进口; 进入方法”。 and the only    was under a canvas canopy(帆布罩蓬)意思是:唯一可以遮蔽阳光的是帆布罩蓬。故选B。
【小题10】考查名词辨析. A“营地,工地宿舍; 阵营”B“汽车; 车厢; 轿车”C“办公室; 办公楼”D“房屋; 全家人”。 next to the bus terminal attendant’s    。意思是:在总线终端服务员的办公室的旁边。故选C。
【小题11】 考查名词辨析.  A“(网球等)球拍”B“球,舞会”C“棍, 枝条”D“岩石,石头; 摇滚乐”。 As I walked over to the shade area, a couple of kids started throwing   at me.意思是:当我走到沙滩背光的地方时,有几个孩子朝着我扔石子。故选D。
【小题12】考查名词辨析. A“袋,钱包”B“口袋,钱袋”C“罐头; (用金属或塑料制作的)容器”D“手提箱; 衣箱”。 Thinking quickly, I reached into my   and opened a can of tennis balls..意思是:快速思考完,我回去拿我的网球包,打开装有网球的塑料容器。故选A。
【小题13】考查动词辨析. A“接近; 着手处理”B“指责,归咎于”C“走过; 通过; 批准;度过”D“推动,增加; 对…施加压力”。 I   the youngsters and gave them the tennis balls..意思是:我走到几个年龄较小的孩子身边,给了他们几个网球。故选A。
【小题14】考查词组辨析. A“除…之外; 若不是”B“(用…)代替…, (是…)而不是”C“用,借助于”D“万一,如果; 防备”。 I got them to throw the balls onto the racket   throwing rocks at me.意思是:我教他们朝着网球拍扔网球而不是朝我扔石子。故选B。
【小题15】考查动词辨析. A“享受; 欣赏; 喜欢”B“不喜欢; 厌恶”C“使烦恼; 烦扰”D“了解,领会”。 They seemed to   that.意思是:他们似乎很喜欢那样(朝着网球拍扔网球)故选A。
【小题16】考查连词辨析. as“如果;假如”,表示条件。as“随着;由于;正如”,可表示原因或者伴随状态。though“尽管,即便”,表示让步。after“在…之后”,表示时间。   he seemed a bit more coordinated (协调的)than the youngsters, I gave him a racket and got him to try to hit the ball onto the catching racket.意思是:因为他看起来似乎比其他年龄小的孩子更协调一些,我给了他一个球拍,教他试着把球打到球拍里去。故选B。
【小题17】考查名词辨析. A“面;方面; 侧面; 旁边”,B“电话; 听筒”,C“道路; 方法; 方向”,D “旅游,出行”。 Soon, his bus arrived, and he was on his   意思是:不久,他的车来了,他就回到他的路了。故选C。
【小题18】 考查动词辨析. A“褪去,逐渐消逝,凋谢”,B“改变,交换, 兑换”,C“完成; 结束”,   D “起动,提出(问题),使开始”。 But the clinic(临场教学) had just   意思是:但是这个临时教学已经刚刚开始了。故选D。
【小题19】考查动词辨析. A“离开”,B“清洁,打扫”,C“搜寻,寻找”,D “保护”。 The bus terminal attendant   her post and came out for a lesson, too意思是:这个车站服务员离开了他的岗位,也出现要一次网球教学。故选A。
【小题20】考查名词辨析. A“时间”,B“努力”,C“问题”,D “意见”。 In what seemed like no    , my bus arrived.意思是:这似乎是没有时间,因为我的汽车来了。故选A。