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Try imagining what the world will be like in the year 3000. Some serious thinkers are starting to imagine just that.
Bart: I don’t know that present-day electronic chips are, but some sort of chips — I’d guess maybe plastic. Our three-pound brain is definitely a wonder, perhaps the greatest wonder of natural biology. In this coming century, we’ll be re-engineering the brain a piece at a time, first with implants(植入物) and finally engineering an complete replacement. There’s no question that in the distant future we’ll play the music of the mind on instruments different from the current ones. So, yes, chips are our destiny (命运).
Edward: In 3000 perhaps the biggest difference from today is that there will be no more men. Females can have female children, without any need for men. In about ten years, we’ll find the cocktail that women can take to have female children. There’ll be no need for men at all.
Greg: What is Heaven? Heaven’s a place where you can create worlds at will, and the ideal Heaven is where you run the whole thing yourself. The current means of getting to Heaven involve various supernatural systems for which, at this point, there’s no scientific evidence. So I think we can reduce Heaven to an engineering project which we’re doing. The demand for Heaven is great—witness the desire of every human heart, from the people who built the ancient pyramids to modern society, to live beyond one’s given time. Our plan is to change human consciousness from the brain to bits of information in a computer chip, or some other kind of computational medium, so that just by thinking we’ll be able to create our own personal world. And I think the first stage of Heaven will be the feeling world, and beyond that I think we’d find a higher, more spiritual plane.
【小题1】According to Bart, the brain may be the greatest wonder in the future because _______.
A.it may weigh as much as 3 pounds
B.it may be driven by plastic chips
C.it may be replaced by robots
D.it may play the music of the mind
【小题2】What does Bart refer to by saying “chips are our destiny”?
A.Chips are our last choice in the future.
B.Chips are on the way to controlling mind.
C.Chips are the production of future technology.
D.Chips are the implants in the distant future.
【小题3】In 3000, what about the population of the world?
A.It will be all made up of females.
B.It will be larger than that of present.
C.It will mainly consists of children.
D.It will be reduced by a drink of cocktail.
【小题4】According to Greg, Heaven in the future is a place where ________.
A.your scientific idea exists
B.you have once traveled
C.your own thought travels
D.your material world is formed
试题分析: 公元3000的生活将是什么样子,三个严肃的思考者给出了他们的想法。
【小题1】B 推断题。根据第二段提到I don’t know that present-day electronic chips are, but some sort of chips — I’d guess maybe plastic. Our three-pound brain is definitely a wonder, perhaps the greatest wonder of natural biology.可知大脑可能是塑料芯片的,故选B项。
【小题2】A 细节理解题。根据第二段提到There’s no question that in the distant future we’ll play the music of the mind on instruments different from the current ones. So, yes, chips are our destiny在遥远的将来,我们将弹奏音乐在我们的思想中而不是现在的乐器中,故选A项。
【小题3】A 推断题。根据第三段提到In 3000 perhaps the biggest difference from today is that there will be no more men. Females can have female children, without any need for men.可知最大的不同是,女性可以不用男性而生孩子,故选A项。
【小题4】C 推断题。根据最后一段提到What is Heaven? Heaven’s a place where you can create worlds at will, and the ideal Heaven is where you run the whole thing yourself天堂就是你创造力的世界,故选C项。