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Dear Sir or Madam.
Last Thursday. I traveled on the 8:00 a.m. train from Glasgow to London King's Cross and I was quite angry with the service of your company.
The train didn't come on time and it was forty minutes late when it left Glasgow. A man at the station said sorry to us, but he didn't give us any reasons for the delay(延迟). We then had further delays on the way and had to wait another thirty minutes. As a result, I missed my plane from London to Frankfurt and had to wait for several hours.
What's more, the service on the train was also very poor. The trip took more than five hours. Unluckily. we could buy nothing but some soft drinks on the train. Worst of all, something was wrong with the air conditioning (空调系统) and it got hotter and hotter in the train. Before we reached King's Cross, the temperature was over 40℃.
Because of your poor service. I feel you should pay me compensation(赔偿).
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
David Roberson
【小题1】Who wrote the letter?
A.David RobersonB.MadamC.SirD.The company
【小题2】When did the train leave Glasgow?
A.At 8:00 a.m.B.At 8:40 a.m.
C.At 9:00 a.m.D.At 9:20 a.m.
【小题3】How long did David stay on the train?
A.40 minutes.B.30 minutes.
C.70 minutes.D.Over 5 hours.
【小题4】What could David buy on the train?
A.Hot dogs.B.Sandwiches.
C.Soft drinks.D.Hamburgers.
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.David failed catching the plane from London to Frankfurt.
B.David was very pleased with the trip.
C.The service of the company was very poor.
D.There was something wrong with the air conditioning on the train.
【小题1】细节理解题。问题:这封信是谁写的?通过阅读这封信件,通过最后的署名David Roberson,明确第一项正确。故选A
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:这列火车是什么时候离开格拉斯哥的?联系原文:The train didn't come on time and it was forty minutes late when it left Glasgow.句意:火车没有按时到达,当它离开格拉斯哥的时候,它晚了四十分钟。联系上文,提到了应该是八点出发,结果晚点了四十分钟,明确第二项正确。故选B
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:大卫在火车上呆了多长时间?联系原文:The trip took more than five hours.句意:这次旅行超过5个小时。结合选项,第四项正确。故选D
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:大卫在火车上能买到什么?联系原文:Unluckily. we could buy nothing but some soft drinks on the train.句意:不幸的是,在火车上我们只能买一些饮料,其它什么也买不到。说明只能买到饮料。故选C