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care,   graduate,   laugh,  persuade,   purpose,    ruin,   concern, bury ,    frighten,
tire,   attitude,   set,   determine,  shock,   suffer,  come,    judge ,   prefer
【小题1】Several suggestions ____ up at the meeting.
【小题2】We were _____ about his health, while he was _____ in his work.
【小题3】He _____ down what he sees in the zoo every day.
【小题4】When we heard the interesting story, we all burst into _______.
【小题5】What is your ______ towards the plan ?
【小题6】My sister doesn’t _____ about the details.
【小题7】_____ from what he said, he is probably not an honest man.
【小题8】She gave me a ______ look----the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind.
【小题9】After ___ from the college, he ___ from heart trouble ,and he had to take medicine wherever he went.
【小题10】I have ______ him to give up smoking, now he is more healthier.
【小题11】I didn’t do it on ______,it was an accident.
【小题12】The boys were _____ of listening to the same thing again and again.
【小题13】The houses across the street are in ______,but they were in good conditions a few years ago.
【小题14】He _____ to go shopping rather than stay at home on weekends.
【小题15】It was a ______ news and we all got _____.
【小题2】concerned, buried
【小题9】graduating, suffered
【小题15】shocking/frightening, frightened/shocked
【小题1】came  动词短语come up出现,该短语没有被动语态也没有进行时。句意:在会议上出现了几个建议。
【小题2】concerned, buried  固定搭配be concerned about担心,关心;be buried in忙于;句意:当他忙于工作的时候,他很担心自己的健康。
【小题3】sets动词短语set down写下,记下。句意:每天他都记录下在动物园里所看见的东西。
【小题4】laughter 固定搭配burst into laughter突然笑起来;句意:当我们听见那个有趣的故事时,我们都突然笑了起来。
【小题5】attitude 名词attitude与介词towards连用表示“对…的态度”。句意:你对这个计划的态度是什么?
【小题6】care 固定搭配care about关心,担心;句意:我姐姐不关心细节。
【小题7】Judging  固定搭配judging from/by…根据…判断;这是一个独立结构,不随任何形式变化。
【小题8】determined 过去分词转换的形容词常常修饰人或者与人有关的事物,本句中的look表情,是与人有关的,所以使用determined修饰。
【小题9】graduating, suffered  固定搭配graduate from…从…毕业;放在介词after后面要使用动名词的形式。第二空固定搭配suffer from患…病。
【小题10】persuaded  固定搭配persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事;句意:我已经说服他戒烟了,现在他更健康了。
【小题11】purpose 固定搭配on purpose故意地;句意:我不是故意做那件事情的,它是偶然地。
【小题12】tired  固定搭配be tired of厌倦…;对…厌烦。句意:那个男孩厌倦了一次又一次听同样的事情。
【小题13】ruins  固定搭配in ruins成为废墟;句意:街对面的房子成为废墟,但是几年之前他们状况很好。
【小题14】prefers 固定搭配prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事;句意:周末他宁愿去购物也不愿意待在家里。
【小题15】shocking/frightening, frightened/shocked 由分词转换成的形容词用法是形容词考查较多的内容。由过去分词转换的形容词常常用来修饰人或者与人有关的事物,如look, appearance等;由现在分词转换的形容词常常用来修饰事物。这样的形容词经常在句中做表语或者定语修饰名词,也可以在句中构成形容词短语对主句的情况进行说明。第一空使用shocking/frightening修饰news,第二空使用frightened/shocked说明人的情况。