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Education is another area where the presence of arts and crafts is more than welcome. If children realize the importance of art and creativity from a young age, they can grow up to be more confident, more creative, and definitely more mature. Schools are the breeding(孕育)grounds for future painters and movie makers, and these arts should be encouraged wholesomely in such an environment.
Sadly, many parents do not understand why art is important for children, and subconsciously(潜意识地)force them to follow career paths that are common and conformist(墨守成规的)in nature. This is fair enough in its own way, because the world does need some standard blue collar and white collar jobs to continue its existence; but this is a choice that children should be allowed to make for themselves. The doors to creativity and expression must not be shut in their faces, even if it comes at a cost of making more money.
To put it more scientifically, here are some benefits of kids’ art activities that give a suitable answer to the question “Why is art important in schools?”
1.Exposure to art, music and drawings at an early age improves the amount of brain activity in children.
2.It increases the span of knowledge in the minds of children, thus making them sharper and more educated.
3.It builds up the levels of self-confidence, self-esteem(自尊), motivation, cooperation and communication in children.
4.It helps children understand other people’s opinions and points of view as well.
5.It helps them sharpen their problem-solving skills, decision-making and gives them the possibility of really exploring their imaginations.
【小题1】According to the passage, it is generally accepted that ____.
A.art plays a very important role in education of children
B.children are expected to be blue-collar or white-collar workers
C.schools should encourage children to learn arts and crafts
D.children should be allowed to make choices for themselves
【小题2】The writer holds the view that ____.
A.schools should only bring up future painters and movie makers
B.children grow up to be more confident and more creative in schools
C.children should be encouraged to learn art to develop their creativity
D.art activities can help children solve all the problems they meet with
【小题3】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Arts and crafts lessons are very popular in schools.
B.Art is not paid enough attention to in schools now.
C.Art activities improve the amount of brain activity.
D.Art education builds up the levels of self-confidence.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Importance of Art in Schools.
B.Relation between Art and Creativity.
C.Importance of Education.
D.Future of Children.
【小题1】细节理解题。从第二段中“This is fair enough in its own way, because the world does need some standard blue collar and white collar jobs to continue its existence; ”中可以看出家长和社会希望把孩子打造成满足称为白领或是蓝领的条件的人才,故选B。
【小题2】推断分析题。从文中第二段中“The doors to creativity and expression must not be shut in their faces, even if it comes at a cost of making more money.”可以看出即使孩子成为白领或是蓝领,挣再多的钱也无法开启创造之门”故选C。
【小题3】推断分析题。从文中第一段中“Education is another area where the presence of arts and crafts is more than welcome.”中可以看出在教育界,艺术和手工技艺并不受欢迎,故选B。
【小题4】主旨大意题。从第三段中“To put it more scientifically, here are some benefits of kids’ art activities that give a suitable answer to the question “Why is art important in schools?”可以看出作者强调的是艺术在学校教育中的重要性,故选A。