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Last Sunday, Aron Ralston, an experienced hiker and mountaineer, set off to walk alone through the Bluejohn desert canyon (峡谷) in Utah. He was planning an eight-hour, 21–kilometer hike. While he was climbing through a narrow part of the canyon, a big stone weighing about 400 kilos fell and trapped his right arm.
When he failed to return to the mountain camp where he was staying that night, people simply thought he had decided to camp out somewhere in the canyon. When he still had not returned by Tuesday, the alarm was raised, A search party set out on Wednesday evening, but there we no sign and his family began to fear the worst.
In fact, Ralston, 27, was lying trapped in the canyon. By Tuesday, he had run out of water. By Thursday, he realized that he would not survive unless he took unusual action, so he used his pocket knife to cut his arm below the elbow (肘). He then climbed down to the bottom of the canyon. There he met two other hikers, who helped him back to safety. He received some help at a local hospital before being carried to St. Mary’s hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado for surgery.
Ralston’s astonishing survival brought equal amounts of praise and criticism. While praising the climber for his bravery and calm, experts also pointed out he had broken the first rule of outdoor pursuits. He had failed to leave words with anyone of where he was going that day.
This was in fact Ralston’s second near-death experience. In February, he was buried up to the neck in snow by an avalanche (雪崩) while skiing in the Colorado Rockies. Ralston not only managed to dig himself out but he also rescued his skiing companion, who had been completely buried in the snow. Ralton rescued himself and his friend in less than 15 minutes.
【小题1】According to the passage, a “hiker” is probably someone who _______.
A.enjoys walking short distances
B.enjoys walking long distances
C.climbs rocks and mountains
D.likes adventure
【小题2】When a big stone trapped his right arm, ________.
A.he went on climbing the canyon
B.he managed to return to the mountain lodge
C.he cut off part of his arm to survive
D.two other hikers helped him out
【小题3】Why did Ralston’s survival bring criticism?
A.Because this was his second near-death experience.
B.Because he was brave and calm.
C.Because he told no one where he was going when he set off.
D.Because he amputated his arm below the elbow.
【小题4】Which of the following describes what happened to Aron Ralston?
a.A large heavy stone hit him and landed on his arm.
b.He had to cut off part of his arm to get it out
c.He was going through a narrow valley.
d.A search party set out to look for him
e.He climbed down to the bottom of the canyone.
C.c,a,b,d,e D.c,e,a,b,d
试题分析: 本文是人物类阅读,讲述户外运动的痴迷者阿伦拉斯顿在峡谷探险时遇到意外,砍掉手臂,成功拯救自己。
【小题1】B 细节推断题。根据第一段提到Last Sunday, Aron Ralston, an experienced hiker and mountaineer, set off to walk alone through the Bluejohn desert canyon (峡谷) in Utah. He was planning an eight-hour, 21–kilometer hike可知远足者指的是长途徒步行走的人,故选B项。
【小题2】C 细节理解题。根据第三段提到In fact, Ralston, 27, was lying trapped in the canyon. By Tuesday, he had run out of water. By Thursday, he realized that he would not survive unless he took unusual action, so he used his pocket knife to cut his arm below the elbow (肘).可知在二十七岁时他被困在山谷里,用光了水,意识如果不采取措施,他会无法生存下去,故用小刀截断了胳膊,因此选C项。
【小题3】C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段提到He had failed to leave words with anyone of where he was going that day.他违犯犯了户外运动的一条禁忌,他出去时没有跟任何人打招呼,故选C项。
【小题4】A 细节理解题。本文刚一开始讲述他正在穿过狭窄的山谷,一块石头砸到他的胳膊,救援队开始寻找他,他为了生存,砍掉了自己的胳膊,从山谷底部爬出来,故选A项。