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Leadership Training on the Importance of Cooperation
As we all know in order for a team to be successful they need to be able to effectively work together. Without cooperation within the team all of us members won’t be able to function at their fullest potential. And as a leader it would be your job to achieve cooperation within the whole team for only through this will you be able to achieve your goal with your team. This article will be helping you discover ways to bring out cooperation from the whole team. This would be teaching you on how to work with people through partnership which is based on mutual trust and respect. These are the vital things needed for the development of cooperation and teamwork which you need to focus in your leadership training.
Be loyal to your team
An organization is divided into two groups, the employees and the management. Most of the times the interests of the two groups don't go together and as a leader you would commonly be caught in between. You are a member of the management but you are working hand in hand with the employees. You also need to show concern for your team. Be on their side yet not compromising the management’s side. Let them understand that you know where they’re coming from. Through this you will gain their loyalty which is the basic component of cooperation.
Gain their trust
Gaining the trust of your members doesn't only give the chance to develop cooperation within the team. It also gives you the chance to gain loyalty from them. By gaining their loyalty they will be able to follow you without hesitation and doubt. However, gaining a person’s trust is more easily said than done but the most important thing required to gain a person’s trust is being genuine and consistent. Be always fair on all your members at all times.
Don't make them feel you’re just after your gains
In building a connection with your team, you should always make them feel that you’re not just using them for your own gains. You should learn that people don't like the feeling of being used by others. They would be discouraged and would tend not to do their best if they feel that way. You should make them feel that you’re pushing them not only for your own gains but also for their benefits. Avoid making them feel that you are just using them for your own reasons.
A team won’t ever be successful without teamwork and cooperation. Therefore as a leader try your very best to inspire teamwork on your team. Be a role model to your team and always show them that you are a team player. This would greatly encourage your team to follow your example.
【小题1】考查名词。achieve success:获得成功。故该空填“成功”的名词形式success作动词achieve的宾语。
【小题2】考查动词。根据文章Be loyal to your team部分中“Most of the times the interests of the two groups don't go together and as a leader you would commonly be caught in between.”可知,作为领导你大多数情况都不能平衡雇员和管理层的平衡,故该空填动词fail. fail to do sth:“不能成功地做成某事”。
【小题3】考查名词。根据文章Be loyal to your team部分中“You also need to show concern for your team.”你需要关心你的团队,故该空填“关心”的名词:concern作show的宾语。
【小题4】考查动词。根据文章Gain their trust部分中“By gaining their loyalty they will be able to follow you without hesitation and doubt.”可知,赢得了信任后,他们会毫不犹豫地也根本不会怀疑地跟着你一起。故该空应填动词“犹豫”hesitate作谓语。
【小题5】考查形容词。根据文章Gain their trust部分中“However, gaining a person’s trust is more easily said than done”可知,赢得一个人的信任并不容易,故该空填easy,和空前not一起,译为“不易”。
【小题6】考查副词。根据文章Gain their trust部分中“the most important thing required to gain a person’s trust is being genuine and consistent. Be always fair on all your members at all times.”可知,该空应填副词“公平地”fairly修饰动词treat.
【小题7】考查名词。根据文章Don't make them feel you’re just after your gains部分中“you should always make them feel that you’re not just using them for your own gains.”可知不要让他们觉得你是在利用他们追逐你的利益。且take advantage of:利用。故该空填名词advantage.
【小题9】考查动词。根据文章Don't make them feel you’re just after your gains部分中“They would be discouraged and would tend not to do their best if they feel that way. ”可知,一旦你让他们觉得你是在利用他们追逐你的利益时,他们会气馁,会消极怠工。且discourage/stop/prevent/keep…doing…:“阻止…做…”,故该空填动词discourage/stop/prevent/keep。
【小题10】考查名词。根据文章的最后一段中“Be a role model to your team and always show them that you are a team player. This would greatly encourage your team to follow your example.”可知,你应该成为你团队的成员的值得效仿的榜样。set an example:“树立榜样”,故该空填名词“例子”:example.