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Youth sports teach kids to develop a winning state of mind as well as the ability to become team leaders. Although having      is a major part of athletics, the only purpose of sports is to compete and create the      mentality(心态)people need in sports.
     have the extremely hard task of getting their young athletes to learn how to play the sport and become disciplined, and ready to play the sport to the best of their ability.    , I was at my younger brother’s baseball game the other night and his team was       by five runs in the last part of the game. While most teams in this situation would be desperately trying to regain their      for heroics, his team just seemed to slowly walk around,      sunflower seeds, and laugh at jokes made by teammates. I asked my brother after the game why everybody was so      about the loss and he said it was because some kid’s mom brought really good snacks.
Some parents have a      with coaches shouting at their child. If a child makes a mistake, it is the coach’s      to correct the problem. When parents get involved in telling the coach how to      the team, problems     . Some parents feel if they pay their money, they should have an equal       on how to coach the team. In order to have a successful learning experience, the coach needs to feel like he can control his team and        the parents from having the last say. Without that, the coach feels as if he needs to     the parents by giving more playing time to their kids who actually don’t      it.
With youth sport programs becoming less competitive, club teams are on the     . More teens can get an easier access to them. Club teams     more of what high school and junior high coaches are looking for, the competitive edge that is absolutely necessary in      . While having fun is important, skills and a      mentality is worth more in the world of sports.
【小题1】A. fun  B. dignity C courage D. patience
A.As a resultB.In additionC.For exampleD.On the contrary
A.stand outB.break outC.work outD.come out
【小题1】 A 考查名词辨析。句意:尽管运动在很多程度上让人感觉快乐。此处最最好一句while having fun is importantA项符合语境。故A正确。Fun乐趣;dignity尊严;courage勇气;patience耐心。
【小题2】B 考查形容词辨析。句意:体育的唯一目的是竞争,并为人们创造在体育运动时所必备的那种竞争的心态。本句的and前面的os to compete与最后一段中的the competitive edge that is absolutely necessary相呼应。故B正确。Social社会的;competitive竞争的;healthy健康的;responsible尽责的。
【小题3】A 考查名词辨析。句意:教练需要让年轻人学会如何 运动,遵守纪律,并在运动中充分发挥自己的能力,这是一项极其艰巨的任务。故A正确。Coaches教练;Parents父母;Experts专家;Headmasters校长。
【小题4】C 考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如,一天晚上我去看弟弟的棒球比赛。作者提出做一名教练不容易,下文用一个例子来印证这个观点。故C正确。As a result结果;In addition另外;For example例如;On the contrary相反。
【小题5】D 考查介词辨析。句意:他们在比赛的后半场落后了5分;与本段最后一句中的about the loss相呼应。故D正确。Up在上面;below在下面;above超过;down落后。
【小题6】C 考查名词辨析。句意为:尽管大多数队伍在这种情况下会竭力振作起来(regain one's spirits),进行反击……由for bravery可知,此处应是一种“精神(spirit)”,故答案C符合文义。score得分;goal目标,进球;dream梦想,均不符合文义,故排除。
【小题7】B 考查动词辨析。句意:而他的队友们却慢慢地到处走动,嗑(spit吐)着瓜子,听其他队友讲的笑话,开心地笑着。chew咀嚼;spit吐;count数;swallow吞。根据句义说明B正确。
【小题8】D 考查形容词辨析。句意:赛后我问我弟弟,大家为什么对失败都无所谓(casual随意的)呢…根据上句中“his team just seemed to slowly walk around”所描述的弟弟们的队友们的态度可知D正确。Worried担心;happy快乐;serious严重;casual随便的。
【小题9】B 考查名词辨析。句意:一些家长对教练训孩子很是不满。B项和shouting at怒骂,训斥,相呼应。joke玩笑;contact联系;compromise妥协;根据句义说明B正确。
【小题10】A 考查名词辨析。句意:因为他们认为,如果孩子犯错了,教练有责任去纠正这些问题。experience经历;awareness意识;turn轮流。duty责任。根据句义说明A正确。
【小题11】C 考查动词辨析。句意:当父母亲开始干涉教练如何管理一个运动队的时候,与本段倒数第二句相呼应。dismiss解散;unite团结;handle处理;管理;assess评估;根据句意说明C正确。
【小题12】D 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:当父母开始干涉教练如何管理运动员时,长此以往,问题也就随之而来(come out)了。stand out出色,突出;break out爆发(一般指战争或者口角);work out锻炼身体,进展,均不符合文义,故排除。
【小题13】A 考查名词辨析。句意:一些父母亲认为如果他们付钱了,他们在运动队里就应该有同样的话语权say,与本段倒数第二句相呼应。故A正确。Say说;guidance指导;response回答;reward报答。
【小题14】D 考查动词辨析。句意:为了让队员有成功的学习经历,教练需要感觉到他能够掌控他的团队。不能让孩子的父母亲接入决定权。Discourage...from...打消...;protect保护;defend防御;excuse原谅。故D正确。
【小题15】C 考查动词辨析。句意:要不然地话,教练会认为自己好像需要给孩子们更多的时间来取悦他们的父母亲。assist帮助;motivate激励;blame责备。根据句义说明C正确。
【小题16】B 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指那些孩子实际上并不值得教练给他们更多的时间。与actually相呼应。故B正确。Want想;deserve值得;value价值;appreciate欣赏。
【小题17】D 考查名词辨析。句意:随着青年运动项目竞争不那么激励了,俱乐部的规模却在扩大(on the rise)。由下句的more teens can get an esier access to them可知D正确。
【小题18】A 考查动词辨析。句意为:俱乐部提供给(offer)初高中教练们更多他们一直追寻的东西……require要求;seek追求,寻找;preserve保护,均不符合文义,故排除。
【小题19】B 考查名词辨析。由文章主题:youth sports和第一段中“the only purpose of sports is to compete...”可知,此处指竞争性在体育运动中还是非常有必要的。故答案B符合文义。Academics学习;sports体育;exams考试;competitions比赛。
【小题20】C 考查形容词辨析。句意:尽管娱乐很重要,但是技能和追求胜利的精神在体育运动中更是有价值的。与文章第一句相呼应。故C正确。Risking冒险;controlling控制;winning获胜;cooperating合作。