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【小题1】In the evening, he will go out to walk the dog and do some activities o________________.
【小题2】After several days’ rest, the patient completely r__________ from his illness.
【小题3】Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite c_________ about him.
【小题4】I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.
【小题5】Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow.
【小题6】The old man went through many wars and s________ a lot from them.
【小题7】When the c________ have been drawn up, we can see the beautiful view through the window.
【小题8】We should stay c_________ in time of danger.
【小题9】I tried to say hello to her, but she i_________ me.
【小题10】I had moved several times before I finally s________ in Hangzhou.
答案:【小题1】outdoors /outside
【小题1】outdoors /outside本句中副词outsides/outside在句中做状语,修饰动词短语do some activities。通常在句子使用副词做状语,而不能使用形容词做状语。
【小题2】recovered 动词recover from…从….中康复。句义:经过几天的休息之后,这个病人完全从疾病里恢复过来了。Recover康复,是一个不及物动词。
【小题3】concerned 考查固定搭配be concerned about担心…;其中的concerned是过去分词转换的形容词,表示状态。
【小题4】purpose 考查固定短语on purpose故意地;句意:真对不起,我不是故意的。
【小题5】loose 句意:一些动物在雪下冬眠,因为在松散的雪下面有很多的空气。形容词loose松散的;
【小题6】suffered 句意:那位老人经历了很多战争,并在战争里遭受了很多痛苦。固定搭配suffer from…遭受…;该短语没有被动语态。
【小题7】curtains 句意:当窗帘被拉起来的时候,我们透过窗户能看见美丽的景色。根据句意可知只有当窗帘拉起来才可以看见窗外的景色。
【小题8】calm 句意:在危险时刻我们应该保持镇定。Calm镇定的,这是一个形容词,与系动词be连用,构成系表结构。
【小题9】ignored 句意:我努力和他打招呼,但是她不理睬我。ignore忽略,不理睬。
【小题10】settled 句意:在我定居在杭州之前我搬了好几次家。动词settle定居。