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To be confident
Confidence of success is almost success. Here’s how to believe in yourself.
Remember that everyone struggles with confidence. Some people are good at hiding it, but nearly every person has struggled with his or her self-confidence at one point.  【小题1】
Accept compliment(恭维;敬意) politely. When someone compliments you, make eye contact, smile, and say “thank you”. It shows that you’re polite and have a secure sense of self-worth. If you’re still uncomfortable taking compliments, try giving one back after you’ve accepted one.  【小题2】  
【小题3】That’s a simple and an effective psychological technique to become confident. When you are talking louder you are sending the signal that you are confident, and as you make it as a habit you will feel more confident. But don’t be dominating(专横的).
Look the part. Or, as the saying goes, “Fake it till you make it.” 【小题4】   Devote a little time each day to make sure you’re presenting yourself well. Keep your shoulders back, walk with purpose instead of dragging your feet, and sit up straight. Smile and make eye contact. It’s a small change, but it can work wonders on what other people think of you.
Develop your interests. If there’s a sport or hobby you’ve always wanted to be good at, now’s the time! Improving your skills will show that you are talented, and make you confident. Learn a musical instrument or a foreign language; take up an art form like painting----whatever it is that catches your interest.   【小题5】     Remember that learning is a process, and you’re in it for the small victories and the relaxing time, not to be the best ever.
A.Make a list.
B.You’re not alone!
C.Talk a little louder.
D.Stop comparing yourself with everyone else.
E. Don’t get discouraged if you’re not immediately awesome.
F. This can help you feel like the score is “even” and you haven’t been too prideful.
G. If you know that you look like a confident person, eventually you’ll start to feel it, too.
【小题1】根据第二段Remember that everyone struggles with confidence.可知每个人都在为自信的问题烦恼着,绝不是你一个人的事情,故选B。
【小题3】由下文When you are talking louder you are sending the signal that you are confident可知,当大声谈话时会让自己更有自信,故选C。
【小题4】根据下文Devote a little time each day to make sure you’re presenting yourself well.是说每天花出一点时间确信能够给别人展现自己自信的一面,与G选项中把让自己看起来自信并让自己感觉到自己很自信与之呼应,故选G。
【小题5】根据下文Remember that learning is a process记住学习是一个过程,说明变得非常自信不是一朝一夕的过程,不能气馁,故选E。