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英语是当今世界上主要的通用语言之一,也是世界上使用最广泛的语言。请你结合自己的实际,以“Ways of Learning English in Everyday Life”为题,写一篇100-120词的英语短文。
Ways of Learning English in Everyday Life
Today English, the most widely used language all over the world, is playing an incresingly important part in our life.
答案:Ways of Learning English in Everyday Life
Today English, the most widely used language all over the world, is playing an increasingly important part in our life. Whatever we do and wherever we go, we can pick up English in some way.
When we enjoy some delicious food, take in the English words along with the food. On our way to school, remember the English on traffic signs like “No parking”. While listening to music, we hear English songs. Turn on TV and English TV programmes are also helpful to our English learning. When meeting native English speakers, don’t be shy, go ahead and communicate with them.
Please look around carefully, listen to and speak English actively outside class and we will certainly improve our English.