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In our whole life,we will come across different kinds of people and things.__ _,our views of the world,life and value have been changing all the time. To be honest,one of my English teachers has made a great _ _on me.
Although she was short,old and ugly,she was talented,____and passionate(热诚的).Thus,we called her “a crazy stone”.She didn't mind it___;instead,she seemed to love her____very much. In addition,she was so____with students that she knew how to raise our___and get along well with us. Therefore,we studied English well and____her.
To be honest,I am fond of listening to____told by others in my daily life. Maybe I have heard so many that it is____for me to laugh. But she was a(n)____.Her jokes were always so funny,for she always led you to the scenes of them and____an interesting atmosphere. Although I____the university ten years ago,I still remember several jokes,one of which I would like to____with you.
Before having an English lesson,there was a handsome boy who made a self­introduction. He said that he was able to do____and finally made a conclusion that he was rather untalented. After hearing that,Stone____the teacher's desk and said an old saying: “Innocence is the virtue(美德) for____”.Hearing this we all burst into laughter.
Although I met several good teachers when I was in the high school and during my college,“a crazy stone” is the best teacher in my____.It was she that made me get____in English. It was she that educated me how to fight for success and____difficulties.
A.after allB.at allC.above allD.in all
A.lived inB.came intoC.left forD.graduated from
A.stood onB.walked toC.broke downD.pushed away
【小题1】考查连词辨析。A 但是;B虽然;C因为;D因此。由文中“In our whole life,we will come across different kinds of people and things......our views of the world,life and value have been changing all the time”可知,在我们的一生中会经历各种不同的人和事,因此,我们的世界观,人生观,价值观也在不断的发生着变化,这里是一个顺接,表顺接选项中为C因为,D因此,而因为的后面不应接逗号,故选D。
【小题2】考查名词辨析。A表现;表达;B承诺;C影响;D名声。“has made a great influence on me”表示“对我产生了很大的影响”,故选C。
【小题3】考查形容词辨析。A幽默的;B严肃的;C积极的;D明亮的;聪明的。由文中“Although she was short,old and ugly,she was talented,____and passionate(热诚的).”可知,此处应填褒义词。由后文“Her jokes were always so funny”可知,她为人很幽默,故选A。
【小题4】考查名词短语。A毕竟,究竟;B根本,究竟,用于否定句中;C 首先,尤其是; D总共,合计。由文中“we called her “a crazy stone”.She didn't mind it___”可知,我们叫她“疯狂的石头”,她根本不介意。并且此句是否定句,故选B。
【小题5】考查名词辨析。A描述;B职业;C昵称;D学生。由文中“we called her “a crazy stone”.She didn't mind it___;instead,she seemed to love her____very much”可知,我们叫她疯狂的石头她一点也不介意,相反,她似乎非常喜欢这个昵称。“a crazy stone”很明显是一个外号,昵称。故选C。
【小题6】考查形容词辨析。A严厉的;B友好的;C受欢迎的;D熟悉的。由文中“she was so____with students that she knew how to raise our___and get along well with us. ”可知,她对学生很......以至于她知道怎么提高我们的学习热情并和我们相处的很好。“be familiar with”表示“对什么很熟悉”。因为她对我们很熟悉,所以懂得如何与我们相处。故选D。
【小题7】考查名词解析。A注重点,力量;B热情;C灵感;D力量。由文中“Therefore,we studied English well”可知,因此,我们的英语学的很好。结合上一题,可得出,她懂得如何提高我们的学习热情,因此我们的英语学的很好。故选B。
【小题9】考查名词辨析。A课;B经历;C天赋;D笑话。由文中“I am fond of listening to____told by others in my daily life. Maybe I have heard so many that it is__30__for me to laugh.”可知,在日常生活中,许多人都跟我讲过笑话,但或许是听的太多了,所以现在听笑话很难使我发笑。与后文“Her jokes were always so funny”相呼应,故选D。
【小题10】考查副词辨析。A不可能地;B容易地;C困难地;D很可能。见上题因为听过太多笑话,所以现在听笑话很......让我发笑,后文“But she was a(n)____”用but做了一个转折,然后说“Her jokes were always so funny”她说的笑话总是那么有趣。由此可推出,此处应是很难使我发笑,但她不一样。故选C。
【小题12】考查动词辨析。A享受;B到来;C创造,营造;D减少。“she always led you to the scenes of them and____an interesting atmosphere. ”表示“她总是能使你们身临其境,营造一种有趣的氛围”。前文说她的笑话总是那么有趣,那么后一句应是阐述怎么个有趣法。故选C。
【小题13】考查动词短语。A住在……;B进入……;C动身前往……;D从……毕业。“Although I____the university ten years ago,I still remember several jokes”表示“虽然我已经十年前就大学毕业了,但我仍然记得几个笑话”。从前文可知,作者记得的笑话是那位老师讲的,那么应该是作者毕业后仍然记得老师讲过的笑话。故选D。
【小题14】考查动词辨析。A度过;B交流;C分享;D谈论。“share with you”表示“与你们分享”。由下文作者举了一个老师讲过笑话可知,这里应为,与你们分享其中一个。故选C。
【小题15】考查代词辨析。A任何事,用于否定句中;B什么都没有;C所以的事;D一些事,用于肯定句中;“He said that he was able to do____and finally made a conclusion that he was rather untalented. ”表示“他说他可能做……,最后做了一个总结说他自己缺乏才能。”后文“Innocence is the virtue(美德) for____”可知,女子无才便是德。所以应是他说他可能做不了任何事。故选B。
【小题16】考查动词短语。A站起来;B走向……;C打破……;D推开……。“After hearing that,Stone____the teacher's desk and said an old saying”表示“在听完之后,老师走向讲台然后说了一句老话”。结合语境,此处应填走向讲台。故选B。
【小题17】考查人称代词辨析。A男人;B学生;C女人;D老师。“Innocence is the virtue(美德) for women.”这是一句俗语“女子无才便是德”。这是一个笑话,那个学生是一个很帅的男生,但老师却把这句话用在他身上,所以学生才会哄堂大笑。故选C。
【小题18】考查名词辨析。A心;B生命;C学校;D世界。由文中“Although I met several good teachers when I was in the high school and during my college,“a crazy stone” is the best teacher in my____”可知,虽然我遇到过很多好老师,但在我心里,“疯狂的石头”是最好的那个。故选A。
【小题20】考查动词辨析。A忽视;B克服;C逃脱;D面对。文中“It was she that educated me how to fight for success and____difficulties”表达的意思是“正是她教会我如何取得成功克服困难”。结合文意,此处应是克服困难。故选B。