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There was a store a half hour’ s walk from my apartment, and it was the cheapest place to buy food for us students studying abroad in France,      there was always a long checkout line. On a cold March day, I spent my time shopping, got what I needed and         the checkout.
     , the lines that day were long. There were people everywhere. I was standing        .in line because I just wasn’t that        my French yet. Any time that I had to         with the natives, I got a little nervous.
When my        came, I began to put my things on the cashier desk, hoping that the cashier wouldn’t          me. With nervous energy, I was shaking back and forth, but I didn’t even notice I was continually         a security alarm!
The entire store was watching me now. To my         , the store manager came to me a few moments later. She started to         me in French. Then she realized that I spoke no French. The next five minutes were spent          me: my backpack, my coat pockets, my jean pockets. And there were hands      . Everyone was looking, pointing, and        .
I stood embarrassedly all the while; the          was still ringing out.
Then I          this had happened to me before in the States. New         always equal alarms. The clothes contain small sensors (传感器) that you are supposed to         before wearing. So I grabbed my shirt and turned it      . There was a “Remove Before Washing” tag in it.         I could say anything, the manager brought a pair of scissors and then cut off the tag.
I packed up my backpack, and marched out of the store with a strange mixture of embarrassment and pride.
A.headed forB.looked forC.askedD.turned to
A.In factB.UnexpectedlyC.As usualD.Unluckily
A.interested inB.confident aboutC.afraid ofD.strict with
A.findB.recognizeC.speak toD.look at
A.setting upB.setting offC.making upD.making out
【小题1】C考查连词辨析A. when当。。时候;B. because因为;C. so 所以;D. or或;上下句是因果关系。便宜所以买的人多,故选C项。
【小题2】A考查动词辨析A. headed for 前进;B. looked for寻找;C. asked问;D. turned to转向;我买了所需要的东西,向收银台走去,故选A项。
【小题3】C考查副词辨析A. In fact 事实上;B. Unexpectedly未预料到地;C. As usual 象往常一样;D. Unluckily不幸地;根据上文提到always表明总是有很多顾客,故选C项。
【小题4】D考查副词辨析A. hopefully有希望地;B. thoughtfully体贴地;C. fearfully 害怕地;D. nervously紧张地;因为不会说法语,而害怕和收银员对话,所以感到紧张,故选D项。
【小题5】B考查形容词短语辨析A. interested in感兴趣;B. confident about对,,有自信;C. afraid of害怕;D. strict with对,,严格;作者因为对自己的法语不详细所以才会害怕。,故选B项。
【小题6】D考查动词辨析A. stay停留;B. play玩;C. study学习;D. communicate交流;我因为法语不好,所以无论什么时候和当地人交流的时候,都会感到紧张。交流才会用语言吗,太选D项。
【小题7】A考查名词辨析A. turn 轮流;B. time 时间;C. bill账单;D. wait等待;轮到我的顺序了,该我交钱了,故选A项。
【小题8】C考查动词辨析A. find 发现;B. recognize意识到;C. speak to 说;D. look at看;因为自己不会说英语,所以希望收银员不要和自己说话,故选C项。
【小题9】B考查动词短语辨析A. setting up建立;B. setting off 出发触动;C. making up编造;D. making out理解;句意:触发报警装置,故选B项。
【小题10】B考查名词辨析A. excitement兴奋;B. surprise吃惊;C. happiness快乐;D. sorrow不幸;整个商店的人都看我,并且商店的经理也向我走了过来,因为自己没有意识到发生了什么事,所以看到这一切的时候,就只能惊讶了,故选B项。
【小题11】C考查动词辨析A. answer回答;B. help帮助;C. question提问;D. understand理解;经理认为我偷了东西,所以开始询问我问题。Question :询问;审问,故选C项。
【小题12】A考查动词辨析A. searching寻找; B. catching抓住;C. watching看;D. greeting问候;用五分钟时间来搜身,包括我的背包,口袋等,故选A项。
【小题13】D考查副词辨析A. somewhere 某处;    B. anywhere任何地方;C. nowhere任何地方;D. everywhere到处;处处都有手,此处的意思是把我给搜遍了,故选D项。
【小题14】B考查动词辨析A. smiling微笑;B. whispering低语;C. worrying 着急;D. upsetting心烦;周围的人看着,用手指着,小声议论着,根据语境可知故选B项。
【小题15】C考查名词辨析A. phone 电话;B. bell铃声;C. alarm闹钟,警钟;D. toy玩具;报警器依然在响,根据上文可知故选C项。
【小题16】C考查动词辨析A. explained 解释;B. complained抱怨;C. remembered记得;D. thought认为;作者突然记起自己在美国的时候也发生过类似的事,故选C项。
【小题17】B考查名词辨析A. trousers 裤子;B. clothes衣服;C. backpacks背包;D. pockets口袋;通过下文可知是新衣服,故选B项。
【小题18】A考查动词辨析A. remove 移除;B. check检查;C. buy买;D. use用;新衣服在穿之前应当除掉,否则就会报警。下文“Remove Before Washing” tag in it也暗示了答案,故选A项。
【小题19】D考查副词辨析A. down向下;B. inside里面;C. off离开;D. outward向外;turn sth outward 把……向外翻;指的是把衣服的标签翻出来,让人们看看,故选D项。
【小题20】B考查连词辨析A. After 之后;B. Before之前;C. As因为;D. When当,,时候;经理也知道了怎么一回事,所以我还没有来得及说什么,他就拿起剪刀把我的标签剪掉了,故选B项。