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Question: I found a new job in the nearby town last week.   【小题1】   But my six-year-old son doesn’t want to leave, because he has established a good friendship with our neighbor’s children. I am really puzzled about how to explain our moving plan to him. And there is only three weeks left. Will you please tell me some good advice?
Answer: Congratulations on your new position!  【小题2】   It frequently causes them to feel unsafe. But don’t worry. There are many things you can do to make the moving experience less frightening for your children.
● Involve them from the very beginning.
Tell your children as soon as you know you’re moving. 【小题3】   Explain why you’re moving in terms they can understand. This will remove a lot of the fear and confusion they may be feeling. Be sure to answer their questions as fully as you can.
If you approach the coming move as an exciting adventure for the entire family, it will help to calm your children’s fears. If possible, show them the new house and let them spend some time exploring it. Help them imagine where their furniture and toys will go. Show them the yard and help them imagine all the fun they will have there. Talk about all the fun things the family will do there.
● Let them help.
If you give your children an active role in the move, they are much more likely to accept it and even grow excited about it. Let them pack some of their own things.  【小题5】  If there are old toys you don’t plan to take, let the kids help decide which of them should be taken or given away.
A.What to do on moving day.
B.Make the move an adventure.
C.Don’t tell them at the last minute.
D.Moving can upset children of any age.
E. This will help them feel a part of the move.
F. My wife and I are considering moving there next month.
G. If you’re driving to your new home, make the trip exciting!
【小题1】F 根据上文提到I found a new job in the nearby town last week.上周我找到份新工作,再根据But my six-year-old son doesn’t want to leave,但儿子不想离开可知选F,我们打算离开。
【小题2】D 根据下方提到It frequently causes them to feel unsafe这通常会导致他们没有安全感故选D搬家会使这个年龄的孩子感到不安。
【小题3】C 根据上文提到Tell your children as soon as you know you’re moving.你一知道搬家就告诉儿子故选C不要到最后时刻才告诉他。
【小题4】B 根据下方提到If you approach the coming move as an exciting adventure for the entire family, it will help to calm your children’s fears如果你把搬家看作是一次家庭的冒险经历,这会帮你平静孩子的恐惧,故选B 把搬家看作是冒险。
【小题5】E 根据上文提到Let them pack some of their own things让他们整理自己的东西,故选E这会帮助他们感到是家庭的一份子。