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完形填空  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)
Christmas will come soon. The radio stations(广播电台) are playing Christmas music, and the stores         very busy. People are doing their Christmas shopping. Many families have got Christmas trees         their homes already.
At this time of the year people make or         presents(礼物) for their families. Lisa is going to buy a new book for her elder sister. Her elder sister likes        .
Her families usually get together          Christmas Day. Her elder sister lives in another city far away,         she always comes by plane.          is going to arrive on Christmas Eve. Then Lisa is going to put a          in the living room, and put the presents under the tree. They don’t open them until Christmas           . They are very         to receive(收到) presents.
A.be B.are C.is D.have
A.to B.at C.from D.on
A.bring B.play C.take D.buy
A.swimmingB.shopping C.reading D.have
A.on B.in C.at D.of
A.so B.then C.but D.and
A.He B.It C.They D.She
A.book B.Christmas treeC.chairD.desk
A.evening B.afternoon C.morning D.night
A.busy B.happy C.sad D.kind
试题分析:本文叙述了丽莎一家过圣诞节的情况。 在圣诞节时,人们经常给他们的家人做礼物或买礼物。丽莎打算给她的姐姐买一本新书。她的姐姐住在遥远的另一个城市,她在除夕夜才到达。丽莎把礼物放在圣诞树下,他们直到圣诞节的早上才打开礼物。
【小题1】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. be 是;B. are是; C. is 是;D. have有。句意:商店非常忙碌。be busy忙碌的;主语the stores是复数形式,故此处谓语用复数形式are.故选B。
【小题2】考查介词及语境的理解。 A. to向;B. at在;C. from 来自;D. on在……上面。句意:许多家庭已经在他们家里买来了圣诞树。at their homes“在他们家里”,故选B。
【小题3】考查动词及语境的理解。  A. bring 带来;B. play 玩;C. take拿走;D. buy买。句意:在每年的这个时候,人们为他们的家人做礼物或买礼物。根据Lisa is going to buy a new book for her elder sister.“丽莎将给她的姐姐买一本新书”,可知此处指的是买礼物。故选D。
【小题4】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. swimming 游泳;B. shopping 购物;C. reading 读书;D. have有。句意:她的姐姐喜欢读书。根据Lisa is going to buy a new book for her elder sister.“丽莎将给她的姐姐买一本新书”,可知此处指她的姐姐喜欢读书,故选C。
【小题5】考查介词及语境的理解。  A. on在……上面; B. in在……里; C. at 在;D. of……的。句意:她的家人经常在圣诞节聚在一起。on+节日,表示在……节,故选A。
【小题6】考查连词及语境的理解。 A. so所以;B. then那时;C. but但是;D. and然后。句意:她的姐姐住在遥远的另一个城市,所以她总是坐飞机来。此处Her elder sister lives in another city far away,她的姐姐住得远是原因,坐飞机来是结果,故用连词so。故选A。
【小题7】考查代词及语境的理解。A. He他;B. It它;C. They 他们;D. She她。句意:她将在除夕夜到达。此处的主语应是Her elder sister,故用代词she来代指,故选D。
【小题8】考查名词及语境的理解。A. book 书;B. Christmas tree 圣诞树;C. chair椅子;D. desk桌子。句意:然后丽莎将在客厅里放一棵圣诞树。根据and put the presents under the tree.“把礼物放在圣诞树下”可知指的是圣诞树,故选B。
【小题9】考查名词及语境的理解。A. evening晚上; B. afternoon下午;C. morning 早上;D. night晚上。句意:他们直到圣诞节早上才打开他们。结合上下文,可知圣诞礼物是在除夕夜放在圣诞树下,因此应是在第二天早上,也就是圣诞节的早上才打开它们。故选C。
【小题10】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. busy 忙碌的;B. happy 高兴的;C. sad 悲伤的;D. kind和蔼的。句意:他们收到礼物非常高兴。根据to receive presents可知收到礼物,应是高兴的。故选B。